YAXS: Swayamsat Updated to xoops 2.4.5

Posted by: nmshahOn 2010/8/27 7:10:00 5850 reads
Swayamsat is an organization dedicated to the behavioral, emotional and mental growth for individuals, couples, children, teens, families and Corporates for the advancement of their personal growth through education, intervention and guidance.

Its website has been updated to xoops 2.4.5

Modules used:
1. Defacer 1
2. Simpliwiki 1.1
3. Publisher 1
4. xforms 1
5. tadgallery 1.3
6. piCal 0.93
7. User Profile 1.58
8. X-Aggregator 2.25
9. mytabs 2.2
10. Protector 3.4
11. Tellafriend 1.05
12. xoopscare 1.4
13. cbb 4.03

I will like to thank the entire xoops community for all the help I have received here. I had no idea about web design till a couple of years back but with all the help received here I have successfuly built sites using xoops.

Special thanks to all the module developers and to ghia and mamba for putting in all the efforts....

Visit the site here

And kindly review this website specially the design part and suggest ways to improve it...

Thanks again...