Spiders 2.60 - Robot/Spider/Crawler Manager

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Spiders 2.60

Spiders is a tool for managing your spiders, crawlers and robots that come to your site. It also utilises cloud technology to spread the robots around the network using the cloud as an SEO Advantage.

This will allow you to assign User Agents of a robot to a user and user group, which means you can control with xoops permissioning the crawl radius on your site. It is also a useful tool to use if you need to by generating a secondary group for banned and aggressive bots and assigning the user for that bot to it.

There have been some improvements to the maths system that is used to identify a robot. I suggest a match percentile of around 53% which is the last option in the preferences. You can get a list of robots from the cloud as well as add robots or change details of a robot in the cloud by using the send option in the installed robots section of the software. This will lodge a modification notices on http://www.xortify.com and when maintenance is time and due the robot or crawler is added.

It will also not only import robots off the cloud but will also import a robots.txt - There are also other options with this tool as well the cloud maintains a list of current subscribers that are being crawled and populates only on the robot page an SEO Footer for catch and spread of bots around the network, this will also improve your SEO Score, you can also turn sharing off in the preferences, but i recommend you use this with xortify.

Where can I download this from?

Direct: xoops2.4_spiders_2.60.zip (103Kb)
Mirror: xoops2.4_spiders_2.60.zip (103Kb)
SVN: xoops2.4_spiders_2.60.zip (103Kb)

What is fixed in this version?
  • Mozilla client logging in as robot - based on scoring system change
  • Googlebot Identifity passing unnoticed
  • Cloud Functions & Plugins
  • CURL API use
  • furl open API use
  • SEO Footer
  • Match Scoring System

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WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 37 (October 2010)

WOX - World Of Xoops

XOOPS 2.5.0 is coming soon!!!!

Welcome to the October 2010 issue of WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter  - (see here previous versions

It's been an exciting time for XOOPS in the last few weeks - we've made it to the Packt's Top 5 Open Source CMS, (for the 3rd year in a row) and we're pushing forward with XOOPS 2.5.0, which will be definitely the best XOOPS ever!

But as always, as the first thing in each newsletter we wanted to express our gratitude to all of you who have donated money to XOOPS Foundation! We truly appreciate your trust and support!  This month there was only a one donation, which is kind of disappointing.

The work on XOOPS 2.5.0 is fast and furious (see latest development on SVN), with a RC being done yesterday, and hopefully a Final version just around the corner.

The number of XOOPS fans on Facebook is growing is constantly growing, and it almost double from where we started just couple of months ago. If you are not yet our Facebook fan, please join us today!

Highlights of the last month:

  • XOOPS is in Top 5 Open Source CMS in Packt's Publishing Awards (don't forget to vote today!!!)
  • XOOPS 2.5.0 RC has been released (see latest development on SVN)
  • XOOPS Innovation Award - for people who create something very unique and innovative for XOOPS. This time the award goes to to Alexander Galochkin (algalochkin) from Russia, for his innovative IXTFrameWork theme management module!  This is his 3d Innovation Award! 
  • XOOPSer of the Month Awardis given to XOOPS members who show extraordinary dedication to XOOPS, and go the extra mile for XOOPS. This month, it goes to Philippe Masson (Philou) from XOOPS France , where he is one of the Webmasters, for all the support there. 


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XOOPS 2.5 RC Released

Resized Image The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce that a new version of the Top 5 Finalist of 2010 Packt Open Source CMS - XOOPS 2.5.0 RC is available for download. (Don't forget to vote for XOOPS: read here) Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image The XOOPS 2.5.0 release is a major redesign of the System Module which has been AJAX-ed with jQuery done mainly by Nicolas Andricq (ForMusS), Cointin Maxime (kraven_30), and Grégory Mage (Mage). Other major contributors include Trabis, Voltan, Kris_fr, and Marco. Some of the new features are truly amazing, like the visual placement of blocks, and we're sure that the users will love them Other major improvements/additions include: - Added: Help System for Admin and modules (see PM module) - Added: MySQL Dump in Maintenance - Added: New Redirect messaging - Added: Column sorting in tables - Added: smarty plugin for icon pack - Added: smarty plugin for breadcrumb navigation - Added: jQuery plugins for display popup or manage drag & drop - Added: File Manager (Plugin) - Added: Maintenance with Cache Clean-up, and Tables Maintenance - Added: Visual module ordering with drag & drop - Added: Visual block placement with drag & drop - Added: Refactor all PHP code for use XOOPS API - Added: Use template in the same way that front user, admin side for module can call a main template define in xoops_version.php - Added: Allow override of template in admin theme like frontend if we set template in ADMIN_THEME - Added: New variable 'system_menu' in xoops_version.php of each module, this variable generate a tab menu for module admin side if set to 1, this feature is for give one unique tab menu for all menu (eg: module PM for). - Added: add jquery plugin in xoops_lib - Added: change install for install admin template and admin setting - Added: manage editor for blocks, comments and for all module if module developper want to use it activate or deactivate system section - Added: choose number of line for admin section - Added: display or hide tips Avatar: - activate/deactivate avatar with ajax Banners: - jquery popup for display banners Block admin: - drag n drop block for manage position and weight - jquery popup for preview Comments: - multiple selection for deletion - purge Groups: - number of user per group - new disposition Images: - lightbox preview + thumbs Modulea Admin: - jquery popup for display info Preferences: - system settings Smilies: - activate/deactivate smilies with ajax Templates: - manage overide of all template online - generated file come from database User Rank: - activate/deactivate userrank with ajax Users: - advanced user management - new disposition - simple and advance search For a detailed Change log, please click here. Videos To see the main features of XOOPS 2.5.0, check out the following videos that were made for the Alpha release: a) In Spanish (by Uskola 2) b) In English (by Vamptrix) c) In English (by Mamba) d) In French (by tutoxoops)


Please remember: This is Release Candidate version for features testing only!!!! DO NOT install it on a production site and DO NOT upgrade any production site with it!!! ==> New in this release - upgrading from older XOOPS version Download it from Sourceforge repository. Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this forum We also need help with Translations
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SamOcean Design chooses XOOPS for www.SamOcean.com

We just created our new site: http://www.SamOcean.com.

We've chosen XOOPS because it is really best CMS portal system.

The site is in three languages English, Turkish, Russian.

Please visit our site, write your thoughts and comments about the site - your feedback its important to us .

We hope you will like it.

Regards ...
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4 XOOPS Themes by IXThemes 4.1 are released

4 XOOPS Themes by IXThemes 4.1 are released

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What Differences IXThemes Release 4.1 from Other Themes?

- Any Block in Slideshow,
- 3000+ of Layout Variants,
- 9 Widgetized Areas,
- 7 Slideshow Scenarios,
- 3 Variants of Preheader,
- Stretched Content Area,
- Beautiful Tooltips,
- Slider with Bullets Pagination,
- Sidebars on/off Switching,
- Footer on/off Switching.

Other Useful Properties of Themes by IXThemes (see demo):

- 1-2-3 Columns Page Layout,
- Compatible with a MyMenus module,
- Compatible with a FREE IXTFrameWork 1.0.3 module,
- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8, Maxthon, SeaMonkey;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns width according to your desire;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Custom Widgets or Module Blocks;
- Two Control Zones for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Zone (none, search, menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery 1.4.2 Library included;
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout;

What Themes are Available in 4.1 Release?

ixt02901 XOOPS Theme,

ixt02903 XOOPS Theme,

ixt02904 XOOPS Theme,

ixt02905 XOOPS Theme


LucidPresets 0.1a: a module to save config and available admin menus

LucidPresets 0.1a is released.

Module fonctionnality :

- Save / restore config options to switch between different sites
- Remove unused items in admin menus

Uses the translucide admin theme. Apply translucide admin theme after installing the module in order for it to work properly.

Download here :


Comments and suggestions are welcome :
info [at] translucidedesign.com
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Lucid Dashboard 0.1a : an Ext-JS admin interface for xoops (alpha release)

Here is a screenshot of what it should look like :

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Here is the link to download the module :

You have to activate the translucide admin theme after installing the module in order for it to work.

Send your comments and suggestions to :
info [at] translucidedesign.com
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Free Xoops themes for you

Three Themes by Limonads.com

Theme Rock01 :

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Theme BlogPurple :

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Theme BlogBlue :

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For Downloads click here

Soon there will be others ...

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Classifieds 2.5.1 Released

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I have released version 2.5.1 of the Classifieds Module.

This is basically a bug fix for 2.5 with one addition.
Now when administering the categories you can now let premium users not be moderated when everyone else is.

Classifieds 2.5.1

For Xoops versions 2.3.3b and up

Get it Here

Report Errors Here

Read the README file

Classifieds no longer uses lightbox. Now it uses a jquery plugin for Colorbox
Now Classifieds uses bezoom (http://benjaminmock.de/bezoom-jquery-plugin/) for its magnification.
Search by State/Region and/or category and/or between 2 prices

Fixed : Users could rate their own ad, not anymore.
Fixed : All reported errors
Fixed : changed $mail =& getMailer(); to $mail =& xoops_getMailer(); in admin/index.php
Fixed : admin/category.php fixed category being changed to moderated after modification.
Added : New Config in preferences to allow admin to receive an e-mail if any listing is modified.
Added : New Config in preferences to allow admin to limit number of ads a regular user can have, and a premium user can have
Added : In Category admin - added moderate premium users modifications.


Admin can choose to moderate listings by choosing that option in the category setup.
Admin can limit number of photos a listing can have.
Admin can limit number of ads a regular user can have, and a premium user can have
Admin can limit how long ads can last
Ads can be marked sold, and set to expire X days after marked sold.
Admin can choose upload directory.
Admin can choose default sort order
Will send an e-mail to the user X days before ad expires.
Can use Extra code in between listings. EX. banners, google code
Admin can choose to use search or not
Can be used in more than one country
Admin can choose to receive an e-mail if any listing is modified.
Xoops Notifications
Photos use colorbox for effects and bezoom for magnification
Admin can choose which editor the users can use.
Admin can allow users to use differnt e-mails or names
Admin can allow premium users modifications to not be moderated when everone else is.
Group Permissions - By category and group
Members page - Users can see all ads by a user and the submitter can see any replies to their ads.
Search by State/Region and/or category and/or between 2 prices.

tested on servers with these specs

php - 5.29
mysql - 5.0.91-community
searver api - cgi-fcgi

php - 5.3.3
mysql - 5.1.46
server api - apache2handler
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Gwloto - web based hazardous energy control plan manager

hhttp://geekwright.com/ has released recently Gwloto - web based hazardous energy control plan manager module.

It is designed to facilitate the communication and tracking of vital safety procedures to enable workers to safely accomplish maintenance tasks through a documented lockout and tagout program (LOTA).

Lockout/Tagout is a vital safety process, protecting workers from potentially life threatening injury from unexpected energy discharge while performing their assigned duties. In its simplest form, energy control can be just unplugging a piece of equipment before servicing it. But, as the energy complexity of the work place increases, so does the planning needed to protect a worker from the dangers of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, and other energies. In complex process industries, isolating a single piece of equipment for servicing can involve 100 or more distinct actions to create a safely de-energized working environment.

Assisting this process through automation with software can be beneficial, but until now, this required writing custom software or relying on proprietary tools. With the release of gwloto, a complete free and open source software solution stack is now available off the shelf.

Gwloto features:

* Manage control plans to safely de-energize, inspect and re-energize equipment for maintenance

* Create jobs to plan, assign, track and record the execution of control plans

* Associate existing business documents, such as forms, with plans

* Meet the needs of the modern workforce with multilingual capabilities

* Customize for specific requirements with plug-in based output options

* Separate roles in the enterprise with granular permissions

* Support unlimited users anywhere with web based design

Manual: here

Demo: here

Download: here
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