TBDev 1.04 - Stable - Torrent Tracker for XOOPS

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TBDev 1.04
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-Op

A TBDev tracker is a server that assists in the communication between peers using the BitTorrent protocol. It is also, in the absence of extensions to the original protocol, the only major critical point, as clients are required to communicate with the tracker to initiate downloads. Clients that have already begun downloading also communicate with the tracker periodically to negotiate with newer peers and provide statistics; however, after the initial reception of peer data, peer communication can continue without a tracker.

This is a Private tracker; a private tracker is this TBDev tracker that restricts use, by requiring users to register with the site. The method for controlling registration used amongst many private trackers is an invitation system, in which active and contributing members are given the ability to grant a new user permission to register at the site. Invitations, typically sent via email or an invite code system, are normally granted to active users who have uploaded a pre-determined amount or meet specific upload-to-download ratio requirements.

Trading invites for different sites is highly frowned upon in the private Torrent community as it allows anti-piracy groups to infiltrate private trackers more easily. Most private trackers monitor how much users upload or download, and in most situations, enforce a minimum upload-to-download ratio.

Some of the allure of private tracker versus a public one are: higher speeds, a tighter community, and safer downloads. Private trackers implement a strict set of rules, so generally files containing malware are extremely uncommon. Many private trackers keep in close contact with each other, so bad users (who trade invites or attempt to fake their ratio) can be quickly blacklisted. Almost all private trackers implement a passkey system, where each user is given a personalized announce URL so if there is unauthorized distribution, it can be pinpointed to the user responsible. Some private trackers have a higher level of security than others — many sites only allow their users to refer to their site as an abbreviation, and never as the site's full name or URL. Other trackers restrict invites to outstanding members, and many trackers, to increase security, have eliminated the invite system altogether. An example of a private tracker is Oink's Pink Palace, which was forcibly shut down in late 2007 by law enforcement officials.

The downside is that in a closed community it can be hard for all members to maintain the required ratio. Competitions may be offered, with prizes of improved ratios. Some trackers will exchange ratio credit for donations. Some trackers will also use "free leech" systems to improve the users ratio. When downloading a free leech torrent only the upload gets logged in, the download is ignored. Usually large torrents are offered as free leech. Seeding to a ratio of at least 1 is still recommended even for free leech torrents.

See: http://www.tbdev.net/ for more information

Features Include
  • Torrent Upload
  • Bitbucket Upload
  • Categories
  • Closed Scrape
  • Closed Announce Tracker
  • Classic TB Dev with templates
  • XOOPS User compatibility

Bugs Fixed
  • Main header not loading on some files

Download: xoops2.5_tbdev_1.04.zip - 1.4Mbs
Sourceforge: xoops2.5_tbdev_1.04.zip - 1.4Mbs
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Bugs & Comments Thread: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74153&post_id=340807#forumpost340807
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XQuiz 1.05 RC - Questionair Module Based on Formulair

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XQuiz 1.05 RC
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

Xquiz allows you to place forms based on questionairs to a user into a database, and then display them based on permissions on the user interface. You will be able to run a questionairs as well as score with a checkbox, option or select on the form and have your questionair emailed to you as well as the responses recorded in the database.

XQuiz 1.05 RC is the release candidate and is based on 'formulair 3.33', it has been refactorised as well as made slightly functionally different with an inclusion of a scoring system put in place for checkboxes, radio options as well as select and multiselect. With the current features of forumlair but designed as a questionair application, this will allow you to collect information based on form inputs as well as export those results into a CSV.

There is a mirade of options with this application.

Sponsored by

New Features Include
  • Multiple Forms
  • Multiple Elements
  • Form Permissions
  • Element Permissions
  • CSV Export
  • Refactorised Formulair
  • Scores for questionairs to display ranged answers

Bugs Fixed
  • No Known Bug - please report them

Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Download: xoops2.5_xquiz_1.05.zip - 264Kb
Sourceforge Mirror: xoops2.5_xquiz_1.05.zip - 264Kb
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Commercial: ELECTRONICS is a new LOWCOST Theme by IXThemes

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-1000px WIDTH,
- Drag&Drop Image Uploader,
-WYSIWYG Fonts Resizer,
-230 Addons Fonts,
-130+ FREE Videos How To

More about ELECTRONICS Theme
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Xortify 2.5.3

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Xortify 2.5.3
Community Release by - Chronolabs Co-op

Xortify is a network security drone that uses Web 2.0 techniques to link between your XOOPS installs and other via a Server Cloud. This will prevent security intrusions to your xoops with accurate deceptive notation of the intruder and prevent any farmed attacks. It is an accessory and required Protector to be installed an running to be part of the hookup. Otherwise it will run without protector just make sure you deselect protector as a provider.

It will display a template if you are banned and is an accessory to protector or any other firewall technology. The site itself is driven from http://xortify.chronolabs.coop and mirrored at http://www.xortify.com .. Cloud computing is web 2.0/3.0 stuff it used a SOAP or JSON, XML or Serialisation to exchange on the API backend to work, this will eventually be included in xoops as a support class.

A cloud computing process is one which staggers multiple networks sometime and mainly unknown to the webmaster into a network or cloud of data. In this example it is IP and Netaddy names to control access lists.

This will prevent predators from exposing your network to lag and other attacks from link farming, often this means many xoops are attacked in occasions which is all the time caught by protector, this way if an attack is in process across a large spectrum of links, your site will down itself to your sourced attack even if it is discovered on a completely unaffiliated site that is link farmed to yours or on a XOOPS User list.

Xortify is a cloud solution to protectors Bad IPs, if someone attempts to hack your site and becomes a bad IP it will then send the IP to the Ban Cloud on Xortify.com and its paired cloud Xortify.chronolabs.coop. It will also poll the server to make sure it has the latest ban list so your website will be aware of malusers before they attack through farming IP from services like Google or bing.

Watch this video to understand more about Xortify!

Download: xoops2.5_xortify_2.53.zip - 152Kb
Sourceforge Mirror: xoops2.5_xortify_2.53.zip - 152Kb
Server: xoops2.5_xortify-server_1.26.zip - 1.61Mb
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Forum for comment & reviews: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74137&post_id=340737#forumpost340737
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Spiders 2.7.3

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Spiders 2.7.3
Community Release by - Chronolabs Co-op

Spiders is a robot manager tool, that imports a list of all crawler and scanner robots on the web. It allows you to use XOOPS Permissiveness to control the data that robots list online your site. It will also log the robot in using a post loader and display when the robot is online on you 'Whos Online'.

Do you want your robots like GoogleBot, Yahoo Slurp! and others to log in and identify on your xoops installation? Then spiders is for you!!! The robot text file used is taken from an online resource of Robot data and stores it in your database. Remember to adjust your mainfile.php to include the post loader after the common file is loaded. Robot Manager (Spiders) is a good way to control what your site displays in search engines.

Watch this video to understand more about spiders!

New Features
  • Pre PHP 5.2 Compatibility
  • Search Functions Included

Some of the Features
  • Clean Robots-all.txt with over 200 bots
  • Try Exceptions added to API Calls for seemless entry
  • Complete Restricted Keywords
  • Polls API in SOAP
  • Polls API in cURL JSON
  • Polls API in cURL XML
  • Polls API in cURL Serialised
  • Polls API in wGET JSON
  • Polls API in wGET XML
  • Polls API in wGET Serialised
  • Modification & Live Area
  • Easy Xortify Signup
  • Improved Preloads
  • SEO Advantage Sharer
  • Upgrade Path Maintained
  • SEO URL Rewrites
  • User Interface

Bugs Fixed
  • Warnings Fixed
  • Notices Fixed
  • JSON_Services Duplicated Add
  • wGET Polling
  • CURL Polling
  • Xortify Preferences URI
  • No option of what protocol to use

Spider is only written for XOOPS 2.4 and later.

Download: xoops2.5_spiders_2.73.zip (153Kb)
Sourceforge Mirror: xoops2.5_spiders_2.73.zip
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop/
Forum for comments & reviews: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74136&post_id=340736#forumpost340736

Upgrade Instructions:

If you haven't set permission throughout your XOOPS Site for Robots then it is a simple case of uninstalling and re-installing then importing the current robots-all.txt. However if you have set permissions then I suggest you follow the steps as so. a) import robots-all.txt b) change 'Protected Keywords from Useragents' in Robot Managers (spiders) preferences to contain at least these keywords without the carriage return ::

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FmContent 1.1 alpha

At this version we've added some new additions:

- Add uploading function in utils class (Voltan)
- Add setpermission function in perm class (Voltan)
- Add upload image for topics (Voltan)
- Add delete option for images (Voltan)
- Add Breadcrumb function in utils class (Voltan)
- Add contentDefault function in page class (Voltan)
- Add homepage function in utils class for manage module index page (Voltan) - [Not complated yet]
- Improve permission page (Voltan)
- Add topic URL function (Voltan)
- Add function for show subtopic contents in main topic (Voltan)
- Add Rebuild Alias function (Voltan)
- Add Set and reset Next and Previous function automatically (Voltan)
- Add change topic order whit AJAX (Voltan)
- Add new options for make URL (Voltan)
- Add Show/hide topic in index page (Voltan)
- Add support for module admin class (Voltan)

Please test this version to help us improve and fix bugs

Download: from SourceForge
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XDSandy : Free template for Xoops

XDSandy is made from the default template and theme templatemo_320_sandy

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Number of columns: 1 (exclusively left)

works with : Xoops 2.4.x and 2.5.x

works with :
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Downloading here
Displaying here
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Commercial: NEW ZEALAND is a fluid width XOOPS Theme by IXThemes

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- Drag&Drop Image Uploader compatible with Apache, CGI, CGI/FastCGI,
- WYSIWYG Fonts Resizer,
- 230 Addons Fonts,
- 120+ FREE Videos How To

More about NEW ZEALAND Theme
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X-Forum 5.78

X-Forum 5.78
Multifielded Forum with Extras, Multisite & Multilingual
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

X-Forum is a completely extensible forum module for XOOPS, this is the complete stable release of the first version of 5 series, it includes multiple fields specifiable per post on individualized forums much like profile module.

Designed for XOOPS 2.4 and later version, it was written in response to problems with earlier forum titles, that had in some cases installation issues. With a broad range of options. X-Forum is a great solution to your forum requirements, complete with RSS Features and image management. It will utilise a wide range of options and allow your community to discuss issues, raise topic and solution. Complete with .htaccess example and SEO with a medium URL.

It has the ability to aggregate categories and forums to languages as well as domains with multisite 1.40 or X-Language. This means you can have forms and forum which only display on particular domains or under certain languages.

With X-Forum you can have all the convenience of the modular newbb path without the result. Based on CBB with a sound environment that even your grandma can use, I know mine does this is solid stuff coming directly to you under GNU Licenses.

Complete with Easy Path SEO Guide and help in the preference, you can even with some simple SQL Injections transfer your old CBB 2.x or 3.x over to X-Forum with ease. NOTICE!!! The .htaccess has changed since version 5.75!! - this is included in the /docs path of the archive.

New Features:
  • Display groups for Online Display

Refactory Done:
  • No More Art Object - XOOPS 3.0 Compatible *
  • TCPDF - Used for PDF Generation
  • Multisite Support
  • X-Language/Multilingual Mode

Bugs Fixed:
  • Extras Class not Found in Objects for Multifielding
  • Post missing from populate URL
  • No View for Admin of Pending Posts
  • No View for Admin of Deleted Posts
  • PageNav postioning and Post number hightlight
  • .htaccess Bugs (Jumpbox, Main Options, Quick Reply + All Others)
  • WSDO for view forum ctrl+bug
  • WSOD for Block Last topic
  • Extra Fields Missing From Compact Display
  • Old Social Network Adds Removed
  • PDF Output now available

Download Now: xoops2.5_xforum_5.78.zip (6.1 MB)
Demo Now: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
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TwitterBomb 1.15

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TwitterBomb 1.15
Community Release by Chronolabs co-op

Twitter Bomb allows you to place segments of a tweet into a database, and aggregate via services like twitterfeed.com tweets based on a sentence formed from a matrix of basis of sentences. You will be able to run a campaign on twitter and have your sentences randomly made from the segments of sentences known in this applicaion as the 'base' of the phrase.

Since this version there is also now two type of campaigns you can run, either a phrase bombing, or a scheduled tweet. You can import a list from a text file or log file, where each line is periodically tweeted on twitter as per your schedule. Including tabled filters for easy use and maintence as well as harvesting plugins that allow you to develop with TwitterBomb to retireve information from other sources like API, databases, text files, SOAP ports or many other places like modules on your website.

TwitterBomb 1.15 is the new Stable Release, we don't expect to be doing anymore releases of this application which is XOOPS 2.4 compatible as it is full of features and has all the nessecary details for expansion with plugins but after this we will be migrating to the module class wrapper making it only 2.5 compatible.

There is a mirade of options with this application. You can specify URLS to pass someone too included in the URL can be the phrase in a URL Encoded string so you can direct people to search engines and topics to do with the sentence.

Check out TwitterBomb in action YouTube with this How To Instruction Video:

New Features Include
  • Bit.ly URL Shortening
  • Mounts as Twitter Application
  • oAuth Classes
  • Following Cron Job
  • Gathering Cron Job
  • Tweeting Cron Job
  • Following Log
  • Trending Keyphrase

Some Features Include
  • Filters
  • Tag Module
  • Asiigning twitter usernames to a nick
  • Tweet Scheduler
  • tweet Importing
  • Usage Log
  • Filter Plugins for Tweet Scheduler
  • Logging Plugins
  • Keyphrase Harvesting Plugins
  • .htaccess SEO
  • Exclusive and Inclusive Categories
  • Ban Protection
  • Activity Hit Count & Latest Time
  • URLs for Tweets
  • Part Base of Sentences
  • Campaigns
  • Categories
  • Sentence Makeup Matrix
  • Twitter Usernames

Bugs Fixed
  • Config Specification
  • oAuth Actions
  • Cron Jobs
  • User Details MD5 Miscalculated
  • Broad Criteria Selection for Campaign and Category
  • User Additions of Twitter Usernames
  • WSDO on Keyphrase Matrix
  • WSDO on Keyword (Sentence) Matrix
  • .htaccess SEO is inclusive of go.html
  • Category Save on Campaign Trail in Admin List
  • Two Fields missing from SQL File
  • Feed Cache
  • SEO URL for RSS using wrong ending
  • Only one campaign feed showing
  • Missing Twitter Username after @ in feed
  • Language Constants

Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Download: xoops2.5_twitterbomb_1.15.zip - 151Kb
Comments & Reviews: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74123&post_id=340632#forumpost340632
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