XOOPS: XOOPS 2.2 postponed for another week

Posted by: MithrandirOn 2005/7/9 16:29:14 14292 reads
Earlier today, phppp and I decided that it was best to postpone the release of XOOPS 2.2 for another week.

We know a lot of people are expecting this release and waiting anxiously - even more as the release date approached - and it is with a certain sadness that I am writing this announcement.

The reasons for postponing the release, however, is because we care about you. You, the XOOPS community, deserves a product that we have cared for and tested thoroghly. Not a rushed release with a major flaw somewhere because we wanted to keep the (already delayed) release date.

We want to give you a XOOPS version that functions. One where there are no major flaws that require a new release. One without blatant security holes that must be fixed asap, caused by our desire to release quickly.

We also want to have peace and a quiet time to work on XOOPS 2.4, where we will build on the foundation of XOOPS 2.2.
XOOPS 2.4 development should not be interrupted by bugs and holes discovered, which should have been found in the process we are in right now. XOOPS 2.4 development should be a welldefined and structured development process, leading to a new version released around September 30th, 2005.

For those reasons, I respectfully ask the patient XOOPS community to be just a little more patient with us - and keep reporting bugs in the forums and on SourceForge - so we can make XOOPS 2.2 such a good release as it should be.

Thank you for your support and your understanding.