XOOPS: Competition for XOOPS-related Articles

Posted by: MambaOn 2010/5/25 6:50:00 10122 reads
We are pleased to announce that we are holding the first XOOPS Best Article Contest 2010.

The contest starts from 25th May and lasts till 25th June 2010. There are some rules and guidelines that the submitted articles will have to follow in order to be considered as valid entries. They are as follows:

1. All articles must be the author's own original work. Articles from other sources are not valid. Quoting a few excerpts from other sources is permitted but the sources of these excerpts must be clearly stated either in the article itself or as a footnote.

2. All entries must be submitted to XOOPS.org exclusively. Articles which are published in places other than XOOPS.org will not be considered as valid entries to the contest. The winning entries may not publish their articles elsewhere even after the contest is over, without a special permission from XOOPS.org

3. You may submit any number of entries. There is no limit to the number of articles that one can submit.

4. The subject matters of the entrant articles must concern issues like:

- solving customers problems with XOOPS,
- case study about building a Web presence for small businesses using XOOPS
- case study about saving money by using Open Source CMS (XOOPS)
- creating new solutions/modules within XOOPS,
- improving usability or user experience of XOOPS,
- solving a technical issue with a new hack/solution.

5. The Articles must be submitted in MS Word or Open Office formats to 2010Article [at] xoops.org by 25th June 2010

The decision of XOOPS.org on which entries will be considered as valid is final. If you have any doubts or need any clarifications in this regard then please do not hesitate to contact us.

And yes, we'll have a prize for the best Article - $100.

We'll then submit these articles to various magazines for publishing, or publish them here on the Website. It will be part of our marketing push to make XOOPS more visible.

Please don't worry about your English - we'll correct it, if needed. What's most important is an interesting content.