2.2.3a -- Signature Bug in newbb
  • 2005/11/7 22:07

  • CoolPops

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 65

  • Since: 2003/4/9 1

The signature of a member is processed once and it appears OK the first time, however, the second time it is sanatizing the already sanatized signature causing all havoc to be released when the user's signature contains bbcode.

Around line 276 in newbb/viewtopic.php it contains:

$post_text .= "<p><br />----------------<br />". $myts->makeTareaData4Show($myts->makeTareaData4Show($eachposter->getvar('user_sig', 'N'), 0, 1, 1)."</p>";

makeTareaData4Show takes a reference to the text, therefore any changes made to it is made also to the source. Therefore, it's being processed twice.

I made the simplest change I could to make it work, and it was simply:

$sig = $eachposter->getVar('user_sig', 'N');
$post_text .= "<p><br />----------------<br />". $myts->makeTareaData4Show($sig, 0, 1, 1)."</p>";

This obviously causes it not to be processed twice because no reference is back to the original source of the variable. This fixes the bug. The core developers may have a better way as I am not super familure with the text sanatization code.

Oh, the same code appears again around line 322. I say around because I did not look at the line numbers before I started editing the code to add my own lines, sorry.



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