myxoopscart V0.3 (December 2002) Anyone who had troubles with the old versions and the tricky absolute and relative paths should read on and give it try!
I would like to announce that I have released WFSection v0.9 (Stable) and I would like to thank all the people who have helped me make this module a powerful tool for Xoops users.
I recommend that if you have a previous version of WFSection then I strongly urge you to upgrade to this one.
This is a brief explanation of how to place a program under the GNU General Public License or the Lesser General Public License. (The Lesser GPL, also called the LGPL, has superseded the Library GPL, which was also called the LGPL.) If you are looking for more detailed information, consider perusing our list of frequently-asked questions about the GNU General Public License.
Excuse for my english Here it is practically finished - installation of the mask for the files class and js - setting in files of the images - xoopseration lol of the module - correction various bugs - mods multilanguage activated (french and english)
This package includes numerous bug fixes that have been reported since 1.3.4/1.3.5 (formerly RC3.0.4/RC3.0.5). This does not mean that we are delaying the release of upcoming XOOPS 2.0.0, but it is to make the 1.3 series more stable, as most of people will still be using these versions for some more time.
If your having problems, please re-download the upgrade and renistall. We found a couple of bugs that are hopefully fixed.