Modules: Imprint v1.02 Beta With GUI 2.5

Posted by: timgnoOn 2012/5/8 2:41:41 6775 reads
Start with the new Imprint and total reconstruction of the TXMod Xoops modules upgraded to xoops of GUI 2.5. The news are mostly in the reconstruction of the administrative side, a remake of the source code with the class moduleadmin, which has now supplanted the Admin class that was in all modules. Frameworks included in this class, we can draw on it without having to make too much modules.

The innovations that have been included, in addition to the administrative side of this form are fields for text in administration and improved with a new graphical user side via templates and css style.

And 'possible to customize it easily, not having too many files to edit, adapt it freely at any site.

You can see a Demo and you can download from here