what is the exactly problem?
you can see your articles in wfsection, dont sound like a problem?
do you only have installed the original wf-section? or you have installed the original wf-section and your clone?
do you mean that you can see all wf-section articles in your clone?
take a look at your clone if you have changed all sql connections, if wf-section 1.0 uses the permission-system from XOOPS you have to look if you also changes this.
i'am not sure if it uses it.
here is a sample code of pd-downloads, so you see how such a permission-system connection could look like
if ($gperm_handler->checkRight("PDDownCatPerm", $ele['cid'] , $groups, $xoopsModule->getVar('mid')))
this is a check for the permission from the index.php file.
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