News 1.4 Vets
  • 2005/11/4 4:44

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30


I recently grabbed the News 1.4 and loaded it on my test box to get familar with it and to eventually move over to the main site. I like the titles as well as being able to add Meta's per article. That was a GREAT IDEA putting that in, Props!

I loaded the module and did the upgrade instructions - worked fine.

Problem is - blocks. I have modified the blocks heavily and expected some problems getting them back to the way "I" want them to display, but not what I'm running into.

When I opened up the "recent news" block's - wow. lots of stuff/options. Good stuff, but I don't need it or want it. And, for some reason, no matter what I do to the dang template it's still wants to do what it wants.

Is there a way I can add the old recent news block back into the mix? (assuming starting with the version.php) or maybe add a dummy file to make my own template/block?

Frustrated - but not beat.

Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
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Re: News 1.4 Vets
  • 2005/11/4 10:08

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

Another Q. Can i take the 800+ lines of style instructions for this BLOCK out of TEMPLATE and put it in the style.css? Is all of 2.2.3 like this?

/me hugs
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: News 1.4 Vets

Is all of 2.2.3 like this?

Not following you. News 1.4 hasn't really much to do with 2.2.3 specifically and no, all of XOOPS 2.2.3 is not with 800+ CSS lines inside the templates.

On the contrary, XOOPS 2.2.3 allows blocks and modules to add CSS stylesheet files to the page instead of manipulating with template variables like $xoops_module_header or including CSS directly in the templates.
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Re: News 1.4 Vets
  • 2005/11/4 10:44

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30


Mithrandir wrote:
Is all of 2.2.3 like this?

Not following you. News 1.4 hasn't really much to do with 2.2.3 specifically and no, all of XOOPS 2.2.3 is not with 800+ CSS lines inside the templates.

On the contrary, XOOPS 2.2.3 allows blocks and modules to add CSS stylesheet files to the page instead of manipulating with template variables like $xoops_module_header or including CSS directly in the templates.

Excuse my ignorance regarding 2.2+. I havent touched it as I was waiting for things to cool down as well as waiting for it to stretch it's legs a bit.

That's welcomed news. I was shaking my head saying they can't be doing this.

By all means, there was no offense meant towards 1.4 - it has some great features, I just think someone needed to pull the reins back at a point.

I guess the easiest method is i'll just make a quick blocks module instead of slicing this up, pull all the unnecessary stuff out of news_top.php ... and so on.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs


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