Modules: New FriendFinder version 3.05

Posted by: eagle81On 2002/11/11 18:29:20 5368 reads
Hi @ all

This weekend I finished beta testing for the new friendfinder release 3.05 and it is ready for public release.

What has been changed in the friendfinder with the new version 3.05:
- index.php non xoops user will not see link for edit and delete a profile
- foot.php links has been deleted.
- email.php and pref.php new feature added: Now you can create a message footer for every email.
- added tchinese lang files.
- global added $picsize to langfiles that caluclated the right pic size from the values the admin enters.
- pref.php added new user handling features: You can now allow/forbid anonymous to search or to send emails.
- pref.php added posibility for admin to choose if he wants the new profile via mail or not. And you cann choose mail address.
- search.php and view.php implemented the features mentiond above.
- search.php changed search mechanism.
- Block for friendfinder has been written that shows a random profile.
- edit.php and members/index.php bug sex/partner has been fixed.

You can download it here: