I developed my XOOPS site in a /public_html/dev folder, and then wanted to migrate it to just /public_html. After reading through the forums, I came upon
this posting, which directed me to change the physical path and virtual path in mainfile.php after moving my files (example below)
// XOOPS Physical Path
// Physical path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/home/yoursite/public_html');
// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://yoursite.org');
I did that, and the site came up. But there were weird characters where text used to be. For example, dates were appearing as (_th06+0000RUTCMonAMUTCEthUTCR0N6), etc.
Looks like my SQl database didn't like the move. These other folks had success. I am wondering if I am missing something?