YAXS: XOOPS 2.0.16 WYSIWYG-Edition

Posted by: sato-sanOn 2007/6/11 11:55:52 6664 reads
One very often inquires after the use of the FCKeditor. Not all modules support the WYSIWYG editors. We found a way to the FCKeditor (current version 2.4.2 Build: to use 14978) under XOOPS 2.0.16! The FCKeditor as module, is an extension of SIMPLE XOOPS and we this under XOOPS 2.0.16 merged. In addition the content module DH-Info runs also. (Further modules participate, see in the weBLog of XOOPS-magazine). In addition a SQL file is inclusive for testing, but you must change mainfile.php. Since this way is somewhat pedantic, I recommend this version only for advanced XOOPS-user.
Have a lot of FUN

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