YAXS: New XOOPS website from Brazil - Faculdade FAVENI

Posted by: lmzanOn 2010/7/23 14:20:00 7101 reads

I'd like to share with XOOPS Community our newest website in XOOPS 2.4.4.:


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Faculdade FAVENI is a private college in Venda Nova do Imigrante - ES, Brazil. The classes for this semester started last Monday so now the students can access their college website powered by XOOPS!

I hope they like it, and you too!

The modules are as usual:
- News 1.68
- Liaise 1.27
- Mastop Publish 1.1
- Mastop Go2

In Module News I've changed the system comments for Disqus, let's see how it works.

There are still some changes in progress but the site is good to go.

And let's spread XOOPS ALL around!!