Repeating Form Elements in Liase and Formulaire
  • 2005/7/16 0:06

  • rdsantee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/7/15

I'm able to successfully install and configure feedback forms in both Liase 1.23 and Formulaire on my localhost (Windows XP) but when I try to use these modules on my remote host (powweb servers) all forms show up with the last element repeating for as many times as their are elements in the form (and all other elements are hidden).

I've diffed the files and the databases betweeen local and remote servers but can't find anything different. I'm using XOOPS 2.0.10, PHP 4.3.7 (locally) and I believe the remote hosting is using PHP 4.4.0.

Any ideas on how to debug and is there any doc on how XoopsForms work?


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