Modules: ecoTut: a mixture of FAQ & Tutorial module

Posted by: hsalazarOn 2003/8/21 17:30:28 5544 reads
WF-ECB ecoTut is a question-answer and tutorial module (FAQ-Tut => Tut) where you can give your users information to frequently asked questions, or give a complete instruction about many subjects like informatics, how to make a cake... All in one area.

This module is based on WF-FAQ, by Catzwolf. I rebuilt this module for a specific purpose: in my school, we have many departments :informatics, Math, Physics... What would happen if each department wanted to post their own FAQ or Tutorial in one area like the common FAQ module? They'd be all mingled. So I re-arranged and added a new ability for this module: created a Supercategory [to define departments] -> Category [for a content category, each one having its own editor] -> Topic [so that only the editor can post and edit, or remove content...]

The module's available on the downloads area of this site. Please try it and comment on its use.

[Edited by hsalazar]