What is MRBS?
MRBS is a free, GPL, web application using PHP and MySQL/pgsql for booking meeting rooms. It's similar in concept to Netscape Calendar, but much cheaper!

Some features of the xoops port

Based on MRBS Meeting Room Booking System 1.4 beta2 SVN 963
Porting was done by using the 'old' porting code from bluetopia

Web/Intranet based - Available from any workstation through a Browser
Simple to follow, Web based options and intuitive presentation using css
Flexible Repeating Bookings
Authentication with your existing Xoops user database
Ensures that conflicting entries cannot be entered
Reporting mailoption for create / edit /remove of bookings
Selectable DAY / WEEK / MONTH views
Multiple languages supported (translated to Catalan, Czech, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish)

Tested on Xoops 2.3.x and 2.0.x


Install like any other xoops modules
All configuration settings must be done in config.inc.php


System Requirements:

Other files by: jobrazo

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


I was waiting for this module for ages! I hope you will fix sttings so that they can be made from admin instead of editing confog file....

Thanks again for the great job...


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Demo HERE !


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

I don't have a demo but you can see the old version (not XOOPS related) here http://mrbs.sourceforge.net/mrbs/

Or the new (xoops) version http://www.xoopsdemos.com.ar/modules/mrbs/


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Be careful with the stylesheet.
On the demo website, the mrbs.css.php is not applied under Firefox.

You need to remove the title attribute in style.inc

<link rel="stylesheet" href="mrbs.css.php" media="all" type="text/css">


I'll post my own version of xoops_mrbs 1.4b2 soon.


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Here's my "xoopsed" version of MRBS 1.4b2.

Original project : http://sourceforge.net/projects/mrbs/

And here's the list of all modified files
Resized Image
You can search these terms in these files, to see which changes I made : xoops - blueteen

The username is available on the booking.
Resized Image
You can click on the username to access to the profile.

I use only 2 mini-calendars (instead of 3 by default).
Resized Image

See mincals.inc (line 255) to restore the 3rd calendar.

Under IE, it seems that this version of MRBS is too slow.
So you can change the value in config.inc.php (line 201).

$javascript_cursor FALSE;

Works fine under FF3, IE7 and Google Chrome.
If set to 'TRUE', MRBS is buggy under CHROME, and really too slow under IE.

Be careful, with this version (1.4b2), the printable version is no longer available (I hope that this feature will be back soon).

You can install this archive as every module.
But you must change manually some value in config.inc.php (this file is well commented out).

Works fine under XOOPS and 2.3.1


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

I ported the latest MRBS build to XOOPS because the one from bluetopia (with is still in use on our site) doesn't run proper on XOOPS 2.3
I made it public based on demand after heavy testing it with IE7, FF3 and XOOPS 2.0.x and 2.3.x

Blueteen your version uses more up to date PHP instructions and also adds a few 'personal' things and has some bugfixes (Firefox CSS and conflict with extcal module).
I don't clame ownership of this module but i believe that for the intrest of the community it is better that only one version is made availible to the public.

My time is limited but if you send me a PM we might work together to make one version with all the goodies inside?

My build presents the realname for the booker yours the nickname. Perhaps in a common version we can show them both?

Switching to the new version on our site is not yet possible because of many personal modifications like:

Different config settings for each area
Different config settings for users and admin
Highly modified entry form (much less options, easier to submit).
Timelimit for making bookings.
Some off these options might intrest other users?

PS: Blueteen
You forgot to modify a part in functions_mail.inc. The one that starts with if (MAIL_BOOKER)


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Hi, I posted my version of mrbs as I use it.
I do not intend to cause trouble, just to share my own changes
Every change is commented, and I let everyone the opportunity to recover interesting changes.

Of course, a unique merged version containing all our options, would be a plus for the community.

I use my own version of MRBS since blutopia disappeared from the net.
Until yesterday, I used the version

Thank you for pointing me out to functions_mail.inc for mrbs 1.4

As my time is limited too, I think I will wait for the final version of MRBS before reworking on the code.

I encourage people to download jobrazo's version.


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


I think I will wait for the final version of MRBS

Agree, also my idea.
I do not intend to cause trouble

Your input is positive and constructing.
I encourage people to download jobrazo's version

I will rework this build with some of your modifications, but for major changes i will wait for a stable MRBS release.


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Hello, i made some changes in functions_mail.inc

All works fine if MAIL_BOOKER is set to TRUE in config.inc.php

The archive was updated.
You'll see my changes for the MAIL_BOOKER section.

I added a new variable in config.inc.php

$db_users_mail  XOOPS_DB_PREFIX "_users";

I use this to get member's email.
The new code is :
$sql "SELECT email FROM $db_users_mail WHERE uid='";
$sql .= ($new_entry) ? $create_by $mail_previous['createdby'];

Instead of original code
$sql "SELECT email FROM $tbl_users WHERE name='";
$sql .= ($new_entry) ? $create_by $mail_previous['createdby'];

I use UID instead uname.

I changed another thing : by default, the subject was always

Entry added/changed for $mrbs_company MRBS

Because of this code
$subject get_mail_vocab("mail_subject_entry");
  if (
$body get_mail_vocab("mail_body_new_entry") . "\n\n";
$body get_mail_vocab("mail_body_changed_entry") . "\n\n";

I use now this code
if ($new_entry)
$subject get_mail_vocab("mail_subject_entry_new");
$body get_mail_vocab("mail_body_new_entry") . "\n\n";
$subject get_mail_vocab("mail_subject_entry_modif");
$body get_mail_vocab("mail_body_changed_entry") . "\n\n";

I added 2 new variables to the file "lang.en"

$vocab["mail_subject_entry_new"] = "Entry added for $mrbs_company MRBS";
$vocab["mail_subject_entry_modif"] = "Entry changed for $mrbs_company MRBS";

The mail subject is now clear, an entry was : created OR added.

I think that i found a bug.
When changing a room for a booking, the mail contained something like this

Room : 2 (Room1) - Subroom2 (Subroom1)

We see the new room's id instead the room's name.
I changed a line in the file : edit_entry_handler.php (line 455)
$area_name $row['area_name'];

Instead of
$area_name $row['area_id'];

And now, I can see this in the mail :

Room : Room2 (Room1) - Subroom2 (Subroom1)

We should maybe open a dedicated topic in the forum ?


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Hi Blueteen
Someone has been bussy


I use this to get member's email

I replaced almost everything with this
// xoops
$poster = new XoopsUser($create_by);
$recipients .= $poster->email();
// In case $recipients is empty, no need to go further

2 new variables to the file lang.en

I will add them to the other language files.

maybe open a dedicated topic

Yep probably better. I leave that to you.
I might not be around for a couple of days (exam period).


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

MRBS 1.4 is final http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=893930


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Yes, I see for your code, i personnaly prefer change less code as possible.

Can I suggest something to your code ?
I see this code on multiple file in your archive.

include "trailer.inc";

There's an easy way to do this :
add this line directly in trailer.inc

echo "
n";  // end of links div
echo "
n";  // end of viewmonth
echo "
n";  // end of "classic" trailer

Only one file to modify

Good luck for exam !


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


I see this code on multiple file in your archive

Like i already said, your coding is more up to date then mine.

Good luck for exam

Not me, that time has passed. It's my sons turn now.


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Great news for mrbs 1.4 !

I'll inform the author about room's name bug (display of id instead name).

Done : http://mrbs.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mrbs/mrbs/trunk/web/edit_entry_handler.php?revision=973&view=markup


 Update for MRBS module

New build for the MRBS module.

Based on MRBS 1.4 Final SVN 980
FIXED - CSS problem with firefox (blueteen)
FIXED - possible conflict with other calendar modules (blueteen)
FIXED - bug in mailbody when changing a booking (SVN)

ADDED - $showuname - show username or realname - config.inc.php - (jobrazo/blueteen)
ADDED - $showpastmonth - show past month in calendar - config.inc.php - (jobrazo/blueteen)
ADDED - language variables for subject mail on create or delete (blueteen)

CHANGED - authentication system (blueteen)
CHANGED - mrbs.css.php - calendar th {min-width: 1.5em (2 before)

Download here


 Re: Update for MRBS module

Thank you !
I'll try this tomorrow


 Re: Update for MRBS module

A small fix for 'click to highlight this line ' feature : https://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?func=detail&aid=2418172&group_id=5113&atid=105113


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Million thanks for updating this module, this is a most heavy used module in our company.

After I upgrade to the latest version (1.4), there is a warning message appear on top of the block: [Warning: Server failed to set locale to "en_GB" (Unix)].

So far I did not notice any problem on using the module.


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

In config.inc.php (near line 475), try to define a value for override_locale

// Set this to a valid locale (for the OS you run the MRBS server on)
// if you want to override the automatic locale determination MRBS
// performs
$override_locale "en";


 Update for MRBS module

New build for the MRBS module

Changelog based on MRBS 1.40 SVN 986

FIXED - Highlight bug (SVN)
FIXED - next button on search page (SVN)
FIXED - Typo error in mrbs.css.php (SVN)

ADDED - $startentrytype - have one or more entry types admin only ex. Maintenance - config.inc.php

CHANGED - versionnumber of xoopsmodule to 1.41 to avoid confusion

Download here


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

The admin and user side screens say
"Your Company Meeting Room Booking System"

What files do I look in to change "Your Company" to the name of my company?



 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


in config.inc.php

$mrbs_company "Your Company";


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System



 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


Reintjan wrote :
I was waiting for this module for ages! I hope you will fix sttings so that they can be made from admin instead of editing config file....

mrbs 1.4.1 is available.
i'm working on the XOOPS compatible version.
i need few days to test a last time my changes.
here's the biggest change i made today : an admin section to avoid editing config.inc.php file



 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


an admin section to avoid editing config.inc.php

Nice. So i dont need to bother anymore.



 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

hey, your admin looks cool !
can i send you the 1.4.1 version when i'll finish it?


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

It would be nice if this module would not show WHO has booked a room to the users, only that the room was not available on the dates they requested. It would also be nice if they did not have to specify times for the room.

If this was an admin option then the module could be used as a true reservations system for hotel rooms, not only meeting rooms


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

ok, it not so hard to hide this info.
I added an option for 'Showbooker'.

Display username, realname, both and NONE

Resized Image

For your second question, the use of periods may help you.
Resized Image


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


can i send you the 1.4.1 version

Yes please.

The adminpart is very basic and very easy to implement.
You can download that part here, you can easely use is for building adminsections for other modules (only tested with 2.3.2)


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Actually, no periods would be preferrable. the guest only specifies the days they want, no periods, no hours.

where can i download the version with this change and the 'showbooker' option?

just to clarify... if a guest tries to make a reservation and the room is not available, what happens?

can they be told what rooms are available before they reserve?


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Thank you jobrazo, i'll look your archive !

chefry, did you try the orignal mrbs project ?

We (jobrazo and I), only try to adapt the original project to xoops.
I never use "periods" functionnality, but after a small test, I can create something like this.
Resized Image

And if a guest clicks on a reserved room (green cell here), he will see an alert message.

The XOOPS version is not yet available.
I added 2 functions in admin this morning : theme and entry types
Resized Image


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

If the original is not XOOPS then it won't work for me


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System


Please help me !

I used mrbs some time , but now there was a problem !!!

Users can easily delete , create or modify resources rental in the previous time !!

Are there ways to restricted users can not create or modify or delete bookings in the previous time
(In addition to admin)

Can tell me how I do !?

Thank you very much !!!!!!!

My system : " mrbs 1.4.1 for xoops2.4.2 " on the windows2003 zh-tw

thank you !


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

1.4.1 does not support this option. 1.4.3 also does not have this option. It is present in the mrbs trunk.
So a next release might have it.
An update of the xoopsversion is planned somewhere in august. I hope


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

Hi Everyone

Can someone help to convert the latest MRBS 1.4.8 for xoops 2.5 module ?

Thanks very much !!

Have a nice day !


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

OK, the update is done - you can test it from here


 Re: MRBS Meeting Room Booking System

thank you ! thank you! thank you a lot !!

good job !!

thank you again !



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