Xoops Multi-langages is still in "patchwork" domain!
For example, i'm testing it on a site with English, Français, Italiano e Portugues. When you'll try to publish an article with a title like this,
[en ]This text is in english[ /en]
[fr ]Ceci est un texte en français[ /fr]
[it ]Questo é un testo in italiano[ /it]
[pt ]Isto é um texto em portugues[ /pt]
You'll understand quickly where the limits are !
I'm using the following solution :
The Easiest Multi-Language Hack (EMLH) 1.21(one only file to configure)
++ Module to admin languages
Site Language++ Module to translate
Language Tool++ Creation of one html block, Module+Hack
<a href=?easiestml_lang=en&lg=english>ena>
<a href=?easiestml_lang=fr&lg=english>fra>
I've been testing two solutions, the one from Marcan - Smartlanguages - but it requires to much hacks to the core, and this one from GIJOE et Rowd! The last one is really the easiest and completely one with less issues to update.
maybe your site structure will allow you to use a module like "News" and create topics and subtopics for English, German, etc languages! ..
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