Modules: extGallery version 1.09 final

Posted by: voltanOn 2011/5/27 4:27:54 10105 reads
After some months development version 1.09 available for use.In this version a team of developers work together for development and test. some of important changes in this version is :

- 5.3.0 Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated PHP 5.3 (davidenprossi)
- Support XOOPS 2.5.x and PHP 5.3.x (davidenprossi)
- Add Form Options - Eneabled both Description & Extra Field for html input In options HTML has to be enabled.
enable_rating, enable_info, enable_resolution, enable_download, enable_date
enable_ecards, enable_submitter_lnk, enable_photo_hits
- Add Preferences Options for xoopseditor selection and some info enable/disable view (davidenprossi)
- Add new lang constants for added Preferences Options in languages/english/modinfo.php (davidenprossi)
- Add new options for template display (davidenprossi)
- Display ecards (davidenprossi)
- changed all themes from using: title="<{$photo.photo_desc}>" to title="<{$photo.photo_title}>" (davidenprossi)
- fixed no title no desc on standard UPLOAD now when title and desc are added they will be saved (davidenprossi)
- on Batch upload file name will be parsed and inserted into the title (davidenprossi)
- fixed many other minor issues (davidenprossi)
- Changed $ to moo in mootools-1.2.1.js and in slideshow libs for jquery compatability issues for xoops 2.5.0 (davidenprossi)
- Add wysiwyg editors from xoopseditors (davidenprossi)
- Add display set order (voltan)
- Menu generated by system module (mageg - voltan)
- Add icons for menus (voltan)
- Change module template type like new system module (voltan)
- Add Ajax effects for show photos in public-album : lightbox , overlay , tooltip , fansybox , prettphoyo and normal (voltan)
- Add Ajax effects for show photos in public-useralbum : lightbox , overlay , tooltip , fansybox , prettphoyo and normal (voltan)
- Add Ajax effects for show photos in Photo View block : lightbox , overlay , tooltip , fansybox , prettphoyo , jcarousel and normal (voltan)
- Add Ajax effects for slideshow page : Gallery , galleria , microGallery , galleriffic (voltan - goffy)
- Add Ajax effects for slideshow block : Gallery , galleria , microGallery (voltan)
- Fix bug : Block Top Submiter don't have block options and name (voltan)
- Add album page in admin area for manage album effect options (voltan)
- Change slideshow script from mootools to jquery and add some scripts and options (voltan)
- Add jQuery enables/disables (voltan)
- Add Bookmarkme and Social network (voltan)
- Add sort photo (Burning)
- Move Number of Columns and Number of Lines setting to Album page (voltan)
- Add DISPLAY PUBLICATION DATE (MAGE - voltan - davidenprossi)
- Change cat_weight in db from tinyint(4) to int(11) (voltan)
- Add tag module support (voltan)
- Add check photo_approved class/photoHandler.php for get photo information (voltan)
- Add rss output for new photos (voltan)
- Add option for max photo size for upload (voltan)
- Upload original photo whit out watermark and border

You can download this version from here

All templates changed in this version . if you have customize templates in your theme folder ( XOOPS_ROOT/themes/YOUR_THEME/modules/extgallery ) , you must delete them