The XoopsMailer class builds upon the powerful phpmailer email class - this can be used to send emails as text, html or with multipart attachments.
The default setting for content-type in that class is "text/plain" which is why all XOOPS mails go out as text.
I did a quick hack to allow me to control the content-type setting per instance of using the XoopsMailer. So say for most emails being sent out (like forgot password, change email etc) they could appear as text, but if I wanted to have the "Mail Users" admin function send emails as html, I did the following hacks.
1. edit class/xoopsmailer.php and at line 96 (just above var $subject) add a contentType variable
// private
var $contentType;
2. in the same file around line 209 (just above setSubject())
// public
function setContentType($value)
if ($value) $this->contentType = trim($value);
3. in the same file around line 399 (just after ($this->encoding)
$this->multimailer->ContentType = $this->contentType;
4. Now depending on what module you are using for sending emails to users, you add a couple of fields to your $xoopsMailer instance.
e.g. for sending html emails using the main "Mail Users" administration function, edit this file:
At line 157 (just after $xoopsMailer =& getMailer();)
add this lines:
$xoopsMailer->assign('X_SITENAME', $xoopsConfig['sitename']);
$xoopsMailer->assign('X_SITEURL', XOOPS_URL."/");
$xoopsMailer->assign('X_MESSAGE', $myts->oopsStripSlashesGPC($_POST['mail_body']));
What Im doing here is setting the ContentType to be text/html. Then using a mail template I created called 'mailusers.tpl'. This template (stored in language/english/mail_template/) is essentially a html file containing my website header and footer, as well as XOOPS placeholders for the content of the email (X_MESSAGE) and Name of the website.
This would be a simple example of that template:
Please do not reply to this message.
5. Implement a html editor for creating the body of the email like inbetween or fckeditor. For the "Mail Users" function, you would edit modules/system/admin/mailusers/mailform.php
then uncomment line 82 ($body_text = new XoopsFormTextArea ......)
and put this call to the Inbetween editor instead
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopseditor/inbetween/forminbetweentextarea.php";
$body_text = new XoopsFormInbetweenTextArea(array('caption'=> $body_caption, 'name'=>'description', 'value'=>$mail_body, 'width'=>'100%', 'height'=>'250px'),true));
I realise some other people on the forums are working on coming up with a full newsletter module but I needed a solution now rather than later for a website I was creating. I cant guarantee that the above code will cause problems somewhere along the line or if there is even a better approach. Most likely certain people using plain text email clients might have problems viewing emails, and also AOL users (html links need to be done a different way). If looking for a more solid approach you would have to hack the xoopsmailer further, and implement some other phpmailer calls also wouldnt be that difficult to implement the above hack for the evennews module.