XOOPS: XOOPS China Wins OSSContest Award
Posted by: MambaOn 2008/12/30 8:00:00 25290 reads
By Gao Jin
The XOOPS China team has won a prestigious award at the 2008 China Open Source Software Contest (OSSContest) in Beijing.
XOOPS China won the main award for excellence in creative application. The award will be accepted by Taiwen Jiang, the XOOPS Lead Developer and his team at the 2008 Open Source Software Development Summit, China. It is the latest recognition for the XOOPS China community website and project development.
The Summit will take place at the Xiyuan Hotel in Beijing, on Jan 13, 2009. Its steering committee is composed of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), National High Tech R&D Program (863 Program) and China Software Industry Association (CSIA).
The conference and the OSSContest is organized by Co-Create Software League of CSIA and Chinese Association of Software Parks (CASP)of China Association for Science and Technology Industrial Parks (ChinaASTIP).
Zhanyuan Du, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Chris Lin, SUN’s president for Great China, and Zhaozhu Liang, R&D Chief Officer of Intel Asia Pacific R&D, among others, will be the keynote speakers at the conference.
As the Chinese government plans to spend several billion of RMB on “core electronic components, high-end interchangeable chip, and fundamental software products” in 2009, open source software projects face new opportunities in China.
XOOPS China is delighted to be recognized in the contest and is committed to continued excellence and support for XOOPS and Open Source. This award is also a tribute to the dedication of many people from around the world who have contributed to the XOOPS Project.
You can see pictures from the 2006 OSSContest Conference here