XOOPSer of the Month & XOOPS Innovation Awards

XOOPSer of the Month

  • Christophe Boceno (kris_fr)

    Christophe Boceno

    This month we would like to recognize Christophe Boceno (kris_fr) for his work as a Webmaster of XOOPS France, but also for his work on XOOPS APIBrowser package and on Morphogenesis theme template

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I'm from France, I live in Saint-Nazaire  in Breizh/Brittany but my work (safety manager) requires me to travel.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started (HTML and CSS) back to 1996 ... and my first computer

    What is your expertise? 

    Mainly web design (HTML and CSS), a little PHP and JavaScript

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    A community of friends and another way to see the Web

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    Its simplicity and modularity

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    Support to the French community, I am a webmaster of Xoops France, the creation of themes, support for some developers of modules, the release of API documentation for modules and XOOPS Core, through websites http://www.XooFoo.org

    What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Those that are yet to come 

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    My son, mathematics, sailing and windsurf, aikido, and photography

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Grilled prime rib and french wine "Côtes Roties" and Islay Single Malts 

    What about movies and music? 

    No specific style or music (except jazz), I just let the feeling go and enjoy it

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    Think about what you've learned with success in your life since your birth. It reinforces self-confidence. And always believe in human nature.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    here  - Wouldn't you too? 

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    Sun Tzu, if our leaders would apply his teaching, the world would be more peaceful

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Crip Moorey (Sailjapan)

    Crip Moorey 

    This month we would like to recognize Crip Moorey (Sailjapan) for his work as a moderator of XOOPS forums, and his continues support of XOOPS users

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I'm from the UK originally, but have been living in Japan for more than 20 years now.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I wouldn't call what I do "Programming" more like copy-pasting and scratching my head for a bit, then trying different combinations of other people's code.

    What is your expertise? 

    Photoshop and community building, perhaps.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I needed to move my site (Sail Japan) from static html pages to something that could deal with the increase in content. I tried a bunch of other CMSes but they all struck me as counter intuitive or ugly.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    XOOPS works like I think. Everything is compartmental but with an overarching ethos that ties all the parts together.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    I'm one of the forum moderators. Why? Well, someone's got to do it, and the team's a good one.

    What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    My site, of course!

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Sailing, funnily enough. Actually I'm busy in a number of extra-work areas. I help to run (with a bunch of others) an infoshop - anarchist bookshop/freespace - in Osaka, which gets some funny looks especially as we just opened in a new location in the heart of the biz district. Know thyne enemy, say I 

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Has to be sushi and beer. As long as the beer is too dark to see through.

    What about movies and music? 

    Favorites? Movies I like are: Brasil (Terry Gilliam). Razor's Edge (Bill Murray). Twelve Monkeys (Terry Gilliam) Music would have to include anything by Pink Flloyd, Camions sauvages (Amadou & Mariam), Masters of War (Dylan), Rain And Snow (The Be Good Tanyas), RATM, Public Image... & many many more. 

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    Best I can do at short notice is quote Albert Einstein: "But historic tradition is, so to speak, of yesterday; nowhere have we really overcome what Thorstein Veblen called "the predatory phase" of human development. The observable economic facts belong to that phase and even such laws as we can derive from them are not applicable to other phases. Since the real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory phase of human development, economic science in its present state can throw little light on the socialist society of the future."

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Here and now!

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    Peter Kropotkin. Because his writings have influenced me more than any one else's.

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Michael Beck (Mamba)

    Michael Beck

    This month, the XOOPS community recognized Michael Beck (Mamba), the Webmaster of http://www.xoops.org for his work on the Website and for keeping the WOX Newsletter coming. Many of the answers in this interview below are the same as in a 2003 interview for Project JEDI, since not that much has changed 

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I live currently in Cincinnati, Ohio (USA), but I grew up in old good Europe  (I lived in Poland, Austria, UK, Germany, and France).

    How long have you been programming? 

    With breaks in between - for almost 15 years.

    What is your expertise? 

    Mainly Delphi. It was also my first exposure to Open Source (before it was even called "Open Source" ). At that time we just wanted to develop a library of free Delphi components that everybody could use. I'm trying to get better in PHP.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I was developing a Website for friends, and somebody from the Project JEDI designed a Website for Project JEDI using XOOPS. After overcoming some first "learning hurdles"  I really liked the system architecture, its modularity, and its community. I believed that XOOPS has so much potential! And yes, the website for my friends was designed using XOOPS 

    I was lurking here for several years, but end of 2007 I've decided to get more involved to help DJ (phppp) to get XOOPS back on track. I got a little bit experience with Open Source based on my work on Project JEDI, and was always very impressed with DJ and his work (a man of few words, but who delivers tons of great code), so I've decided to get my hands dirty 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS?

    As I said, the system architecture, its modularity, and its community. It's a fantastic piece of software, as everybody can find a module for almost anything, and use XOOPS right away. I was also able to make here a lot of friends from around the world - it's the same what made me so involved in Project JEDI. The opportunity to work with so many different people from all over the world, from different time zones and with different languages - all with the same goal: to make XOOPS the best CSM program in the world- it's an awesome feeling!!! It makes world look so small! And the beauty is that we don't care from what political system are you coming, where you live, and what language you speak - the only desire is to make XOOPS better! 

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    I'm now maintaining mainly our XOOPS site http://www.xoops.org, and when time permits, trying to help with documentation and testing, as well as marketing and PR for XOOPS.

    What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Definitely the JEDI VCL - a library of free component for Delphi.  We had a great team of people, and we put together over 600 components into a one library, that is now used by many Delphi developers around the world. But I hope that in a year I'll say that it's XOOPS, once we take over the world as a best CMS 

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

    It used to be a lot of Taekwondo (I have a Black Belt and two US Taekwondo Championships in open sparring). Nowadays, it's a lot of Salsa dancing   Scuba diving and skiing are also on my list of favorite sport activities.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I like Asian food (mostly Thai and Chinese), and to drink Lasse (Indian yogurt drink)

    What about movies and music? 

    There are two movies I really like - "English Patient" by Anthony Minghella and "Red" by Krzysztof Kieslowski. 

    Reg. music, my taste changed over time. I've been through a Led Zeppelin, Genesis, Yes, and Pink Floyd phase, Jazz Fusion phase (with Chick Corea and Miles Davis), then through Soul and R&B phase, and now I am back to Jazz (incl. Smooth and Brazilian Jazz) - John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Stan Getz/Jobim, Sade, Diana Krall, Chris Botti, Anna Maria Jopek. And of course, a lot of Salsa music, my favorite dance music!

    If you were given 30 seconds of free television air time, to be broadcast all throughout the earth, and could say anything you wanted, what would it be?

    To take better care of our environment - because that's what our children/grandchildren will be living in, and if we really love them then we should feel responsible for what legacy we'll be leaving to them. Interestingly, the same logic applies here as in programming - cost of clean-up is much higher than cost of prevention.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Probably in the Renaissance Italy, because of the beauty of art, and logic of science, both merged into one cultural experience.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    I always wanted to meet President Clinton, who I consider one of the best US Presidents.  Few years ago I finally met him, and it was definitely something to remember.

    This year USA elected President Obama who has a real chance to be even better one. I was also lucky to meet him last year, so for the time being, I am done 

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Sushang Yang (ezsky)

    Sushang Yang

    This month we would like to recognize Susheng Yang (ezsky), the Webmaster of XOOPS China Website. It's the Webmasters of XOOPS local support sites who make the difference for all the people who don't speak English, and is sometimes their only entry to the wonderful world of XOOPS.

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I live in Beijing, China.

    How long have you been programming? 

    For about four years. I started with java and after I got to know XOOPS, I have been studying php to develop or hack XOOPS modules

    What is your expertise? 

    I'm more familiar with user experience, front-end development and web design.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    Google! When I was taking a course on PHP web development in 2006, I googled and compared many different CMS, including XOOPS, joomla, drupal and so on. After some research, I found XOOPS provided the best support for multi-byte languages such as Chinese. XOOPS caught my eye also because it looked so ugly. But the most important reason was one of the founders and main developers was from China too.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS?

    I'm very lazy! So I really like the modulized framework and object-oriented design of XOOPS, which allows developers to focus on module design and enable fast development.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    I'm now maintaining xoops.org.cn. I also participate in improving user experience and testing for XOOPS.

    What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    2008 is the most exciting year in my programming experience. I not only maintained XOOPS China but led the redesign of its website and participated in the user interface design of XOOPS 3. I'd love to continue my work in all these exciting projects. 

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

    Billiards, mountain biking, and some other outdoor activities. I love playing guitar.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I like green tea and vegetarian dishes.

    What about movies and music? 

    I prefer comedies. I can't live without music. I listen mostly to rock, e.g. slipknot and David Gilmour.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    No specific choice but I would really like to meet my friends from the XOOPS community.

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Julio Napurí Carlos (JulioNC)

    Julio Napurí Carlos

    This month we would like to recognize Julio Napurí Carlos (JulioNC) for his continues support of XOOPS users in the Spanish Speaking Area, as well as here on XOOPS.  He tirelessly cleans the Bug Tracker from the bugs, and contributes to the solutions!  Muchas Gracias, Julio!!!!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I'm from Peru (South America), I live in Lima in a place called San Juan! 

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started when I was 16 years old with Visual Basic in school. I have been programming now in PHP, Java and Python.

    What is your expertise? 

    I'm a freelance web developer, XOOPS developer, XOOPS consultant, system administrator and designer. I have more than 3 years of experience creating customized web applications for my clients. My areas of expertise include custom website design, and PHP/Python Web Applications. I also specialize in XOOPS, of course..

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I think it was 2004 or 2005? And I was just starting to learn PHP, I was thinking that this actually could be something for me, since I've always been interested in creating Web Applications. I stumbled on PHP_Nuke, but I didn't liked that software, didn't feel like "me". After searching and searching I found RunCMS and Ciamos... but, in the end, thanks to them, I found my way to XOOPS. By then I knew that my beloved CMS was part of the XOOPS Community and could do some extremely cool stuff.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    I'm a Webmaster of the XOOPS Spanish Community Website since 2005, and I joined the Core Team a few moths ago. I also published the XOOPS Annual Report 2007  in early 2008. I am trying to spend all my free time working in XOOPS SVN, and on fixing XOOPS Bug Tracker issues.

    What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    When I made a python web application for company (and I didn't know nothing) :) I learned to use rapidly.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I love eat, and Peruvians have the best food in the world   Ceviche and Pisco Sour

    What about movies and music? 

    When the popular question states, “If you had to take just one CD on a desert island with you what would it be,” my answer has always been, Dave Matthews Band’s, “Before These Crowded Streets”.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Anywhere, obviously with internet connection.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    No one special. Maybe at XOOPS Conference meeting personally some of my XOOPS friends.

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Anders Kristiansen (anderssk)

    Anders Kristiansen

    This month we would like to recognize Anders Kristiansen (anderssk) for his continues support of XOOPS users in the Nordic Area, as well as here on XOOPS (e.g. with his Guide to Make your XOOPS Installation even more secure). He was also very helpful during the 2.3.x testing.  Thank you, Anders!!!!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I was born (1973) and raised in RoskildeDenmark. I moved to Copenhagen and lived in an apartment for 8 years. But because of many disturbances with our neighbours I moved to a little house in Hvidovre. The main reason was my 5 years daughter. She was beginning to draw “people throwing stones and fire coming up the road”. At that time she was 4 years old. Not a good environment to be raised in! 

    How long have you been programming? 

    I’m not really a programmer.   

    I’m more a regular user who can read codes   At my normal job I work with security. Mostly on a mainframe – the language used here is JCL. The Database behind our mainframe is a CA-Datacom. That's where I got my skills. I also have some work with Active Directory and scripting daily job in here.

    What is your expertise? 

    My first PC was an IBM286, with an expansion board. That was a board that contains 20MB memory that could be used as extended memory in DOS. Microsoft has recently “invented” the Ready-Boost in Windows Vista, but the function is the same as it was on my IBM286 

    After working in sales, I got a job as IT-Supporter, and I think that’s my strong side. Test, test and test again. Documentation and user-manuals/how-to’s is also some of the things I have been doing for a long time.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I used to create websites with Postnuke. But I got really tired of the permissions control and the need for core/module hack on every little core-upgrade. I started looking at big Danish web portals to find out what CMS-system they were made with. Many of them run on XOOPS. They were developed by Jan Pedersen aka Mitrandir. The Danish XOOPS domain was taken but not active, so I contacted the owner and he hosted http://www.xoops.dk for free.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    I like the activity on the forum at http://www.xoops.org. The easy template system and the permissions control is in my eyes one of the strongest things in XOOPS.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    Mostly support for daily use and testing and of course maintaining http://www.xoopsnordic.org. I almost forgot the translation of XOOPS Core and nearly 40 modules into Danish

    What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    That’s from my day job – moving security on CA-Datacom from internal to external security. The database environment can be accessed in 10 different ways, so each way needed to be protected. Imagine that security on MySQL. If you try to access a database with phpMyAdmin access is READ – if you try to access the same database trough a program called admin.php from http://www.xxxx.com access is UPDATE and so on. That was a pretty hard job and there is no help. I think only 2 or 3 companies are running the same setup as I have. If you know anyone working with CA-Datacom or CA-TopSecret please let me know. 

    I hope my first module is soon to be released…

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    I try to find some time for geocaching. A great “game” and a reason to get out in the nature. Every year I’m a volunteer at Roskilde Festival. I’ve been at the festival for over 30 years in a row. I’m raising one of the stage tents, called Pavilion. If anyone of your is planning to go to Roskilde Festival one year, please contact me and let’s meet.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Favorite dish is easy – anything above the water and under the sky, served with a big beer 

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    That depends what the commercial should sell   But I very much agree with the quote “what doesn't kill you, it just makes you stronger”

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    The 60’. Great music, cool cars and no computers to steal your time.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    No one special .

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Hossien Azizabadi (Voltan)

    Hossien Azizabadi 

    This month we would also like to recognize Hossien Azizabadi (Voltan) for his support and for testing/debugging of XOOPS 2.3.  Thank you!!!!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I am from Iran . I was born in Tehran and now I live in both Tehran and Kasahn because my university is in Kashan (I am 23 years old)

    How long have you been programming? 

    For about 3 years. But I would not call it programming - I can write CSS code and very little PHP. 

    What is your expertise? 

    I love creating XOOPS websites and new themes . And translating modules to my language - Persian.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I think 3 years ago, I wanted to create a website for myself about cinema! Some people told me to use CMS! It's easy ! I found one fantasy website with XOOPSs ( http://www.jadoogaran.org), and from there I found http://www.xoops.ir and http://www.xoops.org  

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    It's free and free (as in "freedom" and in "no cost"). It's easy to use, has a great code framework and offers a great worldwide community for developers! For users it has a good support and it's very useful for all kind of websites. And it's Open Source!

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    Localization and themes! My language and calendar is different from European languages and we need to write some code to change XOOPS to right to left! And I like to create new themes because I can use my creativity to implement any new idea into XOOPS themes, and XOOPS makes it so easy for us.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    In XOOPS 2.3 we've done a big localization for our language, but it was not only my work. Many people helped us in the translation and in debugging of language files. They told us what was needed and we've made it happen! I am very proud of the collaboration among Persian users

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Reading books and watching my DVDs. Every week I go to library and get new books for reading. I am also working on improving my English. And then I have to learn my university lessons (textile).

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I love Iranian foods ! For example “gorme sabzi“ and “abgosht“ and “kabab” 

    What about movies and music? 

    I love any movies ! Drama or action or fantasy and many more... (I have about 2000 movies)

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    Stop all wars

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    I would like meet some XOOPS developers like phppp and Gijoe and Instant-Zero developers and ask them how do they create XOOPS core and modules  

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Marc Desrousseaux (Marco)

    Marc Desrousseaux 

    This month we would also like to recognize Marc Desrousseaux (Marco) for his support and for testing/debugging of XOOPS 2.3.  Thank you!!!!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I'm originally from the South of France (Hautes-Alpes, in the French Alps), but now I'm living in the North of France, in Lille (1hour from Paris by TGV , 1h20 from London by Eurostar).

    How long have you been programming? 

    My first program was made with the BASIC language, on a Thomson MO5 in 1984, then TO7 / TO7-70 and then Amstrad CPC6128. Then I came naturally to internet and PHP in 1998.

    What is your expertise? 

    I work in the IT world as an IS Auditor in a major DIY company, making security, applications and projects audits, and as well working on some IT governance issues. Besides that I'm also co-founder of Instant Zero, so I like creating websites with XOOPS, creating XOOPS modules, and helping our customers with their projects and the XOOPS Community via the Support Forums (Xoops.org and XoopsFrance).

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I have created some websites, made with PHP and MySQL, after 1999, but I found less and less time to devote to their maintenance. It was necessary to offer users more functionality, but I needed more time for other activities. So I looked for other solutions. By accident, I found XOOPS at the end of 2003. I can't remember how I came to XOOPS exactly, but probably through a Boomtchak article, and I choose XOOPS instead of Spip. In early 2004 I registered on XoopsFrance, and then on Xoops.org.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    Its modularity, its ease of use, and its community. That's why I wrote the Xoops Manifesto some months ago. I would like us to maintain these strengths that made XOOPS a success, promote synergies through more team efforts, and to improve XOOPS so that it can better address needs of professional Websites.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    Well, I started to help through the forums on the French Speaking Community, aka XoopsFrance. I was also in charge of the module repository, and in parallel, I was helping module developers in debugging their modules and translating their modules into French. I helped Mith with maintaining of the module Dev.Xoops.org area. Then I decided to help in debugging the new releases of Xoops Core after the 2.2 branch was declared as not recommended. I released the Module QA Checklist, to help module developers to improve quality of their modules. We will restart this effort in few weeks. I will also update the Xoops TimeLine as soon as the 2.3 final will be released, as well as the Xoops Portfolio. Now I'm still focusing on Core, since this is the area where we have a lot to do. I'm convinced that with this new releases, XOOPS will attract again new developers and talented people. We have to facilitate and prepare for that situation.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    The Instant Zero modules. We had and have a lot of fun with Hervé in dreaming-up and then developing innovative solutions for our Clients and also the XOOPS Community. I will release soon a new version of the GoogleMaps module : after having played with JS and the GoogleMaps API, this new release will make a better use of the XOOPS API with some cool new features.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Hiking, tripping, trekking, being with friends, making a press review with Google News.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Dish and drink I don't know yet from around the world 

    What about movies and music? 

    I like movies with a strong ambient music and nice images, as Gladiator or the Thin Red Line. Most of the time I go to see French comedy films. Regarding music, I do not have any preferences, it can be very eclectic but has to incite to dance. When I was a student, I regularly worked as a DJ spending some long nights spinning dance music. I also played 10 years piano and clarinet.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    I'm traveling around the world for my work (most of the time in the EU, Russia, China, Brazil), and I like to visit several places, and to compare cultures to each others. I've no preference. But during my trips, I take the opportunity to meet other XOOPSers

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    Some of the explorers of the North and South Pole, and historians who are specialists of the Middle East area. 

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Stefan Zagorchev (Stefan88)

    Stefan Zagorchev 

    This month we would like to recognize Stefan Zagorchev (Stefan88) for his continues support of XOOPS users.  Stefan has been XOOPS Member since Sept. 2004, so it's 4 years this month. During that time he's been always very helpful providing countless advise and support to XOOPS Users. Sometimes the people who provide this kind of support are overlooked, but they are the ones who keep the community going. We hear on so many occasions that the XOOPS Community rocks because it is so helpful! It is thanks to people like Stefan that we have this positive reputation, so this moth we would like to salute Stefan and all other people like him supporting XOOPS!!! Thank you!!!!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I'm from Bulgaria and live in Sofia.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started when I was about 10 years old with BASIC and Assembler on Bulgarian made Apple II clone.

    What is your expertise? 


    What got you to XOOPS? 

    We needed a CMS software for a project back in 2004. So I tested most of the major CMS systems at that time. We needed a secure and flexible system and XOOPS was one of the few that offered this. The community was VERY helpful and that led to the final decision.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    With XOOPS I can do almost anything I need to do. In short time. And the result is stable and secure site. One thing I miss is speed.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    Because the support I got in forums is what bring me to XOOPS, now I try to help others the same way.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    The next one 

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Movies and from last year photography. Also like to travel...

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Favorite dishes are too many  From the drinks I like cognac and French wines from Bordeaux.

    What about movies and music? 

    Movies are too many too. The music depends on the mood, but I really like Vaya Con Dios.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    The world can be a very beautiful place, let's keep it that way 

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    Don't know. But I would like to thank all the XOOPS developers and the community, who made the system what it is.

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Herve Thouzard (Hervet)

    Herve Thouzard

    This month we would like to recognize Herve Thouzard (hervetfrom Instant Zerofor his his "Birthday" module. It is awesome example of the "XOOPS community spirit" - when Herve learned that Kevin, who is maintaining an Army Veterans site in UK, was looking for a modification to an old "Birthday" module, to honor their fallen soldiers, Herve offered to do a total rewrite of the module free of charge. They never met, they live in different countries, they speak different language at home, but it connects them the love for XOOPS. Herve, we salute you for helping Kevin! 
    Herve is also the author of the best XOOPS module for news (News), in addition to many other cool modules, and a big supporter of XOOPS for years! What we appreciate most about Herve is his dedication and endless support for XOOPS.  To be honest, this award was long time overdue!!!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I'm from France and I'm living in a small town near Angers (Less than 2 hours from Paris)

    How long have you been programming? 

    Since I was 13 years old (that's 25 years ago). I have been, first, a Windows programmer (I'm the author of "THE Rename") and several years ago (a bit tired of this domain), I choose to concentrate on internet

    What is your expertise? 

    Creating websites with Xoops and also creating modules.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    In 2002, I've been asked to create several intranets in a very short time. After a comprehensive study of all the available CMS (I had a list of points to validate), I chose Xoops and I succeed in creating the intranets before the deadlines.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    Its modularity and adaptability and the fact that it's Open Source.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    Mainly in modules because that's what I like to do

    You have also a company, Instant-Zero, that delivers XOOPS-based Solutions. What do you specialize in?

    Instant Zero exists since 2006 and we are specialized in several areas :

    1. The full creation of websites (Xoops installation, theme creation etc) 
    2. The creation of specific modules, for example Bookshop, Myshop, Mykart, Myservices, Buyersguide, Myphotos, Adhesions, etc 
    3. Maintenance of websites 
    4. Hosting of websites 
    5. Adaptation/customization of existing Open Source products 
    6. Web Consulting for our customers 
    7. Subcontracting/outsourcing services for other companies

    Why did you come up with the idea of focusing on XOOPS? What are the benefits for an ISV?

    As I was working with and for Xoops since 2002, it seems natural to me to keep using it. The benefits are multiples. The first argument for our client is to say that it's Open Source. The second argument goes with the first, if we disappear you (the client) can still find someone else to maintain your site. The fact that the product exists since 2001 is important. Having a product running with PHP and MySQL enable us to use and install Xoops nearly everywhere. As I previously stated, its modularity and adaptability are two important points. Adding a feature to a website is often just a matter of minutes (and limited to a module installation) The use of themes based on CSS enable us to adapt the look and feel to the exact needs of our clients. It's also a secure solution with a good support.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Always my next module  But I'm very proud of Buyersguide. This module required several month for its development but it's really my best module.

    What's your favorite development tool(s)? 

    I was working with PpEclipse but now I'm using Zend Studio for Eclipse.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Being with my wife, reading, making the cat believe he is a killer, playing to my WII (with my wife and friends) and going to the cinema.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Snails with a Saumur Champigny

    What about movies and music? 

    Jazz & classical music and for the films, SciFic and comics.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Today and here.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    Alan Mathison Turing to thanks him for everything he made and to ask him not to eat the apple.

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