WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 22 (July 2009)

Date 2009/7/3 7:30:00 | Topic: World of Xoops (WOX)

WOX - World Of Xoops

W.O.X. - WORLD OF XOOPS #22 (July 2009)

Welcome to the July 2009 issue of WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter  (see here previous versions

As always, as the first thing in each newsletter we wanted to express our gratitude to all of you who have donated money to XOOPS Foundation! We truly appreciate your trust and support! 

This month was especially busy for Wishcraft who again created couple of new modules: Genobio 0.13 (Alpha) and Lawsuit 1.05 (Beta), and updated several of his older modules: Spiders 1.06, X-Reaggregator 2.20. Also very busy were sinnedesign and Algalochkin releasing several new Themes. Thank you all!!!!

And we finally have some tangible designs for the new XOOPS Website Theme, and meaningful discussions.

The work is also going on the next release of XOOPS: 2.3.4. Trabis and Wishcraft have been very hard at work, and we should expect the first Beta release sometime next week.

Highlights of the last month:


Another very successful month for XOOPS! Government of Parana is promoting XOOPS to its developers, and we finally are heading slowly for o new them for the XOOPS Website!

Check out updated news from around the world - it's always nice to see activities in local XOOPS Websites. Please keep us posted about new developments, so we can keep the worldwide XOOPS community updated!!!

Remember - XOOPS is powered by YOU!!!!

01. Donations

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If you like the XOOPS system, and would like to give something in return, you can make a donation to the XOOPS Foundation! Simply use the XOOPS Donation System and use your PayPal account or your Credit Card to donate .

Your donation will be used to promote and advance the use and development of the XOOPS system. The XOOPS Foundation is a registered not-for-profit organization in the USA, dedicated to promote XOOPS! All donators will get the Friend of XOOPS rank here on this website. Thanks to all the Friends of XOOPS for their donations and continued support!

If you wonder what is happening with XOOPS money, please read the 2008 XOOPS Financial Report

This month we would like to acknowledge following donors:

  • Ian A. Underwood (iunderwood): $15
  • Peter Melgert: $5

Thank you so much for supporting XOOPS!!!!

03. XOOPSers of the Month

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Our "XOOPSer of the Month" Award is given to XOOPS members who show extraordinary dedication to XOOPS, and go the extra mile for XOOPS. Sometimes they do something spectacular, but most of the time they just do something everyday, but by doing it day-in and day-out, they make a BIG DIFFERENCE in life of XOOPS community. And we thank them for that!!!

This month, we would like to recognize Michael Albertsen (culex) from Denmark for his support on our Forums

Where are you from, and where do you live now?

Living in Denmark, city of Skagen

How long have you been programming?

Hmm good question. I started making small programs on my commodore 64 back in the good old 80's, this lead to amiga in the 90s and then came a long break from learning. Late in the 90's I began learning html and last 4 years I have been looking at php (a little on/of) until now that is.

What is your expertise?

Actually my main computer skills are placed along the sound editing area, which is pretty far from php, but still getting better (I hope) at programming.

What got you to XOOPS?

I was updating the website of "Tiger FM", a local radio station, but people still needed me to post news, pictures, edit streams and post them. From Google I stumbled upon http://www.xoops.org and realized that if I tried this, they could do most of it themselves from the radio.

What do you like the most about XOOPS?

The potential. Dusins of people working together to improve every aspect of the project. There's basically nothing you cannot do with xoops.

In what area of XOOPS do you contribute and why?

Still working on my first module (100% xoops coded) and I feel every time I write 1-2 lines I learn something new. Hopefully with this new knowledge I can help someone having the same obsticals I have/had. I am pretty curious from nature so these problems I havent encountered yet I am sure I will plow into at some time.

What you you major achievement in programming that you're most proud of?

This award obviously. And of course the feeling you get when making onair and you see it working.

What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

Music. Used to work as a DJ but had to give it up. The weekend is short enough as it is. I still have a few shows at the local radio station and still do some odd jobs mixing music, making ids etc.

You favorite dish and drink?

Food in general is my favourite. Havent tryed anything I didn't like yet. Coffey is a must have! But I would never turn down a cold beer. (I recommend Zagorka or Red Carlsberg)

What about movies and music?

Definitely horror / mystery movies. As for music basically anything goes.

As for music I like almost anything. From Händel - Lascia ch'io pianga to Illdisposed - Dark.

If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

Don't be afraid to take chances or to make changes but take your time to use logic in the time between (30 seconds is a lot of speaking for a commercial )

If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why?

"Right now" and "right here" feel pretty good for now, but ask me again Monday and I'll give another answer probably.

Who is the person that you would like to meet and why? 

Hmm don't know, there are so many but there is no one I would just die to meet. Plato maybe ..but I don't speak Greek.

04. XOOPS Innovation Award

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Our XOOPS Innovation Award is given to people who create something very unique and very innovative for XOOPS! We are clear that XOOPS can only succeed, when we push the limits of our creativity, imagination, and innovation to "infinity and beyond" . And therefore we would like to recognize people who create this "WOW!" effect, when we see what they've done. The XOOPS Innovation Award is not a monthly award, i.e. theoretically, there might be a month where we won't give one, but we certainly hope that this will never happen

Xoops Innovation Award Xoops Innovation Award

This month the Innovation Award goes to Ruoyu SUN (insraq) from China for his innovative work on XOOPS China Website.  

Where are you from, and where do you live now?

I was born in Qingdao and now I live in Hong Kong.

How long have you been programming?

I started learning design in 2002 and joined XOOPS China in 2004 as a designer.

What is your expertise?

I'm good at UE/UI, Web Design(XHTML+CSS).

What got you to XOOPS?

I learnt about XOOPS through Google. And phppp(aka. D.J.) invited me to join XOOPS China. Since then I've been working with XOOPS.

What do you like the most about XOOPS?

I like the theme engine(Smarty) a lot. It makes designing much easier.

Why did you decide to work on the XOOPS China new look?

The old theme of XOOPS China was a little bit out of fashion. I think, as the official Chinese support site, XOOPS China should have a stylish look to attract new users.

Where do you get your inspiration?

I studied some successful cases of CMS official sites and got an idea of page layout from them. I referred to many great Web 2.0 designs and learnt a lot from them, too.

I understand, you're still studying at a University. Are you going to be a professional designer?

Maybe not. I’m a PAC (professional accountancy) major and as I live in Hong Kong, studying business might be a reasonable choice. But I’ll treat designing as part of my career because I simply like it.

What are your hobbies, when you're not coding?

Movies, music and reading.

You favorite dish and drink?

Well, I’m not particular about it. I like Chinese food but I’d like to try exotic dishes.

What about movies and music?

I like movies and music but I don’t have a specified favorite.

If you would have a chance for a 30 seconds commercial with a message to the world, what would you say?

Please upgrade IE 6 to some standards-compatible browsers.

If you could choose a place and time to live, what would it be and why?

Probably I would chose living in the Ottoman Empire time, especially in 1453 when taking Istanbul. Being a soldier in this time must be a privilege.

Who is the person that you would like to meet and why?

I would like to go to the US after graduating from my university because there are many great universities in the States.

05. New/Updated Modules

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06. New Hacks

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07. Security Issues/Alerts

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07. YAXS, Sites using XOOPS

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08. Tutorials/Add-ons

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09. New/Updated Themes

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10. New Translations

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We are still looking for more translations!!! Can you help? See the list here

11. News from around the World

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12. Local supportssts

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13. How to contribute

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This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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