It's all in Block Administration for the Partners Block.
You can set the display limits there, NOT the Module Administration.
For centering, you'll have to edit the template (also in block administration for the block and change this.
<{foreach item=partner from=$block.partners}>
<a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/xoopspartners/vpartner.php?id=<{$partner.id}>" target="_blank">
<{if $partner.image != ""}>
<img src="<{$partner.image}>" width="102" height="47" border="0" alt="<{$partner.url}>" <{$block.fadeImage}> /><br />
<{if $block.insertBr != ""}>
<br />
<br />
to this
<{foreach item=partner from=$block.partners}>
<a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/xoopspartners/vpartner.php?id=<{$partner.id}>" target="_blank">
<{if $partner.image != ""}>
<img [color=FF0000]align="center"[/color] src="<{$partner.image}>" width="[color=FF0000]102[/color]" height="[color=FF0000]47[/color]" border="0" alt="<{$partner.url}>" <{$block.fadeImage}> /><br />
<{if $block.insertBr != ""}>
<br />
<br />
Accordingly, adjust your Width and Hieght attributes there.
I don't know if my advice is 100% accurate though so proceed at your own risk