Modules: Tutorials V2.1 is ready!

Posted by: TodiOn 2003/2/6 12:59:37 5597 reads
Tutorials V2.1 is now finished. It runs under Xoops 1.3.x and 2.0.

Current features:

- Add, modify and delete as many as desired categories and subcategories inclusive appropriate picture and description
- Creation of groups in each category (optional)
- Add, modify and delete from Tutorials or other contents

- easy upload of pictures for categories and Tutorials (optional)
- Useruploads allowed or disallowed
- Category and Tutorial logos can be scale proportionally up to the max. fixed size
- Show external tutorial link in an own window or in the framebrowser
- Rating system for the Tutorials
- Template system for you own layout

Some language files for this module are missing. You make a translation in your language for this module? Then contact me please, or send me your language files.
Some user translated unfortunately the old language files of the version 2.0! But this is version 2.1! Please contact me again.

You can download the new version from

Greets Todi