Modules: New module wgXPiwik

Posted by: goffyOn 2016/5/15 23:49:10 4320 reads
Dear Xoopsers

I would like to present my latest module wgXPiwik:
This Xoops module implementes Piwik for your XOOPS website.

- Piwik is included in the module
- Installing Piwik can be started from module, but you can't admin Piwik itself (create user, admin user rights,...) via this module. You have to use Piwik Admin GUI.
- You can provide Piwik Charts/Widgets via iframe on user site. As Piwik function 'logme' is used, therefore no separate login for your users is necessary.
- The permissions for XOOPS User you can set per group in the module
- Tracking will be done via a block. Therefore you can activate tracking only for specific modules, all modules or only the Start-page.

Detailed tutorial:

For detailed information about Piwik and widgets of Piwik goto