I'm testing XOOPS 2.2.3 on localhost but it seems it has some problems with a module that I use on my site.
It is a customized version of th original Sections shipped with the 2.0 core. I have modified it a lot but with XOOPS 2.0.13 i works perfectly on my site.
Here some details of the problem.
There is a page of the module, actually inde.php, that use differents templates using a $op variable.
For example if $op="print" it shows up the print page, if it is "listsections" it lists the sections, ecc.. Each page is generated by a function.
This is the error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in c:\programmi\easyphp1-8\www\xoops-2.2.2\modules\sections\index.php on line 44
The non-object is $xoopsTpl. If I add it to global variables of the functions the error disappear but the template is also not loading ( as I see in the Smarty debug ).
Do you know if XOOPS 2.2 changes something with xoopsTpl?
Also, do you know if there's a document where I can find the differences from XOOPS 2.0 to 2.2 from a module develloping point of view?
Fiuu, I used al my English skills to write down this post
I hope someone is gonna reply me
thank you!