Well, heres the thingy:
I try to sign up at a test site i've installed.
I have Postnuke as a primary site. But i want to switch to xoops.
Userregistration in postuke works well with the email verify thing, but not in Xoops.
I've tried php mail(), /usr/bin/sendmail (yes its there), SMTP direct to my ISP.
My ISP is Bredbandsbolaget in sweden, and their smtp is:
the PHP.INI are set to smtp.bredband.net (and works with every other application i've written)
And the sendmail.cf is relaying to smtp.bredband.net and all direct access to sendmail are relayed to smtp.bredband.net with no errors. Cause i have a mailserver up that uses sendmail.cf and sendmail as SMTP.
But i cant do nothing with the XOOPS 2.2.2 version.
I cant get one clue from the system what can be wrong, i tried to mail all users (have created 3 user within the admin GUI, with 3 diffrent emailadresses) and NONE deliverd correctly.
So i've searched this forum and the only respons i got is:
"update to 2.2.2 and u should be ok"
But if i already have 2.2.2, what then?
Any help would be more than appreciated.
(I know i aint XOOPS guru, so i may have done something wrong, feel free to ask and give me pointers, sarkasm can i live without..)