YAXS: Xortify Song

Posted by: wishcraftOn 2011/4/13 11:02:39 4646 reads
Xortify Song
by Binary Corpse
Creative Commons License

My Friend Ben Reid from Binary Corpse was amuzing himself about the bans listed on xortify twitter account. He decided while working on the XOOPS Song as you requested all hardcore with metally bit in geek metal, we would also make the XOOPS Song a film clip.

These are typical westcoast american hardcore style songs which only normally go for a minute forty, this is a minute fifthy and is 4Mb MP3 layer codec.

We will have the New XOOPS Song out soon with geeky style hardcore and a film clip featuring open source and hot dogs and garnet lane.

But when it is all finished you will be able to download the soundtrack an film clip from the binary area of Chronolabs, or watch on youtube.


* xortify.mp3 - 4Mbs

Xortify was recently featured in the SecurityBananas tabloit as the greatest thing in cloud security at that time for a twitter news paper which are all the rage these days.