[XOOPS 2.2.3a-Final]
Ok, this one is driving me nuts.
I "cloned" the default theme by making a copy of the themes/default/ directory with a different name (call it "newtheme"). That much is no problem, I can select the new theme and make
some changes to it.
But I'm trying to modify the template themes/newtheme/navigaton/theme_usernav.html, to add a link or button to the top bar that contains the User Actions menu.
Changes I make to that file do not show up in the compiled template, or in the generated HTML. In the system module's preferences, I have "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?" set to "Yes".
I've tried deleting all the files in templates_c/.
Caching is off.
I can't find any traces of that template in the database; I've searched the database, and dumped it to an .sql file and searched that.
What's going on?