YAXS: Bluetopia - Open Source Software Enginnering

Posted by: danielbluesOn 2003/3/26 14:52:39 5381 reads
With the http://datsun1200.com popularity, the belief in the XOOPS project, the fact I'm using XOOPS professionally in my company's intranet (and future internet page), wanting to do some more XOOPS modules and sites and the need to move to the next $tep in my ISP cable connection, I decided to go for the business of supporting XOOPS in particular and open source in general.

With a full open source attitude and the initial humble financial goal of supporting a dedicated server.

Just started, but check us out at:

I will give a more formal introduction to the hole project when we have a better definition of the product/service on our homepage. This one was due to release of myAlbum update and mrbs.

Projects running:
viewcvs wrapper
awstats wrapper
phpwiki (just started)
auto registry (just started)

Sites running
Datsun 1200 Club
Xoops pt/br support
