Blackpet hello,
I'm Greek too and a long time XOOPS user. I've worked on a Greek translation of XOOPS 2.x myself but gave up due to lack of free time. Right now, I'm in Italy (Florence) where I'm studuying so it's difficult for me to continue working on that.
As far as this issue is concerned, did you translate the modules language files as well? If not, you will have to do that also, in order for every module to display the Greek character set (ISO-8859-7) properly. To do that you will simply have to create a /language/greek directory inside your modules' ones.
If you've done that already and it didn't work, I don't know what else to suggest

Currently I'm running a site in English only (see my sig), so Greek isn't an option. PM me here or better yet at my site for more info

Xairetismous apo Italia!