NewBB2 Not Displaying...
  • 2005/3/30 3:19

  • zimmi88

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 57

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

I'm having troubles with NewBB 2.0.2 Final. I did a fresh install of the module on my site and found that the board won't display at all. I've checked to see that the templates are generated, which they are, and that permissions are all set correctly, which they are also. What's funny is that I can totally admin the board, I just can't see it. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!
-zimmi88 =)

other info:
Running 2.0.10 beta 3

Re: NewBB2 Not Displaying...

In the admin for each forum at the bottom are a series of permissions, check your view permissions there.

See this Flash Tutorial and see if you may have missed something simple.

Re: NewBB2 Not Displaying...
  • 2005/3/30 4:45

  • zimmi88

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 57

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

I've rechecked all the access privleges and they are set correctly. I also checked all the flash tutorials to ensure I followed the right steps during installation and setup. However, the problem is persisting.
-zimmi88 =)

Well, i tried reinstalling the module and it seems to be starting to work fine now. thanks for the help.
I spoke too soon... now the landing page for the forums will display, but if you click on a board, you get taken to an empty page with columns on the sides, but nothing in the middle. Does anyone know how to fix this?


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