Hi, Is there a way to insert an image (from either the image manager or with straight HTML) into the "Scoop" section of the News module article? I'm running News 1.3.1, and would like custom images to appear in front of each news item which is shown in a block on my home page.
Currently, it only allows for an image to be shown in the spolight feature, and the module removes that image once I update my news section.
Here is the code for the news_block_top.html:
<{if $block.current_is_spotlight}>
<{$block.spotlight.author}> <{$block.lang_on}> <{$block.spotlight.date}> <{if $block.use_rating}> - <{$block.spotlight.rating}>/10 (<{$block.spotlight.number_votes}>)<{/if}>, <{$block.spotlight.hits}> <{$block.lang_reads}>
<{foreach item=onesummary from=$block.smallheader}>
<{if $block.current_is_spotlight && $block.tabs.id==0}>
| <{$block.spotlight.topic_description}> |
<{$block.spotlight.title_with_link}> |
<{$block.spotlight.image}> |
<{$block.spotlight.text}> |
<{foreach item=onenews from=$block.spotlight.news}>
<{$onenews.date}> - <{$onenews.title_with_link}>
<{$block.topic_description}> |
<{foreach item=onenews from=$block.news}>
<{$block.lang_on}> <{$onenews.date}> - <{if $block.use_rating}> <{$onenews.rating}>/10
(<{$onenews.number_votes}>)<{/if}>, <{$onenews.hits}> <{$block.lang_reads}>
<{/foreach}> <{/if}>
<{if $block.spotlight}>
| <{$block.spotlight.topic_description}> |
<{$block.spotlight.title}> <{$block.spotlight.author}> <{if $block.sort=='counter'}> (<{$block.spotlight.hits}>) <{elseif $block.sort=='published'}> (<{$block.spotlight.date}>) <{else}> (<{$block.spotlight.rating}>) <{/if}> | <{$block.spotlight.image}> | <{$block.spotlight.text}> | <{if $block.spotlight.read_more}> <{$block.lang_read_more}>
<{/if}> |
<{foreach item=news from=$block.stories}> <{if $news.id != $block.spotlight.id}>
><{$news.title}> - <{if $block.sort=='counter'}> [<{$news.hits}>] <{elseif $block.sort=='published'}> [<{$news.date}>] <{else}> [<{$news.rating}>] <{/if}>
<{$news.teaser}> |