YAXS: Xoopstastic.com is now open!

Posted by: bitceroOn 2015/5/6 13:00:00 6983 reads
I'm very happy to announce that xoopstastic.com is now open! Xoopstastic.com is a premium resources centre. This means that, on the site, you'll find a selection of best themes, modules, plugins and other elements, commercial end free. Currently, the site is in the early stage, so only the section of themes is active, but gradually I'll include another sections for modules, plugins and others. Also, in near future, I plan to open the site for those developers and designers that wish to distribute their work (free or commercial) trough a unified system. Site Details The website is bulding using the next components: - XOOPS - Professional Works - QuickPages - xThemes - Common Utilities - bXpress - Advanced Forms - Ayah - Lightbox - Gravatar - eJunkie integrator - WowThemes! All these components has been integrated to provide the needed functionality. Also, almost all these components are freely available, with exception of eJunkie integrator and WowThemes, both developed specially for xoopstastic.com.