Modules: CD Base 1.2.2: New version of discographies module

Posted by: eggmcmuffinOn 2003/5/12 17:58:31 10143 reads
This module shows a list of artists and their albums.

Features in new version:

- Covers of albums (popup, front and back)
- Group artists by Genres
- Lyrics of the songs (popup, with print and mailto options)
- New Disc Block
- Image manager integration
- Some more data fields of the artists (website, similar artists, genre) and discs (url to buy)
- Bio field now support bbcodes
- General arrange of templates
- Show New and Updated icons for artists in main page
- Comments activated for artist
- Included Search in artist name and album titles
- Notification when new artist or new disc is added.

In the download section of this site.