YAXS: Not Bad!

Posted by: finalfilerOn 2002/1/21 0:37:19 3961 reads
Two Australian based sites are now moving to XOOP. One is http://www.finalfiler.com, a specialist database management company, and the GravEmail, the journal of the Cemeteries & Crematoria Association of New South Wales, Australia - http://www.ccansw.org.au/gravemail

finalfiler.com will complete the entire move withing the next few days.

However, the http://www.ccansw.org.au/gravemail conversion is prooving frustrating. The membership, a very conservative bunch, argues it is comfortable with the current "Moveable Type" publishing system ( http://www.ccansw.org.au/mt/gravemail . The webmaster's persuasive attempts to argue that XOOPS will provide a far more comprehensive and easier to manage system seem to be failing. A big stick approach my be required :)

Nevertheless, finalfiler.com will definitely be XOOPS driven.