multiMenu SiteMap problem
  • 2006/1/12 0:35

  • zzzzsg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2005/12/22

Sitemap not working?
hi Everybody

I installed m_xoops_v2.2.x_multiMenu_1.7 pm XOOPS 2.2.3.

Everything seems great except for SiteMap (modules/multiMenu/index.php).

On the SiteMap page, everything is jumbled up and there is a statement "*To edit this text, go in the module settings.". But there is module settings in the Administration Menu->Modules. And the module preferences also has no settings for Sitemap.

How can I create and configure a site map for my site similar to the site of this wolfpackclan site?

Thank you very much in anticipation.


Re: multiMenu SiteMap problem

In Preferences - Multimenu you will see a setting for "Introduction text

Insert here the text to display in the index page" second entry down. Change the text in the text box for the introduction in the sitemap.

Re: multiMenu SiteMap problem
  • 2006/1/12 19:41

  • zzzzsg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 86

  • Since: 2005/12/22

Thank you very much for the quick reply.

I was aware of the introduction text. I am referring to the site map itself.

How do I configure the sitemap?

This is how the Site Map looks like: (click below)

Resized Image

Screenshot of my website

Thank you once again.



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