Posted by: MambaOn 2008/11/18 0:20:00 95421 reads
Well, it seems like there are plenty of XOOPS books out there I was not aware of couple of these books, so I thought that I'll share the info with others. If you are aware of others, please let us know, so we can update this list. English Resized Image XOOPS - To Create Dynamic Web Sites Simply by Stefano Silvestrini (Paperback - Nov 19, 2007) Resized Image Building websites with Xoops: A step-by-step tutorial by Steve Atwal (Paperback - Oct 31, 2006) Italian Resized Image XOOPS creare siti dinamici con facilità by Stefano Silvestrini (Paperback - Jun 1, 2007) German Resized Image XOOPS kompakt: Administrator - und Anwenderhandbuch von Helmut F. Reibold ((November 8, 2007) Resized Image XOOPS: Websites entwickeln und gestalten mit Version 2.0xx und 2.2x von Peter Wölfl Japanese Resized Image Customizing XOOPS by GIJOE Resized Image Multi-functional community to make the site! XOOPS self-instruction manual by Takahiro Hisaoka Resized Image XOOPS Primer - where people create Web. by Satoshi Sakai Resized Image XOOPS Community Development Guide by Mori Takai Chinese Resized Image Easy Creation of Websites with XOOPS by Hong Kai Wu
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 Re: XOOPS Books

I've Received Customizing XOOPS by GIJOE + matchan about 2 years ago. i still read now and then.

TY GIJOE For the Book. Its Super!


 Re: XOOPS Books

thank you for listing the XOOPS books. the german book from Peter Wölfl is a good reverence for all german XOOPS users.


 Re: XOOPS Books

thanks for this report Mamaba
Stefano Silvestrini


 Re: XOOPS Books

Can there be revised versions of these books. Since we XOOPS has improved quite a bit now?

Then I be willing to buy some of these books.


 Re: XOOPS Books

Didn't see this one:
Resized Image
Seems a Taiwanese book.


 Re: XOOPS Books

Thanks Ghia! I'v added to the list what seems to be a newer edition of this book (they are from the same author).

If anybody is aware of more books about XOOPS, please let us know.

If you're interested in writing one, please contact me via PM


 Re: XOOPS Books

They are sold in Norway too... Bokkilden


 Re: XOOPS Books

I sold my 2 XOOPS books is more 20 countries...




 Re: XOOPS Books



 Re: XOOPS Books

i also want buy this book,please tell me where i can buy this book?
thank you ~


 Re: XOOPS Books

yes i agree. thanks for providing a list of your books.


 Re: XOOPS Books

so any new books out? i got someone who is looking for one in English for Xoops 2.5 module development


 Re: XOOPS Books

That is a nice collection. I have been waiting for 3 months for new verions of those books.
Best Regards,


 Re: XOOPS Books

In Poland there was one xoops-book, about 4 years ago. :)


 Re: XOOPS Books

Don't forget the newest book "Designing for XOOPS"

Resized Image

You can buy directly from O'Reilly



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