Modules: SmartClone 1.10 Beta 1 and cloning of XOOPS Modules

Posted by: MambaOn 2013/3/23 23:10:30 5621 reads
SmartClone is a module that will clone with 2 clicks any module that is developed as clonable! It works with a plugin system so any module developer can create a plugin for its module and allow SmartClone to painlessly clone it!

There are certain requirements for a module to be clonable, among them - a consistent way of naming tables, language variables, etc. We'll have soon a guidelines on how to make your module "clonable".

As a test, you can clone, for example, the WF-Downloads 3.22 RC1, or some of the Smart modules, like the SmartFAQ.

As a matter of fact, I used SmartClone just recently to clone WF-Downloads into a "Repository" module, that is being now used on XOOPS Website (see this thread)

The goal is to have the most important XOOPS modules that are part of the Module Packs, clonable. We probably will have some kind of voting on this, and use some logic to decide which ones are the best for cloning.

Download: SourceForge File Repository

Please help us with testing of this module.

Please discuss the module and module cloning in this thread