Module installed with no errors so I started entering definitions (about 125 of them) with categories turned off. I checked out the module and noticed that if I click on an entry, the definition is blank.
With PHP error reporting on, I get the following errors:
Warning [PHP]: Unknown modifier 'T' in file modules/wordbook/entry.php line 126
Warning [PHP]: Unknown modifier 'T' in file modules/wordbook/entry.php line 132
Warning [PHP]: Unknown modifier 'T' in file modules/wordbook/entry.php line 138
In file entry.php, this is the entry that appears for all 3 lines:
$parts[$key] = preg_replace($search_term, $replace_term, $parts[$key]);
Also, would anyone know how to change the default search from terms, to terms and definitions?
Appreciate any help on this.