Modules: UHQ_GeoLocate v0.94 Released!
Posted by: iunderwoodOn 2013/6/28 18:44:49 5124 readsIt's been about 2 1/2 years since I've really done much with this module, and since a friend of mine has been prodding me into getting some coding going again, I thought this would be a good module to do a few updates to. What's changed?
Release 0.94 :: June 15, 2013
Feature Adds
Ability to cache IPv6 queries w/ API calls.
MaxMind GeoIP API now supports IPv6 queries.
IPinfoDB v3 API now supports IPv6 queries.
Code Changes
Converted to XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI (Mamba)
Further optimization of the geolocate.class, code collapses.
Change log also in text format, since it's supported in the Admin GUI.
Development environment is now XOOPS 2.5.6.
Release 0.93 :: June 11, 2013
Feature Adds
Added ability to expire cached entries after an arbitrary number of days.
Added IPInfoDB v3 API support w/ city and country-level lookups (IPv4).
Added support (IPv4).
Code Changes
Minor code cleanups and optimizations.
Removes distribution sample binary files if the module is already installed.
Fixed module upgrade script for v0.91 upgrades.
The code repository for the module is now hosted on GitHub under uhq_geolocate for anyone who is interested. Additionally, the module strings now note the underscore in the module name.
Downloadable here: