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Directory XoopsModules25x: 86 of 191 Repositories
Our repository for modules for XOOPS 2.5.x
Repository: xmfdemo
Created at: 03/04/2016 21:16 Updated at: 03/07/2021 3:42
XMF Demo module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
XMF Demo module for XOOPS CMS provides some examples for XMF (XOOPS Module Framework).
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: quiz
Created at: 09/23/2015 8:46 Updated at: 01/01/2021 4:54
xQuiz is a simple module to conduct quizzes using XOOPS .
Fork this module and if you have any improvements and fixes, please share them back with us.
Visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming XOOPS CMS version is being crafted at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: myalbum
Created at: 10/08/2013 13:56 Updated at: 09/28/2020 12:33
MyAlbum module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
MyAlbum for XOOPS CMS is another photo gallery module
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: defacer
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:33 Updated at: 09/11/2020 10:49
Defacer module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
Defacer for XOOPS CMS is a new revolutionary XOOPS module that allows you to change themes, metadata and permissions for any given page on the XOOPS-based Website, thus giving you a level of control and customization not seen before.
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xbslog
Created at: 12/16/2017 21:45 Updated at: 09/02/2020 19:48
content module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
Content module for XOOPS CMS to .
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xbsmodgen
Created at: 12/16/2017 21:43 Updated at: 09/02/2020 19:48
XBS ModGen module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
XBS ModGen module for XOOPS CMS is a module to help in generation of other XOOPS modules.
Ever wanted to write a module for Xoops but don't know where to get started? Are you writing for XOOPS and find the initial module setup tasks tedious? This module writes a complete module skeleton for you and enables you to setup the user side and admin side pages and menus, configuration items and underlying data tables. You have to provide the page logic but you are safe in the knowledge that you are writing in a secure framework as used by all XBS modules.
- Form driven entry of all information required to create module
- Setting up of following module items
- Name, tag and directory information
- Author, language and country information
- Module configuration items
- MySQL table creation
- Admin side and user side menu and pages
- Shell functions for module installation, update and delete
- Shell functions for search, comments and notification
- Framework to include common function in every page
- Structured approach to including language specific and non language specific constant defines in every page
- Shell page for every user and admin menu option
- Shell page for admin help page
- Shell scriopts for block definitions
- Admin menu in XBS module style allowing redirection to config page, home page, support site, documentation page and donations site
- One click module generation
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xbssacc
Created at: 12/16/2017 21:43 Updated at: 09/02/2020 19:48
XBS SACC module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
XBS SACC (Simple Accounts) module for XOOPS CMS provides simple double entry book-keeping system. Intended as a support module for larger business applications. System has simple input and output screens. Requires CDM (Code Data Management) to be installed first.
SACC provides the following functionality;
- Multi organisation accounting (accounts for >1 organisation can be kept in the same system, thus once the module is installed, many applications can use it.)
- Basic on screen journal entry of accounts.
- Hierarchical accounts
- A program API based on xoopsObject that can easily extended for additional application functionality
This is the basis of all future SACC development.
In this release:
- All administration moved to Xoops admin backend.
- System documentation complete
- Trial Balance block added
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xbstags
Created at: 12/16/2017 21:41 Updated at: 09/02/2020 19:48
XBS MetaTags module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
XBS MetaTags module for XOOPS CMS adds Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) facilities to your Xoops web site, in particular it adds the ability to manage html metatag keyword and descriptions on a page by page basis.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xbsvat
Created at: 12/16/2017 21:44 Updated at: 09/02/2020 19:48
XBS VAT Checker (EU VAT) module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
XBS VAT Checker (EU VAT) module for XOOPS CMS provides a simple block to allow users to check an EU VAT number. It also provides a developer interface for doing the same. You must have Code Data Management (CDM) installed first. This is available from this site.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: wflinks
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:42 Updated at: 08/13/2020 17:43
WF-Links module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
WF-Links for XOOPS CMS is a module for XOOPS that helps you to create a link section with multiple categories and sub-categories.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xfguestbook
Created at: 08/17/2015 9:41 Updated at: 08/08/2020 23:45
xfguestbook module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
xfGuestbook for XOOPS CMS is a Guestbook module.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: cssholmes
Created at: 08/08/2020 15:13 Updated at: 08/08/2020 22:36
cssHolmes module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
cssHolmes module for XOOPS CMS is a "CSS Markup Detective", with diagnostic CSS stylesheet that can highlight potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML(5) markup by adding one class.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xnewsletter
Created at: 06/02/2014 8:24 Updated at: 08/07/2020 11:56
xNewsletter module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.8+
xNewsletter for XOOPS CMS is a newsletter module created by Goffy, you can use to send newsletters to your users
Short description of basic functions:
- Usage of one or more e-mail-accounts
- Admin of one or more newsletter possible
- Subscription procedure optionally use confirmation system (double-opt-in)
- Detailed handling of permissions for subscription procedures
- Newsletter are based on templates
- Detailed handling of permissions for groups and newsletter (subscribe, write, send)
- Send: send test mail, resend to all subscribers or only to subscribers, where sending failed
- Sending newsletters to unlimited number of recipients or in packages with certain number of recipients by using cronjob
- Bounced email handler for handling Bounced emails in case of invalid e-mail-addresses
- Optionally synchronisation with mailing lists (e.g. majordomo)
- Maintenance function included
- Creating protocol for the important steps
Tutorial: see here. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: mylinks
Created at: 10/08/2013 13:43 Updated at: 08/07/2020 8:40
MyLinks module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.8+
MyLinks module for XOOPS CMS is a XOOPS module that allows an administrator to create a series of website links. The module provides the ability for other users to submit sites for inclusion in the list which can be monitored by the administrator and then approved if desired.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: randomquote
Created at: 10/08/2013 6:51 Updated at: 07/12/2020 13:46
RandomQuote module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.8+
RandomQuote module for XOOPS CMS adds a block that show a random quote. The quotes are added/edited/deleted in the Admin section.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xoopsinfo
Created at: 07/02/2016 11:01 Updated at: 07/10/2020 7:09
xoopsinfo module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.8+
XoopsInfo module for XOOPS CMS to display XOOPS, Apache, MySQL, and PHP information, incl. installed XOOPS modules and editors.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: service
Created at: 06/26/2020 0:57 Updated at: 06/26/2020 1:11
content module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
Service module for XOOPS CMS to show available services.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xoopspartners
Created at: 10/08/2013 13:57 Updated at: 06/21/2020 2:26
XoopsPartners module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
XoopsPartners module for XOOPS CMS provides a page and a block for displaying links to the websites of cooperating organizations, together with short descriptions and optionally logos. Typical usage includes recognition of websites that refer a lot of traffic to your own and ‘thank you’ pages for sponsors.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: extgallery
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:34 Updated at: 05/27/2020 5:51
extGallery module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
extGallery module for XOOPS CMS for a Photo Gallery
Tutorial: see here. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: mastopgo2
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:37 Updated at: 06/10/2019 7:49
Mastop_Go2 module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
Mastop_Go2 module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+ is a new concept in Spotlights Management for XOOPS sites, following the standards of OO development, facilitating the inclusion of new resources.
Tutorial: see here. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: oledrion
Created at: 10/08/2013 13:27 Updated at: 05/19/2019 17:47
Oledrion module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
Advanced eCommerce module for XOOPS CMS
Tutorial: see here. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: soapbox
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:41 Updated at: 02/19/2019 18:59
Soapbox module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
Soapbox module for XOOPS CMS that has a single purpose: to help you build in your site an editorial column section, where you can manage the columns and articles published in an ordered fashion.
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: mymenus
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:38 Updated at: 07/20/2018 16:47
MyMenus module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.9+
MyMenus for XOOPS CMS is a Menu Manager module that allows you to display dynamic or static menus in your XOOPS website.
Tutorial: see here. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: userlog
Created at: 10/08/2013 3:58 Updated at: 09/05/2017 11:00
UserLog module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.8+
UserLog module for XOOPS CMS to log user activities on a XOOPS Website
Tutorial: see GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub
Please visit us on https://xoops.org
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: shoutbox
Created at: 10/08/2013 7:05 Updated at: 07/13/2017 16:18
Directory XoopsDocs: 108 Repositories
Our repository for XOOPS documentation
- xmf-cookbook
- service_manager
- songlist-tut...
- xforms-tutorial
- xoops-module...
- modulebuilde...
- wgsimpleacc-...
- tad_module_d...
- xlanguage-tu...
- xoonips-deve...
- xoonips-tuto...
- newbb-tutorial
- wgtransifex-...
- xnewsletter-...
- cssholmes-tu...
- xfguestbook-...
- chess-tutorial
- suico-tutorial
- about-tutorial
- xoops-instal...
- wggallery-tu...
- tag-tutorial
- waiting-tuto...
- extgallery-t...
- xfaq-tutorial
- Next
Repository: xmf-cookbook
Created at: 02/14/2016 23:43 Updated at: 10/23/2022 2:09
The XMF (XOOPS Module Framework) Cookbook
View it on:
Copyright © 2013-2020 XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
Unless otherwise specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
Repository: service_manager
Created at: 05/25/2015 4:10 Updated at: 10/07/2022 23:53
XOOPS Service Manager
for XOOPS 2.6.0
This document is an introduction to Service Manager in XOOPS CMS Environment, in the upcoming new version of XOOPS CMS
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Service Manager Evolution
- Service Manager
- Service Manager Connection
- Code Simplification
- Service Manager Components
- Future of Service Manager
- Feedback
- Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: songlist-tutorial
Created at: 07/03/2022 17:31 Updated at: 07/03/2022 17:31
Karaoke module for XOOPS CMS
Repository: xforms-tutorial
Created at: 02/06/2016 8:36 Updated at: 11/12/2021 15:56
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module xForms
for XOOPS 2.5.10+
for PHP 7.2+
User Manual
© 2021 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
xForms is a module for XOOPS to offer widely customizable web forms.
This module allows the generation of different kinds of form elements e.g. text areas, check boxes for webmasters to create their "Contact Us" forms. Submitted information can be sent by email or through the private message system of XOOPS, and received by selected user group(s).
Some of the functions include:
- Ability to record data in the database.
- Sending email (copied configurable) and private message
- Management of attached files and images (including downloaded)
- Multiple configurations form (descriptions, shipping methods, etc.).
- Generation of reports for saved forms
- Set start and end dates of validity
Figure 1: Main view of the xForms Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: xoops-modules-cookbook
Created at: 05/09/2017 7:29 Updated at: 11/03/2021 16:17
XOOPS Documentation Series
XOOPS 2.5x Module Developer Cookbook
for XOOPS 2.5.10+
for PHP 7.0+
Version 0.9
Developer Guide
View it on: Gitbook
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Tutorial Purpose
This document is a Cookbook documenting the recommended structure for XOOPS 2.5.10+ modules, best practices, as well as recipes for common tasks
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub by forking the book repository, editing the markdown files with a text editor, and submitting the changes via a Pull Request
Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically.
Table of Content
- Introduction
- Our Standards
- Best Practices
- Database
- Classes
- ModuleAdmin Framework
- Common Classes
- Traits
- Form Classes
- Migration to Namespaces
- Module Configuration
- Templates
- Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: modulebuilder-tutorial
Created at: 05/09/2020 19:05 Updated at: 07/16/2021 10:49
Module Builder
for XOOPS 2.5.11
User Manual
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is for creating/generating new XOOPS modules
Figure 1: Main view of the ModuleBuidler (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- DB Tables
- UML Classes
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: wgsimpleacc-tutorial
Created at: 04/25/2021 11:33 Updated at: 05/07/2021 14:03
wgSimpleAcc Tutorial
Version: 1.22
for XOOPS 2.5.11+
for PHP 7.3 + (PHP 8 ready)
User Manual
© 2021 The XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
The module is used for simple income / expense accounting for clubs or small businesses.
This module supports:
- Use of
- assignments
- assets
- accounts
- clients
- taxes
- currencies
- Creation of balance with a few clicks
- Upload of documents/images
- Detailed rights management (confirm, send, view)
- Creation of your own output templates
- Visualization with Chartjs
All used templates on user side are fully responsive.
This module works only in combination with a bootstrap theme or you have to include bootstrap files manually to your theme.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
This module is developed by Wedega Webdesign Gabor
Tutorial Version: 1.0
Repository: tad_module_development
Created at: 02/10/2021 9:22 Updated at: 02/10/2021 11:45
Tad's Module Development
Tad's Module Development Guide is a translation of the Guide from Taiwan created by Tad:
Repository: xlanguage-tutorial
Created at: 09/26/2015 18:52 Updated at: 11/05/2020 18:26
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module xLanguage
© 2018 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
User Manual
© 2018 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module, xLanguage (eXtensible Multi-language content and character encoding Management plugin) handles displaying contents of different languages, like English, French and Chinese. Character encoding management also handles contents of different encoding sets for one language, like GB2312 (Chinese Simplified) and BIG5 (Chinese Traditional) for Chinese.
What xLanguage CAN do
Download/Fork the Module
What xLanguage can NOT do
1 xLanguage does NOT have the ability of translating content from one language to another one. You have to input contents of various languages by yourself 2 xLanguage does NOT work without adding one line to XOOPS/include/common.php (see guide below) 3 xLanguage does NOT have the ability of converting content from one character encoding to another if none of "iconv", "mb_string" or "xconv" is available.
1 auto-detection of visitor's language on his first visitor 2 memorizing users' language preferences 3 switching contents of different languages/encoding sets on-fly 4 supporting M-S-M mode for character encoding handler
Figure 1: Main view of the xLanguage Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Other //delete, if not used
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: xoonips-developerguide
Created at: 11/12/2016 1:34 Updated at: 10/06/2020 20:44
XooNIps Developer Guide
Welcome to the XooNIps Developer Guide
Repository: xoonips-tutorial
Created at: 11/12/2016 1:32 Updated at: 10/04/2020 20:00
Module XooNIps: Neuroinformatics Base Platform System
for XOOPS 2.10+
Module Version 3.49
Tutorial Version 3.45
User Manual
View it on:
© 2020 XOOPS Project , XooNIps, Riken
Module Purpose
XooNIps is an easy-to-use software that can facilitates building a database-driven website for organizing enormous volume of information in various types of electronic formats, such as research papers, experimental data, mathematical models, and programs along with the metadata, and to share them with users worldwide on the internet.
Figure 1: Main view of the XooNIps Architecture
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- [Introduction]()
- Overview
- Start guide
- Installation
- Administration
- Operations
- Copyright notice
- Module Credits
- Appendix A
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project , XooNIps, Riken
Repository: newbb-tutorial
Created at: 05/25/2015 3:34 Updated at: 09/28/2020 10:02
XOOPS Documentation Series
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module NewBB 5.0
for XOOPS 2.5.10 & PHP 7.2+
User Manual
Figure 1: Main view of the NewBB Module (Admin side)
Module Purpose
This module is for creating a Discussion Forums, aka BBS (Bulletin Boards).
Figure 1: Main view of the NewBB Module (Admin side)
Key Features
- Extensive Permission/Moderation System
- User-friendly Admin Interface
- Reorder Categories, Forums and Subforums
- Subforums
- Attachments (can show Pictures directly)
- Add Poll to Topic
- Prune System
- Digest System
- Karma system
- Experience Level system
- Thread Rating Function
- Editing and deleting can have a timelimit.
- Possible to allow Post only after a Timelimit (next post i.e. 30 sec from same User)
- Moderate a Group (Post need to be approved before displaying )
- Choice between Realname or Nickname
- Fulltext Notification
- Topic Subject Prefix
- In Blocks you can select which Forum or Forums to display
- Print Thread
- RSS Feed
- Collapsing Categories and Fastreply Box ( Cookie will remember Position )
- Can mark all topics as read
- Disclaimer (Choose to display Reply / Post / Both / None)
- Reply first before seeing the other replies
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: wgtransifex-tutorial
Created at: 07/23/2020 7:37 Updated at: 08/19/2020 6:47
wgTransifex Tutorial
for XOOPS 2.5.11
User Manual
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is especially developed for the translators of XOOPS modules and core.
Besides a lot of advantages Transifex have the disadvantage that you have to download the translated files one by one.
You have to create the necessary folders yourself and you have to partially rename the files and to save them in the right folders.
This module is:
- downloading translations from Transifex
- renaming the files if necessary
- creating the folder structure
- saving the files in the forseen folder
- creating a zip-file
Therefore downloaded files can be easily provided as a language package.
Figure 1: Main view of the wgTransifex (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: xnewsletter-tutorial
Created at: 09/29/2015 17:47 Updated at: 08/09/2020 18:17
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module xNewsletter
for XOOPS 2.5.7
Version: xNewsletter 1.2 Final
User Manual
© 2015 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is a Newsletter module for XOOPS created by Goffy.
Figure 1: Main view of the xNewsletter Module (Admin side)
Key Features:
- Usage of one or more e-mail-accounts
- Admin of one or more newsletter possible
- Subscription procedure optionally use confirmation system (double-opt-in)
- Detailed handling of permissions for subscription procedures
- Newsletters are based on templates
- Detailed handling of permissions for groups and newsletter (subscribe, write, send)
- Send: send test mail, resend to all subscribers or only to subscribers, where sending failed
- Sending newsletters to unlimited number of recipients or in packages with certain number of recipients by using cronjob
- Bounced email handler for handling Bounced emails in case of invalid e-mail-addresses
- Optional synchronization with mailing lists (e.g. majordomo)
- Maintenance function included
- Creating protocol for the important steps
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Introduction
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: cssholmes-tutorial
Created at: 08/08/2020 19:12 Updated at: 08/08/2020 21:08
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module cssHolmes
for XOOPS 2.5.10+
for PHP 7.2+
User Manual
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is a "CSS Markup Detective", a stand-alone diagnostic CSS stylesheet that can highlight potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML(5) markup by adding one class.
Figure 1: Main view of the cssHolmes Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: xfguestbook-tutorial
Created at: 06/14/2016 0:05 Updated at: 08/05/2020 15:01
Place holder for xfGuestbook Tutorial.
xfGuestbook is located here: https://github.com/XoopsModules25x/xfguestbook
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module xfGuestbook
for XOOPS 2.5.10+
for PHP 7.1+
User Manual
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is a simple Guestbook for the visitors of your Website.
Figure 1: Main view of the xfGuestbook Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: chess-tutorial
Created at: 05/25/2020 7:16 Updated at: 05/25/2020 7:16
Repository: suico-tutorial
Created at: 04/17/2020 13:41 Updated at: 05/12/2020 14:07
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module Suico
for XOOPS 2.5.10+
for PHP 7.1+
User Manual
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is a Social Network module for XOOPS CMS
Figure 1: Main view of the Suico Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done by forking the tutorial from GitHub, updating the markdown files with a text editor, and then submitting it back via a Pull Request.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: about-tutorial
Created at: 01/06/2016 17:15 Updated at: 05/12/2020 13:24
About Us
for XOOPS 2.5.10
User Manual
© 2020 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is for .....
Figure 1: Main view of the About us Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: xoops-install-upgrade
Created at: 02/16/2019 22:24 Updated at: 02/21/2020 2:40
The XOOPS Install & Upgrade Guide
XOOPS Version
This version contains information current as of XOOPS 2.5.11
View it on:
Copyright © 2018-2020 XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (xoops.org)
Repository: wggallery-tutorial
Created at: 10/22/2019 13:27 Updated at: 11/15/2019 4:32
wgGallery Tutorial
Version: 1.14 RC1
for XOOPS 2.5.10+
for PHP 7.0 +
User Manual
© 2019 The XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is for presentation of your images in a gallery.
You can defined various albums and combine different albums to a collection.
This module supports:
- automatic resizing of images to predefined width/height
- multi upload with drag&drop
- enhanced album and image management (sorting by drag&drop)
- the module contains now a completely new image editor
- automatic resizing of images to predefined width/height
- easy creation of grid images
- easy cropping of images
- various album styles, and all album styles have a lot of possible settings to customize your index page and blocks
- default
- simple
- hover effects
- bootstrap cards
- various gallery types, and all gallery types have a lot of possible settings to customize your gallery
- Lightbox2
- Justified Gallery with Colorbox
- ViewerJs
- Jssor
- LC Lightbox LITE
- watermarks can be used
- text watermark
- image watermark
- possibility to combine albums to a category
- permission settings for each album/category
- permission to view
- permission to download large or mmedium images
- based on bootstrap (for proper showing a bootstrap theme is obligatory)
- maintenance tools
- feedback tool
- import tool for
- eXtGallery
- TDMPicture
- storage of EXIF data possible
All used templates on user side are fully responsive.
This module works only in combination with a bootstrap theme or you have to include bootstrap files manually to your theme.
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Tutorial Version: 1.0
Repository: tag-tutorial
Created at: 11/26/2014 16:07 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:47
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module Tag
for XOOPS 2.5.7
User Manual
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is for .....
Figure 1: Main view of the Marquee Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: waiting-tutorial
Created at: 02/06/2016 8:35 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:47
Module xLanguage
Module Waiting
for XOOPS 2.5.8
User Manual
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module offers you an extensible waiting contents block into your XOOPS.
Figure 1: Main view of the Waiting Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: extgallery-tutorial
Created at: 11/27/2014 9:14 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:43
XOOPS Documentation Series
Module extGallery
for XOOPS 2.5.7
User Manual
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose
This module is for .....
Figure 1: Main view of the Marquee Module (Admin side)
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Preferences
- Operating Instructions
- The User Side
- Blocks
- Templates
- Miscellaneous
- Module Credits
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Repository: xfaq-tutorial
Created at: 04/01/2016 8:49 Updated at: 01/19/2019 11:43
Directory XoopsModulesArchive: 698 Repositories
Our repository for old modules
Repository: shiori
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:09 Updated at: 12/12/2020 12:01
Archived Module for XOOPS CMS
XOOPS Module Archive: Modules in this archive are older modules for XOOPS CMS, and therefore some of them might not work with the latest XOOPS and PHP versions.
However, please fork them and if you have any improvements and fixes, please share them back with us.
Visit us on https://xoops.org
The upcoming "next generation" XOOPS CMS version is being crafted at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xnews
Created at: 07/12/2020 6:17 Updated at: 11/10/2020 6:16
Repository: zmagazine
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:30 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:30
Repository: ziling
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:30 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:30
Repository: zeuploader
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:30
Repository: yybbs
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: yomi
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: yahoonews
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: xwhois
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: xwebtools
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: xupgrade
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: xtt
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:29 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: xtremguestbook
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:29
Repository: xtorrent
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xt_conteudo
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xsurvey
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xp-radio
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xplayhistory
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xplayer
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:28 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xplaincart
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xphpbbi
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:28
Repository: xp_syndication
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Repository: xoopsdigger
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Repository: xoopsbook
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Repository: xoopsAntiBotSignup
Created at: 10/25/2020 8:27 Updated at: 10/25/2020 8:27
Directory XoopsModules26x: 0 of 18 Repositories
Our repository for modules for XOOPS 2.6.x
Directory XoopsThemes: 28 Repositories
Our repository for XOOPS themes
Repository: xswatch3
Created at: 09/13/2022 19:15 Updated at: 09/13/2022 20:04
This is the xswatch theme extracted from the pre-release XoopsCore25 XOOPS 2.5.11-Beta2
xSwatch is a theme for XOOPS 2.5 that is based on Bootstrap 3.3.7.
The main theme is based on Bootswatch Cerulean, and a dark alternative is based on Bootswatch Slate. Theme specific templates are generally compatible with and in many cases borrowed from xBootstrap.
- emphasis on better mobile experience
- self hosted, with no off domain resources required
- built in EU cookie compliance
- administrator toolbar with block edit feature
Customize xSwatch:
- customize the Navigation Bar in tpl/nav-menu.tpl and language/*/main.php to match your system
- customize the Jumbotron in theme.tpl
- for best experience install both the PM and Profile modules
- to enable the dark theme, copy the contents of the css-dark directory to the css directory.
- alternate Bootswatch themes can be swapped in easily by coping the theme's bootstrap.min.css into the css folder.
- Twitter Bootstrap - Bootstrap
- Angelo Rocha - xBootStrap
- Thomas Park - BootSwatch
- Silktide - Cookie Consent
- Klaus Hartl - js-cookie
Repository: constra
Created at: 06/20/2020 1:52 Updated at: 06/20/2020 2:18
Constra Construction Theme For XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+ by Heyula
Constra is a responsive HTML site template for a Construction Business. It has lot of features and is can be modified.
Adapted Modules:
- WGGallery
- Xmcontent
- XmNews
Download: https://erenyumak.com/modules/themes/item.php?itemid=22
Demo: https://erenyumak.com/ato/
Ported to XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
License & Author Details: Freeware with Attributes to ThemeFisher
- Conversion for XOOPS CMS: B.Heyula
- Design and Development: ThemeFisher
XOOPS CMS is a free, open source, lightweight & extensible Content Management System (CMS) for building websites.
Visit us at XOPS CMS website
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xoops-org
Created at: 06/09/2020 0:14 Updated at: 06/11/2020 12:51
Xoops New Theme
Repository: xswatch4
Created at: 08/07/2020 12:13 Updated at: 02/09/2020 19:11
xSwatch4 is a theme for XOOPS 2.5.11 that is based on Bootstrap 4.4.1.
The main theme is based on Bootswatch Cerulean, and a dark alternative is based on Bootswatch Slate.
- emphasis on better mobile experience
- self hosted, with no off domain resources required
- built in cookie consent
- administrator toolbar with block edit feature
Customize xSwatch:
- customize the Navigation Bar in tpl/nav-menu.tpl and language/*/main.php to match your system and installed modules
- customize the Jumbotron in theme.tpl and tpl/jumbotron.tpl
- enable a slider in theme.tpl and tpl/slider.tpl
- customize cookie consent in tpl/cookieConsent.tpl, or disable include in theme.tpl
- customize or disable inbox alert in theme.tpl and tpl/inboxAlert.tpl
- for best experience install both the PM and Profile modules
- to enable the dark theme, copy the contents of the css-dark directory to the css directory.
- alternate Bootswatch themes can be swapped in easily by copying the theme's bootstrap.min.css into the css folder.
In addition to templates for the modules included in XOOPS (pm, profile and system,) Bootstrap v4.4 templates are included for the following modules:
- contact - XoopsModules25x/contact
- extcal - XoopsModules25x/extcal
- newbb - XoopsModules25x/newbb
- obituaries - mambax7/obituaries
- publisher - XoopsModules25x/publisher
- tag - XoopsModules25x/tag
- tdmdownloads - XoopsModules25x/tdmdownloads
- wggallery - XoopsModules25x/wggallery
- xmcontact - GregMage/xmcontact
- xmcontent - GregMage/xmcontent
- xmdoc - GregMage/xmdoc
- xmnews - GregMage/xmnews
- xoopsfaq - XoopsModules25x/xoopsfaq
- Grégory Mage - xm modules templates
- Twitter Bootstrap - Bootstrap
- Angelo Rocha - xBootStrap
- Thomas Park - BootSwatch
- Silktide - Cookie Consent
- Klaus Hartl - js-cookie
Repository: xsimpleblocks
Created at: 05/12/2017 10:20 Updated at: 02/26/2018 9:00
Theme name: xSimpleblocks
Version 1.2 Final
This is responsive theme for XOOPS CMS / www.xoops.org for 2.5.9 version
This theme is under MIT license and free for personal and commercial usage
This theme is based on simplegrid css / https://thisisdallas.github.io/Simple-Grid/ and font awesome icons / https://fontawesome.io/
DEMO URL: https://eunion.info/xoops/xsimpleblocks
GITHUB https://github.com/XoopsThemes/xsimpleblocks
Author: Brutalicuss support@eunion.info
This theme looks like any other, my first - xsimplegrid, but its really quite different
- there is smart fast menu with almost automated links to our instaled modules, user login or not, new messages, admin menu link
- there is simple top sliders for home and content pages
- parallax image between top and bottom blocks
- as usual background sliders for system and contents
- little breadcrumb over contents
- automated custom banner if system banner is off
- as usual fine social and search fields at the bottom
- OK and most important - mani, mani different blocks configuration:
The is 25 possible, different top (bottom) block configuration on the template, 12 bottom (top) and 5 for footer blocks (see usage.txt and screenshots in docs folder, also you can view now in the demo - gallery)
The theme is clean for W3 validation, simple to use for own projects and as I believe looks modern and 100% responsive for mobile and tablets.
Repository: xsimplegrid
Created at: 12/18/2015 17:06 Updated at: 02/24/2018 2:11
xSimpleGrid Theme from Brutalicuss for Xoops 2.5.9 (based on SimpleGrid from https://thisisdallas.github.io/Simple-Grid/)
Visit us on https://xoops.org
Theme name: xsimplegrid
Version 1.3 Final (for XOOPS 2.5.9)
This is mobile responsive theme for XOOPS CMS / www.xoops.org
This template is FREE to use, moderate and publish for any project, personal or commercial
Author: Brutalicuss (support@eunion.info) Demo: https://eunion.info/xoops/xsimplegrid
Repository: restaurant-theme
Created at: 07/07/2021 10:37 Updated at: 12/15/2017 16:25
Repository: xbootstrap
Created at: 05/04/2015 2:46 Updated at: 07/03/2017 5:38
xBootstrap is a theme for XOOPS (www.xoops.org) developed with Bootstrap.
Online demo: https://demo.xoopsfire.com
Shareaholic support
Previously, social sharing links through Shareaholic were automatically enabled. These are now optional and disabled by default. To enable Shareaholic support follow these steps:
- Visit https://shareaholic.com to create an account and register your site
- Take note of the Site Id code Shareaholic assigns to your site
- Open the template file tpl/shareaholic-script.tpl in your editor
- Replace the n/a in this line
<{assign var='siteId' value='n/a'}>
with the Site Id Shareaholic assigned to you, and save the file
You can customize how Shareaholic interacts with your site in the Site Tools
Dashboard on shareaholic.com. You may want to create an Inline App Location
on that page to customize the Share Buttons. These buttons will be shown in
templates such as modules/publisher/publisher_item.tpl with this line:
<div class='shareaholic-canvas' data-app='share_buttons' data-app-id=''></div>
Repository: OLD-THEMES
Created at: 07/03/2017 5:12 Updated at: 07/03/2017 5:24
You can explore older XOOPS themes in these archives:
XOOPS Themes Archive < 2.0.14 (Note: These themes most probably won't work without changes)
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xsimplegrid2
Created at: 12/20/2015 21:17 Updated at: 12/24/2015 22:37
xSimpleGrid2 Theme from Brutalicuss for Xoops 2.5.x (using SimpleGrid from https://thisisdallas.github.io/Simple-Grid/)
Visit us on https://xoops.org
Repository: beauty_class
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:49
Beauty_class Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: theme2014
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:12 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:49
Theme2014 Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: school2014
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
School2014 Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: school2012
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
School2012 Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: sailing
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:12 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
Sailing Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: randall_bootstrap001
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:48
Randall_bootstrap001 Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: randall
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Randall Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: infoway
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Infoway Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: corporate_blue
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Corporate_blue Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: bootstrap-biz
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:11 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:47
Bootstrap-biz Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: white
Created at: 12/20/2015 3:12 Updated at: 12/20/2015 3:46
White Theme for XOOPS CMS 2.5.x
Visit us on https://xoops.org
This Theme made by Tad0616 (https://github.com/tad0616)
Repository: blog
Created at: 09/13/2015 0:52 Updated at: 09/13/2015 1:10
Blog theme designed specifically for XOOPS Publisher module (by Heyula)
Visit us on https://xoops.org
Repository: XDBiz
Created at: 07/28/2015 22:50 Updated at: 07/30/2015 13:10
Repository: XDBlue_sofa
Created at: 07/28/2015 23:01 Updated at: 07/30/2015 13:09
XDBlue_sofa Xoops 2.5.x theme from Tatane (2 columns theme)
Visit us on https://xoops.org
Repository: Sd-099-Theme-Surprice
Created at: 07/28/2015 22:02 Updated at: 07/28/2015 22:46
Sd-099-Theme-Surprice Xoops 2.5.x theme from Sinnedesign (2 columns theme)
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Our repository for modules for XOOPS 2.5.x
Repository: xmsocial
Created at: 02/10/2019 12:17 Updated at: 01/07/2023 20:16
Module complémentaire a d'autres modules pour des fonctions sociales
Repository: xmdoc
Created at: 07/05/2017 14:17 Updated at: 01/05/2023 20:57
xmdoc module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
xmdoc module for XOOPS CMS is a documents management module.
This module is initially complementary to the modules of the xm-modules series. In fact, associated with these, it will allow you to add documents to your articles (xmnews module) and to your static pages (xmcontent module). It is possible to integrate into any module! To do this, just follow the tutorial on https://www.monxoops.fr.
Here are some interesting elements of the module:
Fine management of rights by user groups, for each category (Access, Suggest, Edit and Approve, Delete)
Anti-leeching filter possible with list of authorized sites
Possible limitation of the number of downloads for each file in 24 hours per user
Choice of authorized extensions (from a list> 100)
Multi-languages FR GB/US
Please visit us on https://www.monxoops.fr
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xmcontact
Created at: 06/20/2016 8:22 Updated at: 01/04/2023 17:54
Repository: xmnews
Created at: 10/26/2019 19:25 Updated at: 01/03/2023 21:19
xmnews module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
xmnews module for XOOPS CMS is a simple module for creating news (articles) for XOOPS. This complete module is an interesting alternative for posting articles on its website. This module is in line with the other modules of the XM family.
The latest new features from xoops are implemented. The module is delivered with basic bootsrap 3 compatible templates. If you are not using a bootstrap 3 theme, you will need to create your templates using the overloading of templates in your theme. In the extra folder you will find 100% responsive bootstrap 4 compatible templates. In the future only the bootstrap 4 templates will be offered.
The main points of the module are:
• Category management.
• Full permissions to customize access.
• Keywords (SEO) customizable for each article or automatic if the field is free.
• Automatic description (SEO) for each article.
• Management of possible articles from the user side (addition, validation, deletion and cloning).
• Several blocks available (Recent, most viewed, random and awaiting validation).
• etc.
Please visit us on https://www.monxoops.fr
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: xmcontent
Created at: 07/06/2016 20:15 Updated at: 01/03/2023 19:24
xmcontent module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+
xmcontent module for XOOPS CMS is a content management module.
This module that will meet your initial need to create and manage pages of information that are simple to implement and effective.
Here are some interesting elements of the module:
Managing Pages
Search for the page by title, by status (On / Off / All)
Sort by page weight
Detailed management of access rights by user groups, for each page
Image associated with the page
Fast page cloning
Choice of the main page of the module: existing page or list of pages ("Display on the main page" option)
Short description possible for a display on the main page of the module
Image associated with the page
Status: Enabled / Disabled
Display of the page title
Display on the main page of the module
Activation of comments, managed for each page (or global management in the module)
Using a custom css file for content pages
Customizable keywords (SEO) per page or self-generated
Description (SEO) customizable by page or self-generated
Please visit us on https://www.monxoops.fr
Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS
Repository: XoopsFrench
Created at: 06/24/2018 19:12 Updated at: 02/20/2020 20:19
Traduction française de xoops 2.5.9 et 2.5.10
1-Télécharger la version actuelle de la traduction.
2-Copier le contenu du dossier "htdocs" à la racine du site.
3-Modifier la langue dans les préférences.
4-XOOPS est maintenant en français!