XOOPSer of the Month & XOOPS Innovation Awards

XOOPS Innovators

  • Yu Pin Lin (Sugar)

    Yu Pin Lin

    for his RB Frameworkand SNS Module

    This month the first Innovation Award goes to  to Yu Pin Lin  (Sugar),  from Taiwan, for their innovative work on the RB Framework and the SNS (Social Network System) Module

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I'm from Taiwan and live in Taipei

    How long have you been programming? 

    Since 2005 when I tried to hack WF-Section to became Magazine

    What is your expertise? 

    UI Design and innovative new ideas

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    One day I looked at a magazine story title stating "In 10 mins create a fully functions website". I couldn't believe it! So I bought that magazine and installed my first website, and am using XOOPS ever since

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    Easy to use with many resources

    Why did you decide to work on the RB Framework? 

    Because Criteria handler not easy to use

    And what about your SNS Module ? 

    I wondered if coding some SNS functionality by myself would be a possibility? Without seeing source code of other SNS sites, and then try to code it by myself, is very interesting

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    Rewrite backend UI like WordPress and more AJAX

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    I am proud of my site http://www.snapshot.tw which won a prize in 2009 Taiwan new netking

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

    Studying ACG (Animation, Comic, Game) like other Otaku 

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Nothing really

    What about movies and music? 

    movies: Otakus in Love music: Utada Hikaru - Flavor of Life

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Support UN Membership for Taiwan

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Maybe it's Japan's Akihabara, I could do crazy shopping there and enjoy Otaku lifestyle

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    Masami Nagasawa, She is my type and moe!!

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Nicolas Andricq (ForMusS), Cointin Maxime (kraven_30), Grégory Mage (Mage)

    Nicolas Andricq

    for XOOPS 2.5System Module

    Read his Interview

    Cointin Maxime

    for XOOPS 2.5System Module

    Read his Interview

    Grégory Mage 

    for XOOPS 2.5System Module

    Read his Interview

    This month the Innovation Award goes to  to Nicolas Andricq  (ForMusS)Cointin Maxime (kraven_30), both from France, and Grégory Mage (Mage), from Switzerland, for their innovative work on the new System module for the upcoming XOOPS 2.5 (to be released as Alpha soon). 

    Please note: since we have already interviews with Nicolas Andricq  and with Cointin Maxime, the answers below are coming from Grégory Mage, unless noted otherwise. 

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I come from Switzerland in a small town near Genève (Lully).

    How long have you been programming? 

    I have been programming since 2001. I have started with programming on ADA95, C and C++ during my study. Since 2008 I have been interesting by PHP and took some lessons to improve my knowledge.

    What is your expertise? 

    I know that I have a lot of things to learn in PHP (classes and PHP5).

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I discovered XOOPS in 2006. I researched for a CMS for an association I am active in, and XOOPS was the only one that fulfilled my requirements. 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    There is a lot of reasons and I haven't enough place to list them all here  For example fully modularized, classes and functions that can be help for module development.

    Why did you decide to work on refactoring of the System module? What was the main objective? 

    All: We have decided to refactor system module to include all functionalities like AJAX and more...

    This is the first version of the "ajaxed" System module. What else do you plan, if anything, for the System in the future? 

    All: For the moment we are waiting for all the feedback from XOOPS users.

    You're also the founders of TDM, which exploded recently with some really cool modules. What are you goals and expectations for TDM? 

    Mage: As we are 3 in TDM (Venom, kraven30 and mage), personally, I want to create a lot of cool module for XOOPS 
    Krave: Create a lot of module 
    MusS: I am not in TDM, so this is not my answer, but I like their work for XOOPS, so if I can help them, I will do it with a real pleasure 

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    I think that XOOPS can have new functions in SEO

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    For me, it is TDMDownload and System module. I hope better stuff will come this year…

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    I like sports like badminton, skiing and climb. Climbing is my favorite sports because I like nature (mountains, etc ...)

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    My favorite dish is : "Saucisse à rôtir" with potatoes. I like cider, cocktails and wine.

    What about movies and music? 

    I have a preference for DIE HARD trilogy and NCIS series. Concerning music, I listen to old rock, Tiken Jah Fakoly, Dub Incorporation and my brother's groups "Wind Of Change".

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    I think that I would deliver a message to respect Earth for next generations

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    I would like to live in "Valais" (mountain area in Switzerland) because I love montains

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    I would like to meet "Patrick Edlinger" because he is the best climber and he contributes a lot to this sport

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Dylian Melgert (Dylian)

    Dylian Melgert

    for his xoBile (XOOPS Mobile) module

    This month the Innovation Award goes to  Dylian Melgert  (Dylian) from Netherlands for his innovative work on xoBile (XOOPS Mobile) Dylian, who is 15 years old, is the youngest ever recipient of XOOPS Innovation Award!!!!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I'm from The Netherlands, and I'm currently living in Limburg with my parents.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started programming in when was 10 years old in the AutoIt scripting language, I first started coding in PHP when I was about 12 years old. 

    What is your expertise? 

    Creating web-aplication with (X)HTML and PHP.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I started with creating a simple HTML website with MS Frontpage... (OK, shoot me ). However, since I wanted to have my own community website I started to look for alternatives. Since My Dad already had a XOOPS website for a while at that time, he introduced me to XOOPS. 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    That it's so easy to extend XOOPS. Making your own modules, some simple hacking was a challenge for me and so I begun to make some simple little modules by my own.

    Why did you decide to work on the xoBile module? What was the main objective?

    I wanted my website to be accessible by mobile phones, so i first used the XOOPS WAP hack by blitzengineers. 
    But I needed some more functions for it and I had lots of free time so I added them myself. 

    What else do you plan, if anything, for the xoBile in the future? 

    A custom configuration for each plugin.

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    That you could set Access and Admin permissions when on the installation of a module, and preloads for themes.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    The website I've made for my niece. Running on my own rather simple Content Management System. Getting familiar with PHP and start using it from scratch by making my own modules like: xoopsradio, ... and helping my dad with some nice hacks for his website.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Playing Kingdom Hearts, swimming and biking/mountainbiking.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    My favorite dish is lasagna and my favorite drink is Coca-Cola.

    What about movies and music? 

    I mostly watch fantasy and horror movies and i mostly listen to pure trance music

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Everyone - use XOOPS! 

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Somewhere far away in the middle of a forest. (But there must be internet )

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Lucio Rota (luciorota1)

    Lucio Rota

    for his ImageManagerwork

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Lucio Rota (luciorota1) from Italy  for his innovative work on modularized XOOPS Image Manager  

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I'm from Italy, i live in Montello a small village (3000 souls) near (about 15km from) Bergamo, in north Italy

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started programming when I was 15, with my good old commodore 64, in Basic and then in assembler (an hard byte by byte programming...) 

    What is your expertise? 

    I studied Pascal and C at school and I started my HTML, PHP, javascript experience at work. I work for a small no profit OGN (Caritas Diocesana Bergamasca); some year ago we needed to upgrade our internet site and so I ended up doing it... 

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I was searching for a good CMS, an a friend, Alessandro Maestroni, told me about Xoops... 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    I think there are a lot of good open source CMS... I like Xoops because it's very easy to learn, because the distance between ideas and reality is very short...

    Why did you decide to work on the modularized ImageEditor? 

    I think that xoops need a more efficient image manager... first step is to modularize it and then... 

    And what about your MultiEditor? 

    I needed a more efficient editor managing tool... it is still a "ultra-beta" work... I don't now if I'll find time to go on...

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    Last Xoops releases are good works...

    Wish list: 
    - a common admin interface for any module (same icons, similar menu, ...), this way Xoops will have a more professional look 
    - a more cooperative nity, for example it will be great if someone join with me to create an Editor Team... working togheter is better then working alone

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    My Xoops works, really... , I have a small site http://luciorota.altervista.org/xoops/with some of my works.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    I 'm an husband and a father. I have wonderful wife and daughter (6 years). Mainly I spent my time with them... sometime I play music with friends or I go out for trekking (ther are wonderful mountains near my home, The Alpi Orobiche). When I can I travel, I like travel...

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Dish: spaghetti, pizza, Asado Argentino with chimichurri ..... slurppp!!!! 
    Drink: beer, wine grignolino and natural water

    What about movies and music? 

    Movies: Mad Max serie 
    Music: I like music (I play guitar, bass and drum with some friends). I like Buster Poindexter, Silvio Rodriguez, John Cougar Mellencamp, irish scotch and english folk music, classical music, country ... only I don't like disco music (sorry)

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Stop wars... absolutely useless, history teaches...

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    I like travel, every place on earth is good for me... International Space Station (ISS)... I would like to experience zero gravity 

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Chuting (Scott) Lai (scottlai)

    Chuting (Scott) Lai

    for his XAM Framework

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Chuting (Scott) Lai (scottlai) from China for his innovative work on XAM (XOOPS Application Module) Framework 

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I am from China, and I live in GuangZhou, the capital of Guangdong province, south of China.

    How long have you been programming? 

    The first time I did programming was 1999, started on Visual Basic. After a year, I started to learn C++ and PHP by myself. 

    What is your expertise? 

    Using C++ to build desktop applications, and using PHP to build web applications. 

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    In Oct. 2005, when I graduated from college, I worked few months in a financial company. The company needed a portal website at that time. A friend told me that I can use CMS to build portal website. That was my first time to hear the word "CMS". So I searched for CMS on internet, then I found XOOPS, and other CMS platform. After 2 months of testing XOOPS, I chose XOOPS to build the company portal website at last. From then on, I used XOOPS to do projects and create modules of XOOPS.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    I like that XOOPS has a good architecture, rich API and interfaces to extend. And there are a large number of users and community support.

    Why did you decide to work on the XAM Framework? 

    First, let me explain what is XAM. XAM is short for XOOPS Application Module. It means the framework is used to build application module of XOOPS.

    From 2005, I started do development of XOOPS. I created modules in 2.2x, 2.0x and 2.3x. During this time, I read many modules' code. I found that there is a lot of redundant code in many of the existing modules' code. And the developers had to code twice for the front area and the Admin area, even if the code has the same function. It is difficult to maintain and upgrade the functions after a long time. And module developing is lacking design pattern or standard specifications. Although XAM Framework is an independent entity in the XOOPS world, its development does not conflict or duplicate XOOPS. In fact, XAM Framework is the XOOPS API for another re-packaging, which aims to make it easier for programmers to develop and maintain the module. 

    What are the major advantages of XAM Framework? Why should XOOPS Developers care about XAM? 

    Advantages of using XAM Framework to build module: 
    1. Single entry mode, help to rewrite URL easily. 
    2. Use MVC design pattern to coding.(Like coding in Zend Framework) 
    3. Writting one copy code can be used in Foreground and Admin area. Example, a code file controller.helloworld.php in module root, you can access it both in http://locahost/modules/foo/index.php/helloworld  and http://localhost/modules/foo/admin/index.php/helloworld 
    4. Migration easliy to different version of XOOPS. 

    I hope more and more developers can test XAM Framework, and give me more advices. The target of XAM Framework is to simplify the module development process, reduce code redundancy, so that module development can happen from a development model or specifications.

    What is your ultimate goal for XAM Framework? 

    I will update and add to the XAM Framework constantly, to let it be continuously improved and provide additional functionality.

    What other features do you plan to add? 

    I plan to add some more classes like FormWorker and XGrid. And I have a plan to use XOOPS and XAM Framework to develop a Supply Chain Management software.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    In fact I am proud that I created XAM Framework.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Swimming, cooking, listening to music, and watching movie.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I like Chinese food, also like sushi and sashimi.

    What about movies and music? 

    I like movies and pop music.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Never give up, try your hard to do best.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    I love my home, so I will choose to live in GuangZhou.

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Cointin Maxime (kraven_30)

    Cointin Maxime

    for his TDMCreatemodule

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Cointin Maxime (kraven_30) from France for his innovative work on his TDMCreate module  

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I am from France and I live in Avignon near Marseille

    How long have you been programming? 

    For only 2 years. I was studying electronic sciences , but I prefer more programming. Now I will specialize in programming and computer sciences in an engineering college 

    What is your expertise? 

    My studies are focusing on development of industrial applications but we learn to be versatile in programming languages 

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I learn about XOOPS when I was looking for a CMS to create an astronomy association website for my mother.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    First the community and the support, then I love this kind of open source project where all countries are working for a purpose : XOOPS

    Why did you decide to work on the TDMCreate? 

    I had the idea for few months to do this kind of module. I know that there are many people who try to make modules but they are not able. For me, when I started working on XOOPS, I would have preferred a module like this to see how codes are structured in XOOPS module. Now, I am used to avoid coding classes and the admin - it is easier to just fill in a form 

    What is your ultimate goal for TDMCreate? What other features do you plan to add? 

    As a first step, fix bugs, and then improve user area .

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    More integration of AJAX in XOOPS, especially in the form area to prove that XOOPS is modern

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    In fact I am proud of everything that I did in XOOPS, especially Catads modifications and TDMCreate

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Being with my friends, celebrate parties, play rugby and go to the cinema

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I love the raclette and the lasagna and my favorite drink is Heineken .

    What about movies and music? 

    I love actions and science-fictions films. Regarding music, no preferences, I really listen to everything except the RAP

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Respect our Home:  the Earth

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    At the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, I would like to know how he governed people and what was his way of thinking regarding attack strategies

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    Hum... I think it would be Nicholas Cage. I love this person, all his films are so important and attractive, he is a successful person.

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Ruoyu SUN (insraq)

    Ruoyu SUN

    for new design of XOOPS China

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Ruoyu SUN (insraq) from China for his innovative work on XOOPS China Website 

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I was born in Qingdao and now I live in Hong Kong.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started learning design in 2002 and joined XOOPS China in 2004 as a designer.

    What is your expertise? 

    I'm good at UE/UI, Web Design(XHTML+CSS).

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I learnt about XOOPS through Google. And phppp(aka. D.J.) invited me to join XOOPS China. Since then I've been working with XOOPS.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    I like the theme engine(Smarty) a lot. It makes designing much easier.

    Why did you decide to work on the XOOPS China new look? 

    The old theme of XOOPS China was a little bit out of fashion. I think, as the official Chinese support site, XOOPS China should have a stylish look to attract new users.

    Where do you get your inspiration? 

    I studied some successful cases of CMS official sites and got an idea of page layout from them. I referred to many great Web 2.0 designs and learnt a lot from them, too.

    I understand, you're still studying at a University. Are you going to be a professional designer?

    Maybe not. I’m a PAC (professional accountancy) major and as I live in Hong Kong, studying business might be a reasonable choice. But I’ll treat designing as part of my career because I simply like it.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    Movies, music and reading.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Well, I’m not particular about it. I like Chinese food but I’d like to try exotic dishes.

    What about movies and music? 

    I like movies and music but I don’t have a specified favorite.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Please upgrade IE 6 to some standards-compatible browsers.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Probably I would chose living in the Ottoman Empire time, especially in 1453 when taking Istanbul. Being a soldier in this time must be a privilege.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    I would like to go to the US after graduating from my university because there are many great universities in the States.

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Mustafa Metin (_metemet_)

    Mustafa Metin

    for his MyQuiz module

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Mustafa Metin (_metemet_) from Turkey for his work on MyQuiz:

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I'm from Istanbul in Turkey but living in Ankara for a long time.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I'm not a professional programmer, but I'm trying to program since 2005

    What is your expertise? 

    Actually I'm a medical student and want to be an expert in medicine. It's a really hard field to study. But somehow I enjoy digital art and designing. I'm working on both 2D and 3D designs. 

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    2 or 3 years ago I decided to create a website about medicine. Then I've made a list of features that my website must have. And started to search the best CMS. I have analyzed nearly all free CMS, then finally I chose XOOPS which was best for my website..

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    It's easy to use and has a great community. Also handy for both module and theme coders. And maybe they are the main reasons why XOOPS has lots of modules and other hacks.

    Why did you decide to work on the MyQuiz module? 

    My website was about education so it had to have a quiz system. I searched deeply but couldn't find a good quiz module. And then I decided to work on MyQuiz. I have examined the most of quiz applications and tried to use their handy features with MyQuiz. And I hope this module will be a starting point to using XOOPS for people who have education websites.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Major achievement comes with major learnings. I spent lots of time with MyQuiz, and while doing it I've learned more about XOOPS, and also jquery system. Maybe MyQuiz was my major achievement for now, but there will better development projects done by me soon.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    When I'm not coding and not studying for medical classes, I like reading books, watching movie, playing football (soccer in USA), drawing cartoon images and riding bicycle outside the city. I have lots of extra hobbies but its enough I think 

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Well, I love all Turkish foods but iskender kebab is my favorite. And I drink tea all time.

    What about movies and music? 

    I rarely listen music, but I watch 5-6 movies in a week.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    " You suppose you are the trouble, but you are the cure. You suppose that you are the lock on the door ,but you are the key that opens it. It’s too bad that you want to be someone else You don’t see your own face, your own beauty Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours." Mevlana

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    Probably I would chose living in the Ottoman Empire time, especially in 1453 when taking Istanbul. Being a soldier in this time must be a privilege.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    I'm Muslim and would like to meet with any Imam of Kaaba and listen Qur'an from them live.

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Alexander Galochkin (algalochkin)

    Alexander Galochkin 

    for his XOOPS Themes

    The second Innovation Award goes to Alexander Galochkin (algalochkin) from Russia

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I am from Russia, and live in Ekaterinburg. It's the third most important city in Russia (after Moscow and St.-Petersburg), and is is located near to border of Europe and Asia.

    How long have you been programming? 

    If I consider coding in general, then for a long time, as I started programming in C in 1985. But if we are talking about Web-programming, then more recently - approximately in 1996. Although now I am involved more in the design of sites. 

    What is your expertise? 

    Mainly HTML, CSS, a little PHP and Javascript

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    When I worked once on a site for one of my clients, it was required to provide high degree of dynamic interaction, thus the big capacity of a site, support of various languages and still possibility of connection of the modules. In the end, only XOOPS was able to fulfill these requirements! 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    I love in XOOPS its amazing flexibility when I develop sites of various complexity and direction. And, of course, its modular structure.

    What made you to decide to work on XOOPS Themes? 

    I wanted to help XOOPS community to have in addition to program flexibility (i.e. modular structure),  to have also visual flexibility (i.e. design and templates)

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    I think, the main achievements still ahead and, probably, not in the field of programming.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    My hobbies are quite usual, I take a great interest in sports. In the winter - mountain skiing. And in the summer, in the spring and in the autumn - the rollerskating.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I am indifferent to alcohol. But if it is necessary to name, I will name good cognac

    What about movies and music? 

    Music-wise I like to listen to old Rock: Freddi Mercury, Pink Floyd. Movies: I love watching French comedies and films with Al Pacino, or Robert DeNiro.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Stop wars and stop disagreements. Let's think together of how to save OUR PLANET.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    We live during interesting time, therefore - here and now.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    There is a good statement for such occasion: "do not create to itself an idol"

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Gesine Max (sinnedesign)

    Gesine Max

    for her XOOPS Themes

    The first Innovation Award goes to Gesine Max (sinnedesign) from Germany:

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I am from Germany and I live and work in Leipzig.

    How long have you been programming? 

    Since 2003 I am working on designs and 2 years ago I learned HTML and CSS. For that reason I have the background and skills to implement my own ideas and designs with HTML and CSS. 

    What is your expertise? 

    My specialty is the work with Open Source products like Gimp, the development of designs and the implementation of these designs in Web projects.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    Approximately one year ago my boyfriend showed me the XOOPS CMS and told me how easy it is to implement my ideas with the help of XOOPS. 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    Mostly I like the nice and helpful community, that motivates me every day to create new XOOPS themes and to actualize myself. Furthermore I like the clean and flexible framework of XOOPS.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Actually I can't tell it, because I am very proud of all my designs and I am always really looking forward to the next one I will finish 

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    In my spare time I like to go to the cinema and I often hang out with my friends.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Most of all I like salmon with spinach, pasta and cream sauce and my favorite drink is Latte Macchiato.

    What about movies and music? 

    I I like mostly German movies, but of course I like to watch movies from Hollywood, too. My favorite music is by the German hip-hop band "Fettes Brot

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Justice, the combat of poverty and universal peace.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    I would like the most to live in Australia for one year to improve my English 

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    That is a very difficult question. There are so many people I would like to meet, too many to tell you one single person.

    I am really looking forward to carry on giving the XOOPS community many themes and to extend my own skills. In the future I will try to create many themes with divs. 
    Happy XoopsSing. 

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