Themes: American_K & Sports_K

Posted by: aph3xOn 2007/2/27 19:14:33 5151 reads
American_K theme is a 2 and 1/2 columns, and i say that because the right column represents some big square buttons which can be hidden by pressing the switch above them, blank images have been added for personalization and also the package includes an extra style.css that actually was the main style of this theme family.

Theme was tested in IE6; IE7 and Firefox

Resized Image

Sports_k theme all above apply but style.css and header images are different

Resized Image

The users of these themes MUST keep the original footer intact.

For support with these themes don't hesitate to post in the forum put out on our site.
Even though the download doesn't requires registration, the forum posting does (cause of naughty spammers)

Both themes can be viewed in action HERE

American_K theme can be downloaded HERE

Sports_K theme can be downloaded HERE

As these themes are part of "30days = 30themes challenge" check out theme music_k to see where it all started