Modules: X-REST 1.52 - Rest API with JSON, XML & PHP Serialisation Response

Posted by: wishcraftOn 2012/1/9 0:58:49 6522 reads
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Rest API with JSON, XML & Serial Response
Community Release by Fibredyne Pty Ltd

X-REST 1.50 is a REST API for XOOPS 2.x series. It will work with earlier version of xoops as well upto XOOPS 2.5. It provides a full REST API with JSON, XML and Serialisation Responses. It uses the standard plugin set for the other APIs as well as this one to provide a streamlined solution to APIs on your site, the plugins are compatible with all other API by chronolabs. You may be familar with a REST api such as the ones at Google, Twitter, Facebook etc, this is just the same but allowing for API Action on your own website.

There is two reserved variables on the REST API which are the following: xrestplugin & outputmode.

To call a REST API Function you must know the filename of the plugin, say it is called plugin.php then the following call will call the function on the API. ./xrest/plugin/?var1=example1&var2=example2 or for an XML response you would call ./xrest/plugin/xml/?var1=example1&var2=example2 and of course for PHP Serialisation you could call ./xrest/plugin/serial/?var1=example1&var2=example2 - you can also POST to the api where you can call the following folder for the plugin function where the variables defined in the plugins XSD var1 and var2 are posted using cURL or other systems headers. In this example the variable xrestplugin would equal plugin. You can change the output mode where JSON is the default, by specifying in the variables outputmode=xml for xml output, outputmode=serial for PHP Serilisation output and the standard where you don't need to specify is JSON for outputmode=json for JSON output.

New Features Include:
  • XOOPS 2.5 GUI with About & Dashboard
  • Cache Cleanup Preloader
  • Result Cache
  • XOOPS Blue Room Classes

Some Features Include:
  • Database Access permissioning (Needs to be implemented in plugin)
  • XOOPS User Permissions
  • XOOPS Group Permissions
  • Universal Plugin Set

System Requirements:
  • XOOPS 2.5.x

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