Inception 2.0: free premium theme for XOOPS

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I am pleased to announce the availability of the new version of Inception, a theme for XOOPS with premium quality, but totally free.

A long time ago I published this theme for the first time at the site of XOOPS and became very popular almost immediately. Now after a long time, public order version 2.0, an update necessary and improving the overall quality of the item.

Theme Features

Inception take advantage of the possibilities offered by xThemes (though not all) to provide a highly customizable theme for multipurpose use. Among the main features of the theme are:

  • An innovative design with a stunning cover.
  • Control Panel to configure every detail of the theme as colors, fonts, sliders, content, footer, etc.
  • Integrated with MyWords.
  • Two customizable menus: top and main navigation.
  • Multilanguage Support and easily translatable using PoEdit.

Thanks to these features, and because it uses xThemes as base, with Inception you can create your own style, adapting the colors and fonts to your liking, and specifying the type of background you want. Actually, the limit is in you.


Inception requires the installation of certain components to function properly:

Remember that each module has its own requirements to function properly.

Download Inception 2.0 View Demo

Problems? Help?

If you find any error in the subject I invite you to report it to the repository of the topic, using the tool that provides GitHub for this purpose.

Via: Xoops Mexico

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XOOPS standardizes its Documentation on GitBook Platform

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We are happy to announce that going forward XOOPS is standardizing its all Documentation on the GitBook Platform

As you can see above, we have already converted several of our documents to GitBook, and there will be more coming

In the meantime please go to our GitBook Repository, check it out, and let us know what you think.

Why GitBook?

GitBook is a tool for building beautiful books using Markdown syntax. It can generate your book in multiple formats: PDF, ePub, mobi or as a Website. By leveraging GitHub, it provides the best collaboration tool for developers and documentation writers to work together, and with an excellent Versioning system as a foundation.

The biggest advantage for Open Source projects such as XOOPS, is that everybody can contribute to the documentation by simply forking the document and submitting changes back to the team.

Another advantage of GitBook is the option to have multi-lingual versions in one single repository, with users being able to select their own language. Since XOOPS is a very international project, this is very important to us.

Some of the key features:

Version Control, GitBook is based on GIT scm. A simple "git push" is enough to publish a new version.

Markdown, books are written using the markdown syntax. Asciidoc and TeX support is planned.

Simple to update, publish and update your books easily using Git or the editor.

Responsive, books can be read on all devices, laptops, tablets, phones, kindles, etc.

E-book readers, books are readable on the Amazon Kindle, Nook and other readers (PDF, ePub, Mobi).

GitHub, write your book on GitHub and publish it in seconds through GitBook.

Choose your price, or accept donations, from $0 (or free) to $100.

Communicate, update and engage your readers with the progress of your work.

This is a very exciting for us, because we know that while XOOPS was always known for a very good code and great modular architecture, we were never able to create good documentation.

We believe that thanks to GitBook we have now found a tool that will help us to:

a) streamline the documentation process and make it more efficient

b) engage the community by leveraging the same "forking and submitting pull requests" process as they are already using at their normal coding activities.

For the people who would like to help us:

1) We have documented the XOOPS Documentation Process, so please review it and let us know if it works for you

2) We have created a "XOOPS Docs Starter Kit" with a predefined folder and file structure, that you can use to jump-start your project

We hope that once you realize how easy it is to contribute, you'll help us to make XOOPS Documentation really shine!!!

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XOOPS Security Patch Released

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of a security patch for XOOPS 2.5.7 Final.

This patch for XOOPS 2.5.7 corrects the following issues:

- CSRF and XSS issues reported by Dingjie 'Daniel' Yang of Web Security Lens
- XSS and best practice issues reported by Narendra Bhati

We would like to specifically thank our friends Dingjie 'Daniel' Yang of Web Security Lens and Narendra Bhati, who notified us about these issues, and to Richard (aka Geekwright), our Core Team Leader, who provided the fixes.

All XOOPS 2.5.7 users are advised to apply this patch as soon as possible.

Download: You can download the patch from XOOPS File Repository on SourceForge

Any users that are running an older XOOPS version are advised to update to XOOPS now, which includes the patch.

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You can find more information about the original XOOPS 2.5.7 release in this article
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The MVC pattern in Common Utilities

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Probably very few of you know it, but Common Utilities have included since version 2.2, a basic implementation of the pattern MVC (Model - View - Controller). In this article I will give you a basic explanation of its operation in Common Utilities and integrated modules. If you still do not know what MVC is, please read this article on Wikipedia to learn more about it. How MVC works in Common Utilities When a module uses the MVC features of Common Utilities, all requests are received through the URL and it's the job of RMCommon to receive, process and direct them to the appropriate module. To achieve that, RMCommon includes an appropriate option to specify where to receive requests for each module. This is done through the configuration, indicating the URL you use each module. For example, if the module is that we look for is located in the "inventory" directory, and RMCommon configuration has established as their path to the folder "inventory" when RMCommon receives a request to the URL automatically redirect the request to . This means that the module will respond to all requests made ​​with . URL Parameters Once RMCommon knows where to locate each module, you can tell that we get the module by specifying the parameters of the URL. Parameters provided must be written in the form module / controller / action / other-parameters . This simple format allows all requests to the module, which are handled by RMCommon follows: Common Utilities finds the appropriate driver folder controllers within the module's directory. Take for example the URL library / books / list / category / bestsellers / The process is as follows: The corresponding module is located library. Depending on the routes that have been configured, this directory could match the directory of the module or be a different one. In this sample library is the directory of the module. Common Utilities driver looking books in the directory controllers of the module library , and loads the PHP class. Now find the corresponding method to the action list and processes the request by passing the parameters category = bestsellers . These parameters must always be in pairs. After processing the data, Common Utilities get the template (view) and returns the corresponding result. Some conventions in this How to locate the controllers? To begin, the drivers should be located as files within the directory controllers of each module. In addition, there are certain rules for naming files that contain drivers. In our example (yes, the library) the driver file should be called books-controller.php . In addition, this file should contain a class, the controller itself, named as follows: Library_Books_Controller and must inherit from the main class RMController . Finally, the class must contain a method called list , which will be invoked by RMCommon to present a result. Until here everything is clear? So these are the rules: - The driver files must be located in the directory controllers of the module. - The file name must follow the rule -controller.php . - The controlling class within the file must be named _ _controller , and should contain as many methods as actions are to be processed. The methods / actions should be named according to the action requested by the URL. If the action is called form , the created class must contain a method form () . If the action is called categories-form , then the class must contain a method called categories_form () . A controller class looks like this:
class  Mymodule_Nombrecontrolador_Controller  extends  RMController 

RMModuleAjax ,  RMProperties ,  RMModels ;

    public  function 
__construct () { 
parent :: __construct (); 
this -> default  =  'index' ;  // default action 
this -> controller =  'categories' 

    public  function 
index () { 
// Logic index action

This -> tpl -> header () 
requires this -> parent -> view 
this -> tpl -> footer (); 
What about the models? Models are only accessible through the controller. This means that they can only be used by the methods of the controller class. The models also have some specific rules: - Must be located in the module's /models folder . - A model file must be named as -model.php . - The file must contain a class named _ _model . A typical statement from an exact model would be:
class  Mymodule_Nombremodelo_Model  extends  RMActiveRecord 

RMModels ;

    public  function 
__construct () {

parent :: __construct (  'model' ,  'module'  );

        / **
Titles table fields
* / 
this -> titles = array ( 
'column'  => __ (  'Column Title' ,  'module'  ), 
'column2'  => __ (  'Title column2' ,  'module'  ), 

And the views? Eventually we get the Views. These are actually templates that are derived from the name of the action. For the above example, where the module is used library and the driver is requested books for executing the method (action) list , Common Utilities get the template list.php , because it is the one that corresponds to the action list . Easy, right? It follows that the view files (templates) should be appointed as the action (controller method) running. If our action is the name of form , so our staff must be appointed form.php . If the action is the name -form categories , also our file should be named categories-form.php . One more thing. The Views, as in any module, should be stored in the directory templates module, but not directly, but in appropriate subfolder, depending on the following cases. - Templates Folder can contain standard templates (as commonly used in the modules). - Modules can have templates for the control panel or section templates for public, therefore within the directory /templates there should be two subfolders: backend and frontend . - Within each of these subfolders there should be a new subfolder for each driver that handles Views. If the driver is called categories, then there must be a subfolder called categories where the Views will be kept for each action. This new approach of module development in XOOPS enables faster and more structured development. Furthermore, with its auxiliary objects, Common Utilities facilitates the implementation of AJAX in modules allowing more intuitive and easy to use experience for users.

xBootstrap 1.03 Final


The new version 1.03 of of the xBootstrap theme is an update with a focus on compatibility with the NewBB module, in addition to other improvements that have been made.

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- Support for NewBB module (Angelo Rocha)
- Update Bootstrap vertion to 3.3.1 (Angelo Rocha)
- Update PM and Profile extension template files (Angelo Rocha)
- Fix grid layout (Angelo Rocha)
- Other minors Adjustsments (Angelo Rocha)
- Added Masonry Cascading grid layout library - (Angelo Rocha)
- New News module grid (Angelo Rocha)
- Added grid function in js.js (Angelo Rocha)
- Fix bug in tdmdownloads, div unclosed (Angelo Rocha)
- Fix bug in tdmdownloads, modal description link ID (Angelo Rocha)
- Fix tdmdownloads index grid (Angelo Rocha)
- New extgallery grid system (Angelo Rocha)

Download here!

Demo: Click Here!

Source code on Github

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Introducing the new site for Common Utilities

I want to introduce you the new Common Utilities web site, created to provide information about the module and a fixed point for distribution. Resized Image
This site has been created using GitHub pages and its construction still is in progress. Visit Visit the project on GitHub
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QuickPages 2.0 RC available for download!

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Eduardo Cortés (aka BitC3R0) has just released QuickPages 2.0 RC for XOOPS 2.5.7

QuickPages module belongs to a new generation of modules for XOOPS based on Common Utilities. This allows you to better utilize all the cool features currently provided by XOOPS and the power and beauty offered by Common Utilities.

QuickPages allows you to create semi-static pages easily and quickly. It is ideal for Landing Pages, Sales Pages and any other Marketing site. You can create a single or a few pages, or even a full Website.

QuickPages support templates for every page. That means that you can provide to your pages an incredible appearance and functionallity.

These are some of the QuickPages features:

- Single pages
- Home pages
- Standalone pages
- Categories organization
- Templates for pages


XOOPS 2.5.6 or 2.5.7
Common Utilities 2.2
AdvancedForms for Common Utilities


Install QuickPages normally, as any other module for XOOPS and Common Utilities.

Download: click here

Common Utilities for XOOPS 2.5.7 released

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Eduardo Cortés (aka BitC3R0) has just released Common Utilities for XOOPS 2.5.7

As every creation of Eduardo, this module is an amazing work! There are too many fantastic features to mention, but some that are really cool are:

- One-Click Updates
- URL Rewriting
- Form Fields
- Custom Codes
- Configuration System
- in-Line Docs
- Plugins Support

This module is for the current XOOPS 2.5.7, but the most important news is that Eduardo is starting to integrate the visual behavior of Common Utilities to XOOPS 2.6.0 !!!

Once ported to XOOPS 2.6.0, you can consider it as the "Presentation Layer" for XOOPS 2.6.0! The plan is to use it as the foundation for all future modules of XOOPS 2.6.0+. Combined with all the great work done on XOOPS 2.6.0 Core by Richard (Geekwright), and previously by Nicolas (ForMuss) and Ricardo (Trabis), this will be a XOOPS like never seen before.

So go and check it out on your XOOPS 2.5.7, let us know if you like the direction XOOPS is heading!

Download: click here

Visualization of XOOPS 2.6.0 development on GitHub: One year in 45 seconds

Gource is a software version control visualization tool, and it can create very cool videos showing the development over time.

Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre. Directories appear as branches with files as leaves. Developers can be seen working on the tree at the times they contributed to the project.

Below you can see the XOOPS 2.6.0 development on GitHub: one year in 45 seconds


XOOPS supports "Hour of Code" (Dec. 8 - 14, 2014)

Join the Hour of Code December 8 - 14, 2014

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. One-hour tutorials are available in over 30 languages. No experience needed. Ages 4 to 104.
Last year hundreds of organizations joined together to create fun introductions to programming for all to learn. This year the goal is to get 100 million participants from all across the globe.

Let's make sure that ALL schools where you live are represented, and all children have the opportunity to have their "Hour of Code"

If you organize an "Hour of Code" event, or volunteer for one, please share it here with us!

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