XOOPSer of the Month & XOOPS Innovation Awards

XOOPS Innovators

  • John Mordo (jlm69)

    John Mordo 

    for his Jobs & ClassifiedsModules

    This month the Innovation Award goes to John Mordo (jlm69) from USA for his work on Classifieds and Jobs modules. John is from XOOPS almost from the beginning - since July 2002! 

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I am from Southington, Connecticut, I was born here in the winter of 1959 and I still live here. A very nice town in central Connecticut.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I am not really a programmer, but I started about ten years ago with Xoops and wanted a module that was not available, so I started working with code then.

    What is your expertise? 

    I would say my expertise would be troubleshooting, meaning I like to look through code to find out why it does not work or figuring out how to do something.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    Back in 2000 or 2001 I wanted to make my web site better, after looking for a CMS I found XOOPS, it was easy to setup compared to all others at the time, that meant a lot back then because I was new to this stuff. Plus I can change any code that I want to, so it fits my needs.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    The first thing that comes to mind is the XOOPS Community. People from all over the world helping each other out without really knowing each other. It really doesn't get much better than that.

    Why did you decide to work on the Classifieds and Jobs modules?

    It started with the Jobs Module. I wanted a jobs module for my site and there was nothing out there, so I took the myads module and turned it into a jobs module, that was about 8 or 9 years ago. Then I wanted an Alumni Module so I took my new Jobs Module and turned it into an Alumni Module. 

    Once the modules were made, I figured I could not have done this without Xoops, so I released them to the community as my way of giving back. As far as Classifieds, the only reason I did it was because at the time there was no currently maintained Classifieds Module. So I decided my modules really came from myads, a classified ads module, so I should take my changes and turn my modules back into a classified ad module, it just seemed like the right thing to do.. This one was really just for the community because I don't really use it.

    You just released the update for Classifieds. What are the future plans for it and for Jobs? 

    I never really have plans for my modules, either I see something I don't like and change it or someone asks for some changes and I make them. I do try to keep up with the latest XOOPS, so anytime my modules NEED to be updated I try to do it as soon as I can. I do plan to release an update for the Alumni Module and the Jobs Module in the next few months. 

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be?

    I always take the banners in XOOPS and clone them, meaning I make banner1, banner2, banner3, of the whole banner system. this way I can have different size banners and put them anywhere I want. Plus the user can still login to their banners. they log in to banner1 or banner2 etc. It would be nice to have that built into the core. 

    I don't know if this is a feature but in Xoops Class folder there is a xoopstopic.php I always thought there should be a xoopscategory.php with a class for categories.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Not really being a programmer I am proud of all my modules, but the Jobs Module to me is special, the code needs to do a lot of things. The search in the new Classifieds is pretty nice too.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

    I like old cars, I have a 69 Chevelle Convertible that I am putting together, that will take a lot of my time over the next 2 months.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Food is one thing that doesn't interest me much as I don't really like most food. I guess I'm a steak and potatoes guy. But I love Chocolate junk food. As for drink I am partial to Heineken

    What about movies and music? 

    Music is one of my favorite things, Rock Music. Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Scorpions, Ozzy, Tesla. My favorite song is Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd. (if you never heard of it, you should listen to it.) For movies I like romantic comedies the best.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    Listen to Simple Man

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Luiz Carlos Batista (Andrax)

    Luiz Carlos Batista 

    for the XIM Chat module

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Luiz Carlos Batista (Andrax) from Brazil and Michael Albertsen (culex) from Denmark for their work on the XIM Chat module as a team. We would like to see more people working as teams on developing themes and modules.

    Interview with Luiz Carlos Batista:

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I'm from Brazil, I was born in Cachoeira, a small town in Bahia state... but have lived almost all my life in Salvador!!!

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started learning to program out of curiosity more or less 11 years ago, to do my own mIRC script...  From this, my curiosity led me to pursue more knowledge, including web development (HTML, CSS, PHP, etc...), what 6 years ago has become my work!

    What is your expertise? 

    Seek solutions and learn how to use and expand them

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    In 2004 I needed to create an intranet for the company where I work, and after much research and testing of various CMS, I found XOOPS, which was undoubtedly the best option... but the community was the big difference that made me want to participate and help others

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    The community, modularity, and ease of customization.

    Why did you decide to work on the XIM ? 

    I was studying XOOPS module development, so I thought about doing something cool and different, something that the community wanted and would enjoy (Well, seems it worked )

    You just released the version 1.02. What are the future plans for XIM ? 

    For now, the basic ideas revolve around adding individual friends list, group chat and allow use of plugins on the module. 

    What was the best part of working as a team with somebody from another part of the world (like Culex from Denmark), what was the hardest? 

    The best part is that with different visions, experiences and ideas, we can improve the module much more than if we did it separately... after all, there are two (or more, kris helped us a lot) people bring interesting solutions and solving problems that appear...

    And the hardest part for me, certainly was the language barrier and synchronizing the work agendas!

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be?

    A core feature or module that allows installation of modules and themes from zip files on your disk, files URLs... or rather from a centralized repository of XOOPS modules. (This idea is already being put into practice by a member of the XOOPS community in Brazil, I believe we will have news soon  )

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    I believe this is still to come ... I have learned a lot and improved my skills in recent years.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

    I like learn, read and playing sports... but I don't have much free time!

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I love pasta, lasagna and pizza... to drink a fruit juice or soda.

    What about movies and music? 

    I enjoy music and movies and consider myself very eclectic in that sense, but I prefer rock music and sci-fi movies

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    Carpe diem!

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why?

    I believe the best time to be is now, and the best place is near the people you love.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    Jesus Christ, the most outstanding personality of all time. I would like to hear His teachings directly from Him. 

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Michael Albertsen (Culex)

    Michael Albertsen

    for the XIM Chat module

    Interview with Michael Albertsen

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I am born in the northern most city of Skagen, where I still live.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started programming when I got my first computer (C-64). But I didn't really got anywhere until I got my first PC and started making a website for myself. And then it kind of kicked off from there. It was kind of sporadic use of programming until I started using XOOPS. Now I feel I am learning new things every day.

    What is your expertise? 

    Expertise and expertise... well I'm getting to know PHP and MySQL pretty OK by now, and with the jQuery trend I have focused no learning javascript better too. So I guess these are my areas of expertise. A little all round with plenty to learn still.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    An abysmal website for the local radio station that needed to be exchanged in a hurry. Laziness led me to a search for a CMS systems, and I ended up trying out a few, until I reached XOOPS. Now I would not dream to use anything else.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    It's easy to get it to look exactly how you want. It's as secure and possible and mostly I like it because it's not a mess like so many other systems mixing HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS in same pages. And it's progressing with every release. Every time something new and improved. You don't find better developers anywhere else 

    Why did you decide to work on XIM ? 

    Because of limecity he asked for Quote:

    xoops chat integration (like facebook) ?

    . I agreed this would be a great feature and the race was one to make it. Andrax had the same idea, and we decided to join forces.

    You just released the version 1.02. What are the future plans for XIM ?

    There are plenty of plans. Some features are already prepared (friendlist [add,remove,block]). I'm hoping we would also have group-messaging, all-in-one chat window chatting, picture/zip file uploading and sharing etc etc.

    What was the best part of working as a team with somebody from another part of the world, what was the hardest?

    The best part was the ability to move things. Sometimes when you get stuck with a problem there is someone else to help or solve the problem. 
    Another great thing is that all the small blunders and bugs you miss, he/they will find. Not to mention when things move fast suddenly the project is much bigger and cooler than you had in mind in the beginning. 
    I would definitely recommend teamwork to all Xoopser.

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be?

    Send message via SMS. Video chatting...this would be very cool. Video chat is maybe something to add to the plugin system mentioned in the prior question 

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Xim is it. This is by far the most advanced project so far I have been part of. But of course I'm also proud of my comment-hack module I made with Rune, indexscan and onair module. The last two is in big need of a upgrade though.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    I have for the last 15 years been working in Tiger FM, the local radiostation. I do some commercial, station ids and some music mixing also. I used to work as a DJ in the weekends but haven't got the time anymore.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    My favorite dish is definitely "Free food". It always taste twice nice when someone else pays  Favorite drink kind of depends. At home working at the pc I'd have to say coffee. Nothing else really feels right sitting at the pc, strangely enough the same goes when sitting in front of a microphone. Otherwise I would drink beer. The best Danish beer is still Red carsberg (you gotta love that commercial hehe).. A few years ago I discovered Bulgarins make very nice beer, so when we're there I drink Zagorka (brilliant beer!!)

    What about movies and music? 

    I like Thrillers, mystery or horror movies. No romance for me please. As for music I like almost everything. Too many years having to make radio programs from all ends, I guess. Rock and metal music is still favorites though.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    Make sure you make the most of every chance you get, and try to never put yourself in a position where you would think "Why didn't I...". Life is short and we ought to make the most of every second. Even the time you have spent reading this will never come again. (LOL I'm depressing myself. I Need Zagorka!!)

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why?

    Most people would like to live somewhere back in the past, I think I would like to go forward 500 years. I'd love to see what we discover/invent in all that time.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    hmm I don't know. There are plenty of interesting people out there, but to single one out is difficult. Maybe the driver of whatever crashed in Roswell, just to get his/her side of the story  

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Christophe Boceno (Kris_fr)

    Christophe Boceno 

    for work on the Slideshow module

    The second XOOPS Innovation Award goes to Christophe Boceno  (kris_fr),  from France, for his work on various themes: MorphogenesisZetaDigmeCSS100 MorPho, and  Xdt Standard. Kris already received "XOOPSer of the Month Award" in April 2009

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I'm from France, I live in Saint-Nazaire in Breizh/Brittany but my work (safety manager for major engineering company) requires me to travel.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started (HTML and CSS) back to 1996 ... and my first computer and website 

    What is your expertise? 

    Mainly web design (HTML and CSS), a little PHP and JavaScript 

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    A community of friends and another way to see the Web 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    Its simplicity, modularity and the community

    Why did you decide to work on the Morphogenesis theme Framework, and your other themes? 

    - To allow anyone, without specific knowledge of HTML, CSS or PHP, to make quality themes  
    - He is now with the design team, development of cheat sheets, and documentation of different templates themes

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    A module to customize themes and templates

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    Those that are yet to come 

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    My son, mathematics, sailing and windsurf, aikido, Polynesian tattoos and photography

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Grilled prime rib and french wine "Côtes Roties" and whisky "Islay Single Malts"

    What about movies and music? 

    No specific style or music (except jazz), I just let the feeling go and enjoy it

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Think about what you've learned with success in your life since your birth. It reinforces self-confidence. And always believe in human nature.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    here  - Wouldn't you too? 

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    Sun Tzu. If our leaders would apply his teaching, the world would be more peaceful

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    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Sushang Yang (ezsky)

    Sushang Yang
    ezsky)  and his team

    for work on the Slideshow module

    This month, we would like to recognize Sushang Yang (Ezsky) from China , for work on the Slideshow  module

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I live in Beijing, China.

    How long have you been programming? 

    For about four years. I started with java and after I got to know XOOPS, I have been studying php to develop or hack XOOPS modules

    What is your expertise? 

    I'm more familiar with user experience, front-end development and web design.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    Google! When I was taking a course on PHP web development in 2006, I googled and compared many different CMS, including XOOPS, joomla, drupal and so on. After some research, I found XOOPS provided the best support for multi-byte languages such as Chinese. XOOPS caught my eye also because it looked so ugly. But the most important reason was one of the founders and main developers was from China too.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS?

    I'm very lazy! So I really like the modulized framework and object-oriented design of XOOPS, which allows developers to focus on module design and enable fast development.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    I'm now maintaining xoops.org.cn. I also participate in improving user experience and testing for XOOPS.

    What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    2008 is the most exciting year in my programming experience. I not only maintained XOOPS China but led the redesign of its website and participated in the user interface design of XOOPS 3. I'd love to continue my work in all these exciting projects. 

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

    Billiards, mountain biking, and some other outdoor activities. I love playing guitar.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I like green tea and vegetarian dishes.

    What about movies and music? 

    I prefer comedies. I can't live without music. I listen mostly to rock, e.g. slipknot and David Gilmour.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    No specific choice but I would really like to meet my friends from the XOOPS community.

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Andrey (andrey3761)



    for his Chat module

    This month, we would like to recognize Andrey (andrey3761) from the Russia for his work on Chat module

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I'm from Moldova, Transnistria.

    How long have you been programming?

    Programming was my major. But we were not taught to program in PHP. At first I started with some existing XOOPS modules by modifying those. Then I started designing modules myself. I've been programming for 3 years now.

    What is your expertise?

    I am a software engineer by education. I am mostly into web programming and server administration.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I found out about XOOPS long time ago. I decided to create a website but I didn't have enough skills then. My friends suggested me to use the XOOPS CMS for my website. I installed it and I liked it! Since then XOOPS powers all of my websites. But XOOPS lacks some freedom of action, unlike CMF. But that's only better because one can easily understand it.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS?  

    I like that it is modulized. You can create large dynamic portals and after some time extend their functionality by adding new modules.

    Why did you decide to work on the Chat module ?

    I came up with an idea to create a chat module long time ago. But I did not have the necessary knowledge in this area (AJAX) then. So I used some existing chat modules like Shoutbox. But I didn't like it for two reasons: 
    1) It could only be used from a block so one could not create a separate page for users to chat in. 
    2) It used iframe instead of AJAX. I've always wanted to have an AJAX chat. 
    That is how I created my Chat module. As I am a Russian speaker, the module was first published on Russian websites. I wanted to see some testimonials to improve the module functionality and publish it on Xoops.org then. But nobody really paid much attention to it. 
    By accident a link to my module was published on Xoops.org and I got some positive feedback so I decided to finish the module.

    What are the future plans for Chat? Any other modules in development?

    I intend to create an AJAX block for the chat retaining all the features of the main page. There are some problems for anonymous users to access the chat so that is the reason they can't use it now. These issues will be fixed in the block. I am also working on a couple of informational modules. They will be published on Xoops.org.

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be?

    I suggested to add some XOOPS classes for working with the Jabber (XMPP) protocol many times. Using some ready solutions adapting those for XOOPS now. 
    I also want XOOPS core to have a functionality to set certain colors for users depending on their rank. It is implemented on my website but some system files modification is required.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of?

    Mainly I am proud of the bit-torrent tracker module I designed. This module has been up on my website for over 2 years now. I had to translate a lot of BitTorrent protocol documentation and see how it is implemented in other engines to design the module. The module has not been published elsewhere as it is designed specifically for my website. But I do plan to adapt it so that everybody could install it on any XOOPS website.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

    I like listening to music on the modern Hi-End equipment

    What about movies and music?

    Of course I prefer Russian rock and Russian metal as in regard to the music! I also like international artists of the same genre.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why?

    I would like to live in 3000 getting to work using some flying vehicles or teleporting  I love Hi Tech.

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Ian Underwood (iunderwood)

    Ian Underwood 

    for his UHQ-GeoLocateand UHQ-IceAuth

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Ian Underwood (iunderwood) from USA, for his innovative UHQ-GeoLocate and UHQ-IceAuth modules   

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I was born, raised, and have lived most of my life in central Massachusetts. I live in my hometown of Leicester with my wife and 4-year old son. I lived in Colorado for a year, and it was a beautiful state.

    How long have you been programming? 

    I've been programming in some fashion since 1984. My first exposure to computer languages was with Logo on a few of his Apple //e computers. The following summer, my parents bought an Apple //e for the family. Since then, I have worked with a multitude of languages including BASIC, Pascal, C, Perl, and most recently PHP.

    In the very unlikely event that he's reading, I'd like to thank Mr. McHale (OLV 7th Grade) for giving the class and getting the fires started in me.

    What is your expertise? 

    I am a network engineer by trade, and hold certifications from Cisco and Sun Microsystems.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    I used to DJ for a radio station which used XOOPS for its own website and I was quite impressed with what it could do. The admin that ran it made a number of mighty fine tweaks to the code and wrote a few of his own modules, which left me very impressed.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    Modularity. I was most blown away with how easy it was to install, uninstall, and update modules. I did not like how other systems scattered files around, especially after I was done trying a module that I would then have no idea how to remove.

    Why did you decide to work on the UHQ-GeoLocate & UHQ-IceAuth modules ? 

    I started work on IceAuth a few years ago based on a module called "Ice". At the time, I was setting up a website demo for a friend and I wanted to limit one of IceCast's mount points to restricted accounts only. At the time, it was the only authentication module out for any CMS. Unfortunately, it did not work with XOOPS 2.3, so I figured I'd rewrite it from the ground up in pieces. Then I added a whole lot of stuff. I am not aware of any single piece of software anywhere that does what this can do in an administratively-friendly fashion. 

    GeoLocate came about rather recently when one of my associates on PowerFrag thought it would be neat if we could get an idea where our listeners were tuning in from. I had already logged IPs and reverse DNS, so I sought out some geolocation information. A number of libraries and providers exist which provide that information, and I thought it would be good to write a separate module instead of just embedding a single provider into the IceAuth code. 

    Ideally, I wanted to be able to use the capability in other modules and figured it would be better to write those capabilities modularly. I have some other ideas that would benefit from location capabilities. I'm sure that others have great ideas as well.

    What other modules are you working on right now? What can we expect from your next? 

    I've added MaxMind's web services to GeoLocate and I'm testing that in pieces. I expect to release v0.92 next week before the new year. 

    Right now, I'm focused on rewriting the request engine in UHQ-Radio. The list and search are very much based off the sample PHP code that came with SAM Broadcaster, but it doesn't really scale too well with several thousand tracks by having one linear list. I'm also working on writing in a hook for IceAuth so listeners won't need to use their website password to authenticate if required. 

    I've got a couple of big ideas for modules which I'd like to give legs to next year, including a simple weekly-rotating schedule, a network asset manager, and a media analyzer which can make some more meaningful reports out of the information I log in IceAuth and Radio. I may rebuild GameStat if my UnrealTournament crew ever finds time to run our own server again.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    In 1993, I wrote an update parser and packager for WWIV-based networks. I was very proud to have it running on a couple of small message networks, OgdenNet being the one that ran it the longest. I wasn't familiar with the concept of open-source at the time, so it didn't grow as well as it could have, and I really wanted to make money off my creation. Ah, the joys of being a teenager. 

    I was very proud of the precursor to UHQ-Radio which got me started with XOOPS programming, but that code was lost to the ages. At this point, that is a good thing because it needed a lot of polish. 

    I hope that the best is yet to come!

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    My dominant hobby is the small Internet radio station I run, PowerFrag.FM, which is powered by XOOPS. I have long loved video game music as an art form, and I am very pleased to collect it and share it with the world. 

    I also enjoy spending time with my family and taking care of my house and renovating my basement.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I love food quite a bit, so there are many dishes I enjoy. Home made lasagna, a turkey feast, and steak cooked over charcoal are among my favorites. 

    For drink, I prefer a cold Sam Adams, or a Guinness on-tap.

    What about movies and music? 

    My favorite movie of all time is "The Empire Strikes Back". Admittedly, I have not seen it in years because I am waiting for the BluRay release with baited breath. I am very fond of "The Matrix". Also, "Falling Down" pokes at my darker side.

    Outside of game soundtracks, I like to listen to hard rock, electronic, and industrial music. My favorite band is VNV Nation. Other bands I've seen and listen to are too numerous to count. I own over 1,100 CDs crossing most genres.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    If we focuse more on how we are alike than how we are different, the world may find peace yet.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why?

    With all the blessings and challenges I've had in my life so far, I wouldn't trade this time for any other. So much of the past is romanticized and the bad stuff glossed over.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    I'd like to meet my paternal grandfather since I've never met him. 

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Aitor Uskola (Aitor)

    Aitor Uskola 

    for his Theme Configurator

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Aitor Uskola (Aitor) from Spain, for his innovative Theme Configuration module!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now? 

    I am from Getxo (Basque Country, Spain).

    How long have you been programming? 

    I started learning programming by myself 20 years ago and I got my first programmer job 8 years ago for a small internet company. 

    What is your expertise? 

    I like software and create things myself.

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    When I just started learning PHP, I saw a post in PHPNuke community by w4z004 speaking about the new project XOOPS. And after looking code I decided that XOOPS was better for learning.

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    How easy is to implement XOOPS Security for modules.

    In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why? 

    Module development and support

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    Only one? I think that most important that XOOPS needs is SEO, I see that some modules now have it but it would be better to have a standard way.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    I like Galeria, I learn with it PHP and XOOPS. A lot of people collaborated on it, and while some of them left, I hope that they will come back.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    I like scuba and cycling when there is a nice weather.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    I favorite dish is my mother's Meatballs, and as drink I like Coke.

    What about movies and music? 

    I like a lot movies, if I need to select one, all the Stargate film and series.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

    Don't Worry, Be Happy

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why?

    I like a lot where I live and hope that now is good moment.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?  

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin, creators of Google. What would be internet without Google?. 

    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
    Rating: 0 / 5 (0 rating(s) totally)
  • Alexander Galochkin (algalochkin)

    Alexander Galochkin 

    for his IXTFramework

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Alexander Galochkin (algalochkin) from Russia, for his innovative IXTFrameWork theme management module!  This is his 3d Innovation Award!

    Where are you from, and where do you live now?

    I am from Russia, and live in Ekaterinburg. It's the third most important city in Russia (after Moscow and St.-Petersburg), and is is located near to border of Europe and Asia.

    How long have you been programming? 

    If I consider coding in general, then for a long time, as I started programming in C in 1985. But if we are talking about Web-programming, then more recently - approximately in 1996. Although now I am involved more in the design of sites. 

    What is your expertise? 

    Mainly HTML, CSS, a little PHP and Javascript

    What got you to XOOPS? 

    When I worked once on a site for one of my clients, it was required to provide high degree of dynamic interaction, thus the big capacity of a site, support of various languages and still possibility of connection of the modules. In the end, only XOOPS was able to fulfill these requirements! 

    What do you like the most about XOOPS? 

    I love in XOOPS its amazing flexibility when I develop sites of various complexity and direction. And, of course, its modular structure.

    What made you to decide to work on the Theme Manager? 

    The big desire to make the life of users much simpler.

    You just released the first version. What are the future plans for the Theme Manager ? 

    The further improvement of a code and addition of new features. And of course, all versions of this module will be free 

    What other new cool things do you work on? 

    As always there are a lot of great ideas, but not all of them will ever reach implementation. It is sometimes banal that ideas perish in the absence of financing or the sponsor.

    If you could add one feature to XOOPS, what would it be? 

    I think, that properties of system should correspond to time requirements. Now I would like to wish to strengthen actions on advancement and popularization of XOOPS. It is more than articles about XOOPS, more than positive examples of use.

    What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of? 

    I think that it's still ahead.

    What are your hobbies, when you're not coding? 

    My hobbies are quite usual, I take a great interest in sports. In the winter - mountain skiing. And in the summer, in the spring and in the autumn - the rollerskating.

    You favorite dish and drink? 

    Coffee with a lemon. I am indifferent to alcohol.

    What about movies and music? 

    I listen to different music from classics to rock. It depends on mood.

    If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say? 

    Now I have nothing to tell to the world. Let commercial time is used by politicians, it is their work.

    If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why? 

    We live during interesting time, therefore - here and now.

    Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

    I can not tell why, but now I would like to meet Great Leonardo Da Vinci.

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  • Ricardo Costa (Trabis)

    Ricardo Costa

    for his myMenus 1.1module

    This month the Innovation Award goes to Ricardo Costa (Trabis) from Portugal, for his innovative Mymenus 1.1 module!  This is his 2nd Innovation Award!

    Please read his previous Innovation Award interview here.

    You can also read his recent interview on XOOPS Russia

    Here is the English translation:

    Dear Ricardo! 

    Russia's XOOPS users congratulate you on joining the XOOPS Council. In this regard, let me ask you a few questions about how you see the development of XOOPS in Russia's.

    1. Starting with version 2.4 of XOOPS we have a license key - will it affect the accessibility and free availability of XOOPS in future?

    Re: No. License is just a number (hash) that uniquely identifies your XOOPS instalation. It is a feature for module developers, it does not affect the accessibility and free availability of XOOPS.

    2. Because of peculiarities of the Russian language, many users are accustomed to the encoding win-1251 (cp-1251) and many avoid UTF-8. How do you see the UTF-8 within XOOPS - is it here to stay?

    Re: I'm also used to use latin1 but in the future XOOPS will only support utf-8. I recommend you to translate and encorage your users to use UTF-8.

    3. It's no secret that Russian support for XOOPS leaves much to be desired. Currently, work is underway on the project resuscitation of http://www.XOOPS2.ru, creating new projects: XOOPS-ORG.ru, MYXOOPS.ru etc. What do you think, we need to create strong community of XOOPS in Russia, as well as to attract more users, developers and designers?

    Re: I think that you should have only ONE support site for Russian users. I don't know how you can engage users to USE XOOPS. As Mamba says: "don't ask what Xoops can do for you, ask what you can do for Xoops". The important is keeping support alive and provide translations for modules, core and XOOPS.org news.

    4. On Google Code you created a SVN-repository XUUPS - what is it connected? Is SourceForge not enough?

    Re: Xuups is a private project and it is not related with XOOPS directly. I use google code because it is easier to create new packages.

    5. How much do you recommend the creation of a public SVN for the development of joint projects?

    Re: I think module developers should learn to work as team and that having a common repository would be great for XOOPS. We will create a SVN for maintaining official modules, we need to work toghether in modules such as CBB, article, tags, profile, mylinks, mydownloads, etc.

    6. Many people like the blocks manager in version 2.5 PreAlpha. What other innovations can we expect?

    Re: I'm not lead developer for 2.5.x series but I believe 2.5 will not have more innovations beside the System module. The 2.5 main focus is to move code to PHP5. Features will come in 2.6 and/or 3.0.

    7. Modules of the French developers of TDM have nice graphical Administrative User Interface in the style of Joomla - will it become standard for all modules of XOOPS?

    Re: It would be nice to provide module developers a greater Framework. We need classes for creating breadcrumbs, admin menu, about pages, etc, etc. But this is not on 2.5 roadmap.

    8. When do you expect to release Publisher?

    Re: I believe we will release an alpha this month.

    9. What wishes and advises would you have for the XOOPS Russian community?

    Re: I just wish you good luck, I'm also trying to set up a Portuguese support site and I'm not the best person to advise how to do it!

    Ricardo, thanks for your time. Your opinion is very valuable to us. 

    Re: No problem, thanks for asking!

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