YAXS: Graneroverde : a new website based on XOOPS

Posted by: marianeOn 2010/9/3 18:20:00 6438 reads
hello Xoopsers,

I am happy to share with you a new Lebanese website I created, based on XOOPS 2.4.5. It's Graneroverde, a small touristic project in the Lebanese mountains.

Resized Image

First, a big thanks for Mage, nikita, and Mowaffaq for their precious helps to do many necessary hacks for modules.

The modules used are :
- Publisher : to do news and internal pages.
- Extgallery 1.07 with lightbox effects on the horizontal random block : this module is used as photo album.
- TDMDownloads 1.5 with many hacks : while there isn't a rental module in XOOPS , (or at least I dont know it), it was necessary to me to make online chalet rental system by using TDMDownloads after adding a reservation form in the page of each chalet, also by making several changes to the language and templates.
the form is added by Mage.
- xfguestbook 2.5 to create a guestbook
- Google map
- tad_faq : to create the frequenty asked questions regarding online reservation and registration on the website.
- Contact 1.07
- Simple counter to count visits
- al-rased to view visitors by states
- sitemap
- my menus 1.1
- sweatherbloc to show weather block
- PM
- User Profile.

The theme is based on maitscocorporate, most picutres and icons are bought from http://www.dreamstime.com

Please visit the Website at http://www.graneroverde.com