Modules: TDMDownloads 1.6 Beta Released

Posted by: MageOn 2011/4/18 20:03:36 7152 reads
The new version of "TDMDownloads" was released.

This is a beta version, thank you for the test.

List of bugs:

- It was impossible to choose categories to show in the block admin (nothing is shown) (Mage).
- In the modification request, if the logo doesn't exist, the default value wasn't "blank.gif" (Mage).
- In the editing form of a download file, the date wasn't the current date (Mage).
- Permissions by files don't run well (Mage).
- In visit.php the url of download can cause a problem (Fabrice59).
- Call of inexistent file in class tree.php (Mage).
- the category title isn't informed in the notification message "category_newfile_notify.tpl" (Mage).

List of improvements:

- Admission area has be recoded to be 100% compatible with xoops 2.5 (Mage).
- Organization of preferences by sections (Mage).
- We can now choose the number of columns to show the categories (Mage).
- We can now choose the number of columns to show the downloads (Mage).
- Add of RSS Feeds to the module (Mage).
- Categories descriptions are now shown in viewcat.php (Mage).
- We can now show the logo (or a screenshot) of the download and its description in all blocks (Mage).
- System of limitation of downloading (Voltan, Mage).
- The images 'new', 'updated' et 'popular' are now specific to each language (Mage, Mariane)
- Adding a search block (Mage, Mariane)


- See the file "lang_diff.txt" for changes in language.


1 - You have to delete the existent folder "TDMDownloads" in "modules".
2 - Upload the new folder "TDMDownloads" to your server in the "modules" folder.
3 - Update the module.
4 - Go to each block, then edit the options (important to insure the function of the blocks).

System requirements
XOOPS >= 2.5

Any PHP version >= 5.2

MySQL server 5.0+

Downloads: TDMDownloads 1.6 Beta